Custom GPy noise model
import GPy
import numpy as np
class HeteroNoise(GPy.kern.Kern):
heteroscedastic white noise as function of X
def __init__(self, input_dim, variance_function=1., active_dims=None):
interpolating noise function:
variance_function=lambda X:np.interp(X[:, 0], x, yerr)
super(HeteroNoise, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name='noise')
if callable(variance_function):
self.variance_function = variance_function
if np.isscalar(variance_function):
self.variance_function = lambda X: np.full_like(X[:, 0], variance_function)
raise TypeError("'variance_function' should be a function!")
def K(self, X, X2=None):
if X2 is None:
return np.diag(self.Kdiag(X))
return np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0]))
def Kdiag(self, X):
return self.variance_function(X)
import GPy
import numpy as np
class Noise(GPy.kern.Kern):
def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1., active_dims=None):
super(Noise, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name='noise')
assert input_dim == 1, "For this kernel we assume input_dim=1"
from paramz.transformations import Logexp
self.variance = GPy.Param('variance', variance, Logexp())
def K(self, X, X2=None):
if X2 is None:
return np.diag(self.Kdiag(X)) * self.variance
return np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0]))
def Kdiag(self, X):
return np.interp(X[:, 0], gmag, cvar) * self.variance
def update_gradients_full(self, dL_dK, X, X2):
if X2 is None:
dKdvar = np.diag(self.Kdiag(X))
self.variance.gradient = np.sum(dKdvar * dL_dK)
self.variance.gradient = 0
def rbf_kern_multiquadric(r, epsilon):
return np.sqrt((r / epsilon)**2 + 1)
def rbf_norm(x1, x2):
x1, x2: shape (nsample, nfeature)
>>> rbf_norm(rand(10, 2), rand(5, 2)).shape
# (10, 5)
return np.sqrt(((x1[..., None, :] - x2)**2).sum(axis=-1))
def rbf_eval(xi, x, w, epsilon=None, kern=rbf_kern_multiquadric):
xi: shape (nsample, nfeature)
x: shape (nnode, nfeature)
w: shape (nnode,)
if epsilon is None:
epsilon = (x.max() - x.min()) / len(x)
r = rbf_norm(xi, x)
A = kern(r, epsilon)
return (A * w).sum(axis=-1)
class RbfNoise(GPy.kern.Kern):
def __init__(self, input_dim, x, w, p, rbf_kern=rbf_kern_multiquadric, active_dims=None):
x: rbf nodes
w: weights of nodes
p: fiducial
super(RbfNoise, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name='rbfnoise')
self.epsilon = (x.max() - x.min()) / len(x)
self.rbf_kern = rbf_kern
self.x = x
self.w = GPy.Param('w', w)
self.p = GPy.Param('p', p)
self.link_parameters(self.w, self.p)
if not np.isscalar(p):
raise NotImplementedError
def K(self, X, X2=None):
if X2 is None:
return np.diag(self.Kdiag(X))
return np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0]))
def lnKdiag(self, X):
lnKdiag = rbf_eval(X, self.x, self.w, epsilon=self.epsilon, kern=self.rbf_kern) + self.p
return lnKdiag
def Kdiag(self, X):
lnKdiag = self.lnKdiag(X)
return np.exp(lnKdiag)
def update_gradients_full(self, dL_dK, X, X2):
if X2 is None:
r = rbf_norm(X, self.x)
A = self.rbf_kern(r, self.epsilon)
lnKdiag = (A * self.w).sum(axis=-1)
Kdiag = np.exp(lnKdiag)
dL_dKdiag = np.diagonal(dL_dK)
self.w.gradient = np.sum(dL_dKdiag * Kdiag * A.T, axis=-1)
self.p.gradient = np.sum(dL_dKdiag * Kdiag)
self.w.gradient = np.zeros_like(self.w)
self.p.gradient = 0