Using Vim, you can split a window and look at and edit a file in two different places at the same time with the :sp command. :vsp will split the window vertically.
Holding down ctrl-w and then w will move the cursor to the next window.
ctrl-w s can also be used the split a window and ctrl-w v will split the window vertically
:q will close the window you are currently in.
You can open a different window into a vertical split window with :vsp filename
And you can exchange two windows using ctrl-w x
Ctrl-w r will rotate my open windows and ctrl-w R will rotation the windows in the opposite direction.
Other shortcuts:
ctrl-w t = go to top left window
ctrl-w b = go to bottom right window
ctrl-w h = go one window to the left
ctrl-w k = go one window up
ctrl-w l = go one window to the right
ctrl-w j = go one window down
The windows can be resized horizontally and vertically using :resize
ctrl=w o = show only this window
buffers can be opened into split windows with :ba
see all the things you can do with ctrl-w type
:help ctrl-w