var mApp = mApp || {};
mApp.isDateTime = function(str) {
return /\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}\s(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}|\d{2}:\d{2})/.test(str);
mApp.changeDateFormat = function(d) {
var r = d.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*\.\s*(\d+)\s*\.\s*(\d+)(.*)$/);
return r[3] + "-" + r[2] + "-" + r[1] + r[4];
mApp.numbersDeclaration = function (number, titles) {
var cases = [2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2];
return titles[(number % 100 > 4 && number % 100 < 20) ? 2 : cases[(number % 10 < 5) ? number % 10 : 5]];
mApp.createNumericArray = function (startIndex, len) {
console.log(startIndex, len);
var resultArray = [];
for (var i = startIndex; i <= len; i++) {
return resultArray;
(function () {
var indexOf = [].indexOf || function (item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
window.DataTable = (function () {
var primitiveCompare, pureComputed;
pureComputed = ko.pureComputed || ko.computed;
primitiveCompare = function (item1, item2) {
if (item2 == null) {
return item1 == null;
} else if (item1 != null) {
if (typeof item1 === 'boolean') {
return item1 === item2;
} else {
return item1.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(item2.toString().toLowerCase()) >= 0 || item1 === item2;
} else {
return false;
function DataTable(rows, options) {
var serverSideOpts;
if (!options) {
if (!(rows instanceof Array)) {
options = rows;
rows = [];
} else {
options = {};
this.options = {
recordWord: options.recordWord || 'record',
recordWordPlural: options.recordWordPlural,
recordWordPlural2: options.recordWordPlural2,
sortDir: options.sortDir || 'asc',
sortField: options.sortField || void 0,
perPage: options.perPage || 15,
filterFn: options.filterFn || void 0,
unsortedClass: options.unsortedClass || '',
descSortClass: options.descSortClass || '',
ascSortClass: options.ascSortClass || ''
if ((serverSideOpts = options.serverSidePagination) && serverSideOpts.enabled) {
if (!(serverSideOpts.path && serverSideOpts.loader)) {
throw new Error("`path` or `loader` missing from `serverSidePagination` object");
this.options.paginationPath = serverSideOpts.path;
this.options.resultHandlerFn = serverSideOpts.loader;
this.options.afterLoadingCallback = serverSideOpts.callback || function () { };
this.options.pagesDotted = serverSideOpts.pagesDotted;
} else {
DataTable.prototype.initObservables = function () {
this.sortDir = ko.observable(this.options.sortDir);
this.sortField = ko.observable(this.options.sortField);
this.perPage = ko.observable(this.options.perPage);
this.currentPage = ko.observable(1);
this.filter = ko.observable('');
this.loading = ko.observable(false);
return this.rows = ko.observableArray([]);
DataTable.prototype.initWithClientSidePagination = function (rows) {
var _defaultMatch;
this.filtering = ko.observable(false);
this.filter.subscribe((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.currentPage(1);
this.perPage.subscribe((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.currentPage(1);
this.rowAttributeMap = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var attrMap, key, row;
rows = _this.rows();
attrMap = {};
if (rows.length > 0) {
row = rows[0];
for (key in row) {
if (row.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
attrMap[key.toLowerCase()] = key;
return attrMap;
this.filteredRows = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var filter, filterFn;
filter = _this.filter();
rows = _this.rows.slice(0);
if ((filter != null) && filter !== '') {
filterFn = _this.filterFn(filter);
rows = rows.filter(filterFn);
if ((_this.sortField() != null) && _this.sortField() !== '') {
rows.sort(function (a, b) {
var aVal, bVal;
aVal = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(a[_this.sortField()]);
bVal = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(b[_this.sortField()]);
if (typeof aVal === 'string') {
aVal = aVal.toLowerCase();
if (typeof bVal === 'string') {
bVal = bVal.toLowerCase();
if (mApp.isDateTime(aVal)) {
aVal = +new Date(mApp.changeDateFormat(aVal));
if (mApp.isDateTime(bVal)) {
bVal = +new Date(mApp.changeDateFormat(bVal));
if (_this.sortDir() === 'asc') {
if (aVal < bVal || aVal === '' || (aVal == null)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (aVal > bVal || bVal === '' || (bVal == null)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (aVal < bVal || aVal === '' || (aVal == null)) {
return 1;
} else {
if (aVal > bVal || bVal === '' || (bVal == null)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return rows;
rateLimit: 50,
method: 'notifyWhenChangesStop'
this.pagedRows = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var pageIndex, perPage;
pageIndex = _this.currentPage() - 1;
perPage = _this.perPage();
