8/31/2016 - 2:19 AM

DOSBox full screen crashes OS X Lion

DOSBox full screen crashes OS X Lion

Old games are a lot of fun to play. DOSBox makes it easier than ever to blow the dust off of an old game, pop the floppy disks into a USB floppy disk drive, and game like it’s 1990 again.

That was until I upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Suddenly, when I hit alt + enter DOSBox crashed :( Well if you’re running into that issue, here’s the fix!

Install DOSBox and run it once. Exit, or if you're feeling mean hit alt + enter and let it crash out.
Edit `~/Library/DOSBox 0.74 Preferences` (updating the version number to whatever version you have installed, of course)
$  vi ~/Library/Preferences/DOSBox\ 0.74\ Preferences
Scroll down to the `output` variable and updated it to use opengl. This switches the rendering engine to a less efficient but apparently more stable implementation.
output=opengl  #<--- change this line
Save the file and enjoy your favorite old school game!