12/9/2016 - 6:21 PM


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25" zv="Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.4 (Build 555U JAVAINTEG)" ts="2016-07-18 15:27:06">
<Class name="Sample.LoggingProxy">
simple sample of a logging proxy object:
each access (via call or property access) will 
be logged to the designated global</Description>

<Parameter name="LoggingGlobal">
log access log to this global</Description>

<Property name="OpenedObject">
keep openedobject for the proxy access later</Description>

<Method name="Log">
generic log utility, which save new string as a next global entry</Description>
    #dim gloRef = ..#LoggingGlobal
    set @gloRef@($increment(@gloRef)) = Value

<Method name="LogArgs">
more convenient log method for writing prefix (i.e. method name)
and arguments we were called in</Description>
    #dim S as %String = $get(prefix) _ ": " _ $get(args(1))
    #dim i as %Integer
    for i=2:1:$get(args) {
        set S = S_","_args(i)
    do ..Log(S)

<Method name="%CreateInstance">
open instance of a different class using given %ID</Description>
    #dim wrapper = ..%New()
    set wrapper.OpenedObject = $classmethod(className, "%OpenId", %ID)
    return wrapper

<Method name="%DispatchMethod">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically method to the proxy object</Description>
    do ..LogArgs(methodName, args...)
    return $method(..OpenedObject, methodName, args...)

<Method name="%DispatchClassMethod">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically class-method to the proxy object</Description>
    do ..LogArgs(className_"::"_methodName, args...)
    return $classmethod(className, methodName, args...) // FIXME - FRAMESTACK

<Method name="%DispatchGetProperty">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically property access to the proxy object</Description>
    #dim Value as %String = $property(..OpenedObject, Property)
    do ..LogArgs(Property, Value)
    return Value

<Method name="%DispatchSetProperty">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically property access to the proxy object</Description>
    do ..LogArgs(Property, Value)
    set $property(..OpenedObject, Property) = Value

<Class name="Sample.RemoteProxy.Object">
sample of a remote proxy using %Net.RemoteConnection</Description>

<Property name="OpenedObject">
keep openedobject for the proxy access later</Description>

<Property name="Owner">

<Property name="LastStatus">

<Method name="RemoteConnection">

<Method name="%OnNew">
    set ..Owner = owner
    return $$$OK

<Method name="%CreateInstance">
open instance of a different class using given %ID</Description>
    #dim pObject As %RegisteredObject = ""
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection().CreateInstance(className, .pObject)
    set ..OpenedObject = ""
    if $$$ISOK(..LastStatus) {
        set ..OpenedObject = pObject
    return $this

<Method name="%OpenObjectId">
open instance of a different class using given %ID</Description>
    #dim pObject As %RegisteredObject = ""
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection().OpenObjectId(className, Id, .pObject)
    set ..OpenedObject = ""
    if $$$ISOK(..LastStatus) {
        set ..OpenedObject = pObject
    return $this

<Method name="InvokeMethod">
    #dim returnValue = ""
    #dim i as %Integer
    #dim remoteConnection = ..RemoteConnection()
    do remoteConnection.ResetArguments()
    for i=1:1:$get(args) {
        set ..LastStatus = remoteConnection.AddArgument(args(i), 0)
    set ..LastStatus = remoteConnection.InvokeInstanceMethod(..OpenedObject, MethodName, .returnValue, $quit)
    return returnValue

<Method name="%DispatchMethod">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically method to the proxy object</Description>
    //do ..LogArgs(methodName, args...)
    return ..InvokeMethod(methodName, args...)