return _this.filteredRows().slice(pageIndex * perPage, (pageIndex + 1) * perPage);
this.pages = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return Math.ceil(_this.filteredRows().length / _this.perPage());
this.leftPagerClass = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.currentPage() === 1) {
return 'disabled';
this.rightPagerClass = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.currentPage() === _this.pages()) {
return 'disabled';
})(this)); = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.filteredRows().length;
this.from = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return (_this.currentPage() - 1) * _this.perPage() + 1;
})(this)); = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var to;
to = _this.currentPage() * _this.perPage();
if (to > {
} else {
return to;
this.recordsText = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var from, pages, recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2, to, total;
pages = _this.pages();
total =;
from = _this.from();
to =;
recordWord = _this.options.recordWord;
recordWordPlural = _this.options.recordWordPlural || recordWord + 's';
recordWordPlural2 = _this.options.recordWordPlural2 || recordWord + 's';
if (pages > 1) {
return from + " - " + to + " из " + total.toFloatStr(0, true) + " " + mApp.numbersDeclaration(total, [recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2]);
} else {
//return total + " " + (total > 1 || total === 0 ? recordWordPlural : recordWord);
return total + " " + (mApp.numbersDeclaration(total, [recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2]));
this.showNoData = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.pagedRows().length === 0 && !_this.loading();
this.showLoading = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.loading();
this.sortClass = (function (_this) {
return function (column) {
return pureComputed(function () {
if (_this.sortField() === column) {
return 'sorted ' + (_this.sortDir() === 'asc' ? _this.options.ascSortClass : _this.options.descSortClass);
} else {
return _this.options.unsortedClass;
this.addRecord = (function (_this) {
return function (record) {
return _this.rows.push(record);
this.removeRecord = (function (_this) {
return function (record) {
if (_this.pagedRows().length === 0) {
return _this.prevPage();
this.replaceRows = (function (_this) {
return function (rows) {
return _this.filter(void 0);
_defaultMatch = function (filter, row, attrMap) {
var key, val;
return ((function () {
var results1;
results1 = [];
for (key in attrMap) {
val = attrMap[key];
return results1;
})()).some(function (val) {
return primitiveCompare((ko.isObservable(row[val]) ? row[val]() : row[val]), filter);
return this.filterFn = this.options.filterFn || (function (_this) {
return function (filterVar) {
var filter, ref, specials;
ref = [[], {}], filter = ref[0], specials = ref[1];
filterVar.split(' ').forEach(function (word) {
var words;
if (word.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
words = word.split(':');
return specials[words[0]] = (function () {
switch (words[1].toLowerCase()) {
case 'yes':
case 'true':
return true;
case 'no':
case 'false':
return false;
case 'blank':
case 'none':
case 'null':
case 'undefined':
return void 0;
return words[1].toLowerCase();
} else {
return filter.push(word);
filter = filter.join(' ');
return function (row) {
var conditionals, key, val;
conditionals = (function () {
var results1;
results1 = [];
for (key in specials) {
val = specials[key];
results1.push((function (_this) {
return function (key, val) {
var rowAttr;
if (rowAttr = _this.rowAttributeMap()[key.toLowerCase()]) {
return primitiveCompare((ko.isObservable(row[rowAttr]) ? row[rowAttr]() : row[rowAttr]), val);
} else {
return false;
})(this)(key, val));
return results1;
return (, false) < 0) && (filter !== '' ? (row.match != null ? row.match(filter) : _defaultMatch(filter, row, _this.rowAttributeMap())) : true);
DataTable.prototype.initWithServerSidePagination = function () {
var _gatherData, _getDataFromServer;
_getDataFromServer = (function (_this) {
return function (data, cb) {
var key, req, url, val;
url = _this.options.paginationPath + "?" + (((function () {
var results1;
results1 = [];
for (key in data) {
val = data[key];
results1.push((encodeURIComponent(key)) + "=" + (encodeURIComponent(val)));
return results1;
/**@for abort*/
mApp.tableModelGetDataFromServer = req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.onload = function () {
if (req.status >= 200 && req.status < 400) {
return cb(null, JSON.parse(req.responseText));
} else {
return cb(new Error("Error communicating with server"));
req.onerror = function () {
return cb(new Error("Error communicating with server"));
return req.send();
_gatherData = function (perPage, currentPage, filter, sortDir, sortField) {
var data;
data = {
perPage: perPage,
