7/16/2015 - 9:01 PM

mustard cut php part

mustard cut php part

    // Run this script as high up the page as you can,
    // but only if the cookie isn't already present.
    if (isset($_COOKIE["screen-width"])==0) { ?>
      <script >(function() {

		  // If the browser supports cookies and they are enabled
		  if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {

		    // Set the cookie for 3 days
		    var date = new Date();
		    date.setTime(date.getTime() + (3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
		    var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();

		    // This is where we're setting the mustard cutting information.
		    // In this case we're just setting screen width, but it could
		    // be anything. Think
		    document.cookie = "screen-width=" + window.outerWidth + expires + "; path=/";

		      Only refresh if the WRONG template loads.

		      Since we're defaulting to a small screen,
		      and we know if this script is running the
		      cookie wasn't present on this page load,
		      we should refresh if the screen is wider
		      than 700.

		      This needs to be kept in sync with the server
		      side distinction
		    if (window.outerWidth > 700) {

		      // Halt the browser from loading/doing anything else.

		      // Reload the page, because the cookie will now be
		      // set and the server can use it.

		    	document.cookie = "is_mobile=true" + expires + "; path=/";



<?php } ?>