Proof of concept of a WordPress mu-plugin to automatically disable plugins that start throwing errors.
Plugin Name: Plugin Debugging Tool
Description: Attempt to automatically de-activate plugins that are causing errors. Doesn't always work. This must be installed in the mu-plugins directory.
Author: Chase C. Miller
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
namespace Crumbls\Debug\Plugins;
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
class Plugin
protected static $errHandler = false;
protected static $errLog = [];
public function __construct()
public static function getInstance()
static $instance;
$class = get_called_class();
if (!$instance instanceof $class) {
$instance = new $class;
add_action('admin_notices', [get_called_class(), 'adminNotice']);
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [get_called_class(), 'adminEnqueue'], 10, 1);
self::$errHandler = set_error_handler([get_called_class(), 'errorHandler']);
set_exception_handler([get_called_class(), 'errorHandler']);
add_filter('option_active_plugins', [get_called_class(), 'filterActivePlugins'], PHP_INT_MAX, 1);
add_action('shutdown', [get_called_class(), 'wordpressShutdown'], PHP_INT_MAX);
register_shutdown_function([get_called_class(), 'systemShutdown']);
return $instance;
* Tied to filter "option_active_plugins"
* @param array $plugins
* @return array
public static function filterActivePlugins($plugins = [])
global $wp_object_cache;
if (!$dis = get_option('disabled_plugins', [])) {
return $plugins;
* Re-enable plugins when activate is clicked again.
* This ugly and doesn't verify the user can do it, but it works for now.
if (
array_key_exists('plugin', $_REQUEST)
array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST)
$_REQUEST['action'] == 'activate'
strpos(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'plugins.php') === 0
) {
$dis = array_filter($dis, function ($e) {
return strtolower($e[2]) != strtolower($_REQUEST['plugin']);
update_option('disabled_plugins', $dis, true);
// Return plugins, with disabled not activated.
$plugins = array_diff($plugins, array_column($dis, 2));
return $plugins;
* Handle Shutdowns
* @return bool
public static function wordpressShutdown()
// The following plugins gave a horrible error.
if (!self::$errLog) {
return true;
$option = get_option('disabled_plugins', []);
$option = array_column($option, null, 'f');
foreach (self::$errLog as $err) {
if (array_key_exists($err[2], $option)) {
$option[$err[2]] = $err;
update_option('disabled_plugins', $option, true);
return true;
* Tied to register_shutdown_function
* Not currently used.
public static function systemShutdown()
// echo __METHOD__;
* Error handling.
public static function errorHandler($n = null, $s = null, $f = null, $ln = null)
if (is_object($n) && get_class($n) == 'Exception') {
$s = $n->getMessage();
$f = $n->getFile();
$ln = $n->getLine();
$n = $n->getCode();
if (
strpos($f, WP_CONTENT_DIR) !== 0
strpos($f, WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/') !== 0
) {
// Send to default error handler.
$func = self::$errHandler;
echo $n;
return call_user_func($func, $n, $s, $f, $ln);
$f = substr($f, strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/'));
self::$errLog[] = [$n, $s, $f, $ln];
return true;
* Admin Notices
public static function adminNotice()
if (!stripos(__FILE__, '/mu-plugins/') || true) {
<div class="notice notice-warning">
<p><?php _e('Plugin Debugging Tool must be moved to mu-plugins to work.', __NAMESPACE__); ?></p>
* Enqueue special CSS on our plugin page to let users know what plugins are busted.
* @param null $hook
public static function adminEnqueue($hook = null)
if ($hook != 'plugins.php') {
if (!$option = get_option('disabled_plugins', [])) {
echo '<style>';
foreach ($option as $e) {
printf('.plugins tr[data-plugin="%s"] { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5) !important; }', $e[2]);
echo '</style>';