page: currentPage
if ((filter != null) && filter !== '') {
data.filter = filter;
if ((sortDir != null) && sortDir !== '' && (sortField != null) && sortField !== '') {
data.sortDir = sortDir;
data.sortBy = sortField;
return data;
this.filtering = ko.observable(false);
this.pagedRows = ko.observableArray([]);
this.numFilteredRows = ko.observable(0);
this.filter.subscribe((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.options.pagesDotted) {
return _this.currentPage(1);
this.perPage.subscribe((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.options.pagesDotted) {
return _this.currentPage(1);
ko.computed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var data;
data = _gatherData(_this.perPage(), _this.currentPage(), _this.filter(), _this.sortDir(), _this.sortField());
return _getDataFromServer(data, function (err, response) {
var results, total;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
//total =, results = response.results;
total =, results = response.value;
if (_this.options.pagesDotted /*&& !_this.pagesDottedArray().length*/) {
let result;
if (!!results) {
result = _this.pagedRows(;
return result;
rateLimit: 500,
method: 'notifyWhenChangesStop'
this.pages = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return Math.ceil(_this.numFilteredRows() / _this.perPage());
this.pagesDottedArray = ko.observableArray();
this.pagesDotted = pureComputed({
read:(function (_this) {
return function () {
var pages = Math.ceil(_this.numFilteredRows() / _this.perPage());
console.log("pages:", pages);
return _this.pagesDottedArray(pages > 5 ? mApp.createNumericArray(1, 5) : mApp.createNumericArray(1, pages));
write: function (value) {
(function(_this) {
owner:(function(_this) { return _this; })(this)
/**pages dotted*/
this.leftPagerClass = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.currentPage() === 1) {
return 'disabled';
this.rightPagerClass = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.currentPage() === _this.pages()) {
return 'disabled';
this.from = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return (_this.currentPage() - 1) * _this.perPage() + 1;
})(this)); = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var to, total;
to = _this.currentPage() * _this.perPage();
if (to > (total = _this.numFilteredRows())) {
return total;
} else {
return to;
this.recordsText = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
var from, pages, recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2, to, total;
pages = _this.pages();
total = _this.numFilteredRows();
from = _this.from();
to =;
recordWord = _this.options.recordWord;
recordWordPlural = _this.options.recordWordPlural || recordWord + 's';
recordWordPlural2 = _this.options.recordWordPlural2 || recordWord + 's';
if (pages > 1) {
return from + " - " + to + " из " + total.toFloatStr(0, true) + " " + mApp.numbersDeclaration(total, [recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2]);
} else {
//return total + " " + (total > 1 || total === 0 ? recordWordPlural : recordWord);
return total + " " + (mApp.numbersDeclaration(total, [recordWord, recordWordPlural, recordWordPlural2]));
this.showNoData = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.pagedRows().length === 0 && !_this.loading();
this.showLoading = pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.loading();
this.sortClass = (function (_this) {
return function (column) {
return pureComputed(function () {
if (_this.sortField() === column) {
return 'sorted ' + (_this.sortDir() === 'asc' ? _this.options.ascSortClass : _this.options.descSortClass);
} else {
return _this.options.unsortedClass;
this.addRecord = function () {
throw new Error("#addRecord() not applicable with serverSidePagination enabled");
this.removeRecord = function () {
throw new Error("#removeRecord() not applicable with serverSidePagination enabled");
this.replaceRows = function () {
throw new Error("#replaceRows() not applicable with serverSidePagination enabled");
return this.refreshData = (function (_this) {
return function () {
var data;
data = _gatherData(_this.perPage(), _this.currentPage(), _this.filter(), _this.sortDir(), _this.sortField());
return _getDataFromServer(data, function (err, response) {
var results, total;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
//total =, results = response.results;
total =, results = response.value;
let result = _this.pagedRows((results||[]).map(_this.options.resultHandlerFn));
return result;
DataTable.prototype.toggleSort = function (field) {
return (function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.sortField() === field) {
return _this.sortDir(_this.sortDir() === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
} else {
return _this.sortField(field);
DataTable.prototype.prevPage = function () {
var page;