<UDLText name="T">
/* /// log arguments and then dispatch dynamically class-method to the proxy object
ClassMethod %DispatchClassMethod(className As %String, methodName As %String, args...)
    //do ..LogArgs(className_"::"_methodName, args...)
    return $classmethod(className, methodName, args...) // FIXME - FRAMESTACK

<Method name="%DispatchGetProperty">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically property access to the proxy object</Description>
    //do ..LogArgs(Property, Value)

    #dim value = ""
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection().GetProperty(..OpenedObject, Property, .value)
    return value

<Method name="%DispatchSetProperty">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically property access to the proxy object</Description>
    //do ..LogArgs(Property, Value)
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection().SetProperty(..OpenedObject, Property, Value)
    return ..LastStatus

<Class name="Sample.RemoteProxy">
sample of a remote proxy using %Net.RemoteConnection</Description>

<Property name="Config">

<Property name="RemoteConnection">

<Property name="LastStatus">

<Method name="%OnNew">
    #dim retValue As %Status = $$$OK
    set ..RemoteConnection = ##class(%Net.RemoteConnection).%New()
    return retValue

<Method name="%CreateInstance">
create new instance of a given class name</Description>
    #dim instanceProxy As Sample.RemoteProxy.Object = ##class(Sample.RemoteProxy.Object).%New($this)
    return instanceProxy.%CreateInstance(className)

<Method name="%OpenObjectId">
    #dim instanceProxy As Sample.RemoteProxy.Object = ##class(Sample.RemoteProxy.Object).%New($this)
    return instanceProxy.%OpenObjectId(className, Id)

<Method name="Debug">
    set w = ##class(Sample.RemoteProxy).%New().%Connect({"Namespace":"SAMPLES", "Username":"_SYSTEM", "Password":"SYS"})
    //do w."Sample.Person::PrintPersons"(1)
    write w."Cinema.Duration::LogicalToDisplay"(200)
    set p = w.%OpenObjectId("Sample.Person",1)
    write p.Name
    write p.SSN
    write p.Addition(1,2)

<Method name="%Connect">
pass the configuration object { "IP": IP, "Namespace" : Namespace, ... }</Description>
    #dim sIP As %String = Config.IP
    #dim sNamespace As %String = Config.Namespace
    #dim sPort As %String = Config.Port
    #dim sUsername As %String = Config.Username
    #dim sPassword As %String = Config.Password
    #dim sClientIP As %String = Config.ClientIP
    #dim sClientPort As %String = Config.ClientPort
    if sIP = "" {
        set sIP = ""
    if sPort = "" {
        set sPort = ^%SYS("SSPort")
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection.Connect(sIP, sNamespace, sPort, 
                                                  sUsername, sPassword, 
                                                  sClientIP, sClientPort)
    return $this

<Method name="ApparentlyClassName">
    #dim returnValue As %Boolean = 0
    if $length(CompoundName, "::") > 1 {
        set ClassName = $piece(CompoundName, "::", 1)
        set MethodName = $piece(CompoundName, "::", 2, *)

        return 1
    } elseif $length(CompoundName, "'") > 1 {
        set ClassName = $piece(CompoundName, "'", 1)
        set MethodName = $piece(CompoundName, "'", 2, *)

        return 1

    return 0

<Method name="%DispatchMethod">
log arguments and then dispatch dynamically method to the proxy object</Description>
    //do ..LogArgs(methodName, args...)
    #dim className as %String = ""
    if ..ApparentlyClassName(methodName, .className, .methodName) {
        return ..InvokeClassMethod(className, methodName, args...)
    return 1 ;$method(..OpenedObject, methodName, args...) // FIXME - no way to get here

<Method name="InvokeClassMethod">
    #dim returnValue = ""
    #dim i as %Integer
    do ..RemoteConnection.ResetArguments()
    for i=1:1:$get(args) {
        set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection.AddArgument(args(i), 0)
    set ..LastStatus = ..RemoteConnection.InvokeClassMethod(ClassName, MethodName, .returnValue, $quit)
    return returnValue

<Class name="Sample.SimplePerson">

<Property name="Name">

<Property name="Age">
<Parameter name="MAXVAL" value="100"/>
<Parameter name="MINVAL" value="1"/>

<Property name="Contacts">
<Parameter name="MAXVAL" value="40"/>
<Parameter name="MINVAL" value="0"/>

<Storage name="Default">
<Data name="SimplePersonDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Property name="%%CLASSNAME">
<Property name="%%ID">
<Property name="Age">
<Property name="Contacts">
<Property name="Name">
<SQLMap name="IDKEY">