8/8/2019 - 4:08 AM


const googleKey = "AIzaSyBcnq7zBReONv1rBDG44diwMw5csvdFgWg";
const weatherKey = "36cac12b8a634d76b651694b8e80b695";

// backup key: 17fd2da3a2e745caa25a0a221e2208bf
<div className="d-flex loading-spinner">
    <div className="spinner-border" role="status">
        <span className="sr-only">Loading...</span>
npm i axios bootstrap moment@2.24.0 reactstrap styled-components
*@channel Please take a few minutes to get set up for tonight’s review session:*

1) Kick off a `create-react-app react-weather` in the directory of your choice. ‘cd’ into the newly created directory ‘react-weather’ and open it in your code editor.
2) Sign up for a free API key here:
3) Sign up for a Google API key or give an existing one access to the Google Geocoding API:
4) Download and unzip ‘’, and copy/paste the entire ‘icons’ folder inside of ‘/public’. Then copy/paste the entire ‘data’ folder inside of ‘/src’.