page = this.currentPage();
if (this.options.pagesDotted) {
if (this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 4 && page !== this.pages()) {
this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 1, page + 3 > this.pages() ? this.pages() : page + 3));
if (this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 0 && page !== 1) {
//this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 3, page + 1));
this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 3 < 0 ? 1 : page - 3, page - 3 < 0 ? (this.pages() >= 5 ? 5 : this.pages()) : page + 1));
if (page !== 1) {
return this.currentPage(page - 1);
DataTable.prototype.nextPage = function () {
var page;
page = this.currentPage();
if (this.options.pagesDotted) {
if (this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 4 && page !== this.pages()) {
this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 1, page + 3 > this.pages() ? this.pages() : page + 3));
if (this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 0 && page !== 1) {
this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 3, page + 1));
if (page !== this.pages()) {
return this.currentPage(page + 1);
DataTable.prototype.gotoPage = function (page) {
return (function (_this) {
return function () {
return _this.currentPage(page);
DataTable.prototype.updatePaging = function (extra) {
return (function (_this) {
return function () {
var page = !!extra ? extra : _this.currentPage();
if (!!extra && extra === _this.pages()) {
return _this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(_this.pages() - 4, _this.pages()));
if (!!extra && extra === 1) {
return _this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(1, 5));
if (_this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 4 && page !== _this.pages()) {
return _this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page-1, page + 3 > _this.pages() ? _this.pages() : page + 3));
if (_this.pagesDottedArray().indexOf(page) === 0 && page !== 1) {
return _this.pagesDotted(window.mApp.createNumericArray(page - 3 < 0 ? 1 : page - 3, page - 3 < 0 ? (_this.pages() >= 5 ? 5 : _this.pages()) : page + 1));
DataTable.prototype.pageClass = function (page) {
return pureComputed((function (_this) {
return function () {
if (_this.currentPage() === page) {
return 'active';
return DataTable;
Number.prototype.toFloatStr = function (n, triads) {
var s, d = 0, k, m;
if (typeof (n) == 'number')
if (n.isInt())
if (n >= -6 && n <= 6) d = n;
s = this.roundTo(d).toString().replace('.', ',');
if (d > 0) {
k = s.indexOf(',');
if (k == -1)
s += ',' + '0'.repeat(d);
s += '0'.repeat(d - (s.length - k - 1));
k = s.indexOf(',');
if (k == -1) k = s.length;
m = s.indexOf('-');
if (m == -1)
m = 0;
m = 1;
if (triads)
for (d = k - 3; d > m; d = d - 3) {
s = s.substr(0, d) + ' ' + s.substr(d, s.length - d + 1);
return s;
Number.prototype.isInt = function (){
return (Math.round(this) == this);
Number.prototype.roundTo = function (n){
var x = 0;
if (typeof (n) == 'number')
if (n.isInt())
if (n >= -6 && n <= 6) x = n;
x = Math.pow(10, x);
return Math.round(this * x) / x;
var Statistics = function () {
var controller = this;
this.strings = {};
this.api = {
list: {
get: '/Statistics/Statistics/GetLegalData',
setStatus: '/Statistics/Statistics/SetLegalStatus',
loadNew: '/Statistics/Statistics/GetNewLegalData',
search: '/Statistics/Statistics/SearchLegals',
logSearch: '/Search/Search/LogSearch'
this.actions = {
list: {
get: function () {
$.get(controller.api.list.get, {page: 0, perPage: 200}).done(this.getDone);
getDone: function (response) {
var rows = (row) {
return new controller.models.Company(row, model);
loadNew: function () {
$.get(controller.api.list.loadNew).done(function (response) {
for (var i in response) {
if (response.value.hasOwnProperty(i)){
controller.ViewModel.table.rows.push(new controller.models.Company(response[i], model));
setStatus: function (legalId, status) {
$.post(controller.api.list.setStatus, { legalId: legalId, value: status }).done(function (response) {
get: function (type) {
$.get(controller.api.list.get, type).done(controller.actions.list.getDone);
search: function(string) {
if (!string) {
controller.ViewModel.searchText = "";
} else {
controller.ViewModel.searchText = string;
controller.ViewModel.table.filter(`{ text: ${string} }`);
// log search query
$.get(controller.api.list.logSearch, {"whence": "МОШЕННИКИ", "text": string});
this.models = {
Company: (function () {
function Company(row, view) {
var self = this;
this.view = view;
this.Id = row.Id;
this.Classification = ko.observable(row.Classification);
this.Name = ko.observable(row.Name || '');
this.Inn = ko.observable(row.Inn || '');
this.Ogrn = ko.observable(row.Ogrn || '');
this.Okpo = ko.observable(row.Okpo || '');
this.FactAdress = ko.observable(row.FactAdress || '');
this.JurAddress = ko.observable(row.JurAddress || '');
this.Head = ko.observable(row.Head || '');
this.CheckReason = ko.observable(row.CheckReason || '');
this.Info = ko.observable(row.Info || '');
this.InfoSource = ko.observable(row.InfoSource || '');
this.Phone = ko.observable(row.Phone || '');
this.Bank = ko.observable(row.Bank || '');
this.DateRegistration = ko.observable(
moment(Number(row.DateRegistration.match(/\/Date\((-?\d+)\)\/$/)[1])).format('DD.MM.YYYY') || '');
return Company;
this.list = [];
this.ViewModel = function () {
var rows, tableOptions, _this = this;
controller.ViewModel.searchText = '';
tableOptions = {
recordWord: 'правило',
recordWordPlural: 'правила',
recordWordPlural2: 'правил',
sortDir: 'desc',
sortField: 'DateCreated',
perPage: 20,
unsortedClass: "red-sunglo",
ascSortClass: "fa fa-angle-up red-sunglo",
descSortClass: "fa fa-angle-down red-sunglo",
serverSidePagination: {
enabled: true,
path: "/Statistics/Statistics/GetLegalData",
loader: response => new controller.models.Company(response, controller.model),
pagesDotted: false,
callback: () => {setTimeout(_ => $('table').highlight(controller.ViewModel.searchText), 1000);}
rows = (row) {
return new controller.models.Company(row, _this);
this.details = {
Name: ko.observable(''),
DateRegistration: ko.observable(''),
Inn: ko.observable(''),
Ogrn: ko.observable(''),
WorkingStatus: ko.observable(''),
JurAddress: ko.observable(''),
Fio: ko.observable(''),
Okved: ko.observable('')
this.loadNewDisable = ko.observable(false);
this.filter = ko.observable('0');
this.actions = {
loadNew: function () {
toActive: function () {
//if (_this.filter() !== '0') {
controller.actions.list.setStatus(this.Id, 0);
toArchive: function () {
//if (_this.filter() !== '0'){
controller.actions.list.setStatus(this.Id, 1);
toControl: function () {
//if (_this.filter() !== '0'){
// }
controller.actions.list.setStatus(this.Id, 2);
all:function () {
var item = ko.toJS(this);
/** @type {String} type all archived controlling */
get: function (type, t) {
_this.table.filter(`{ status: ${t} }`);
// _this.table.refreshData();
this.table = new DataTable(rows, tableOptions);
this.table.nextPage = function() {;
setTimeout(_ => $('table').highlight(_this.searchText), 1000);
this.table.prevPage = function() {;
setTimeout(_ => $('table').highlight(_this.searchText), 1000);
this.table.gotoPage = function(page) {
if (page <= 0) return;, page)();
setTimeout(_ => $('table').highlight(_this.searchText), 1000);
window.model = this;
this.init = function () {
controller.ViewModel = new controller.ViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(controller.ViewModel, document.getElementById("vm"));
// controller.actions.list.get();
var sc = new Statistics();
// input filter setup
.click(function () {
var string = $('#filter-input').val();;
$('#filter-input').keyup(function(event) {
if(event.keyCode == 13){
@using Project.Helpers
ViewBag.Title = Html.T("");
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<div class="center-col page-content-js default-font">
<div class="padding">
<div class="s-row">
<div class="" id="vm">
<div class="b-filters row">
<div class="b-filters-left col-md-10">
<a data-bind="css:{'f-sel': filter() === '0'}, click:actions.filters.get.bind(null, {lgStatus: 0}, '0')" href="javascript:void(0)">@Html.T("C.SecOfficer.All")</a>
<a data-bind="css:{'f-sel': filter() === '2'}, click:actions.filters.get.bind(null, {lgStatus: 2}, '2')" href="javascript:void(0)">@Html.T("C.SecOfficer.UnderControl")</a>
<a data-bind="css:{'f-sel': filter() === '1'}, click:actions.filters.get.bind(null, {lgStatus: 1}, '1')" href="javascript:void(0)">@Html.T("C.SecOfficer.InArchive")</a>
<div class="b-filters-right col-md-2">
<button data-bind="disable:loadNewDisable, click:actions.list.loadNew"
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<th class="s-sortable s-fs_12i" data-bind="click: toggleSort('Bank')">
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<tr data-bind="click:$root.getDetails">
<td class="s-ta_c">
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<div class="b-classification red"></div>
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<td data-bind="">
<a data-bind="text: $row.Name, click:$root.actions.getDetails"
<td data-bind="text: $row.Bank"></td>
<td data-bind="text: $row.Inn"></td>
<td data-bind="text: $row.Ogrn"></td>
<td data-bind="text: $row.DateRegistration"></td>
<td data-bind="text: $row.InfoSource"></td>
<td style="display:none">
<a data-bind="attr:{'href':$row.FocusHref}" href="/" target="_blank">
<!-- ko text: "Ссылка" --><!-- /ko -->
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href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn-primary btn-sm">@Html.T("C.SecOfficer.ToArchive")</a>
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@section Scripts{