Gizmo {
name X_Denoise
help "Clean digital noise on video"
knobChanged "import math\nn = nuke.thisNode()\nk = nuke.thisKnob()\ni = n\['iterations'].value()\nm = n\['x2'].value()\n\n\nif == \"iterations\":\n n\['active_frames'].setValue(1+math.ceil(i)*2*(1+m))\nelif == \"x2\":\n n\['active_frames'].setValue(1+math.ceil(i)*2*(1+m))\nif n\['fix_artifacts'].value() == 0:\n n\['motion_threshold'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smooth_threshold'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['preview_mask'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['median'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n n\['motion_threshold'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smooth_threshold'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['preview_mask'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['median'].setEnabled(True)\n\nif n\['static'].value() == 1:\n n\['vectorDetail'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smoothness'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['flickerCompensation'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n n\['vectorDetail'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smoothness'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['flickerCompensation'].setEnabled(True)"
selected true
xpos 648
ypos -584
addUserKnob {20 NoiseReduction l "Noise Reduction"}
addUserKnob {41 useGPUIfAvailable l "Use GPU if available" T VectorGenerator2.useGPUIfAvailable}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {7 luminance l "fix luminance" t "The <b>brightness</b> of the pixels will remain untouched at 0 and will be changed at 1. Values over 1 do not have any effect."}
luminance 1
addUserKnob {7 chrominance l "fix chrominance" t "The <b>color</b> of the pixels will remain untouched at 0 and will be changed at 1. Values over 1 do not have any effect."}
chrominance 1
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {7 iterations t "\nThe more <b>iterations</b>, the more noise will be reduced. Increasing too much the iterations will slow down the render and could cause artifacts or blur in some areas.\n\nEach iteration loads the previous and next frames to use them in the calculation. The further a frame is from the current frame, the less effect it will have on the calculation.\n\nUsing <b>intigers</b> instead of decimals will lead to a much efficient process and therefore faster render times.\n\nYou can use the <b>x2</b> multiplier at the right of this slider to drastically increase the number of frames that will be used in the calculation.\n\nCheck the <b>Active Frames</b> to see how many frames are being processed with the noise reduction algorithm.\n" R 1 5}
iterations 2
addUserKnob {6 x2 t "\nBy default, each iteration will look to the previous and next frame. If the <b>x2</b> multiplier is activated, each iteration will add the 2 previous frames and the 2 next frames, increasing the quality of the calculation at the cost of really slow renders.\n\nFurther frames have less consitency, so they will have less effect to the final output.\n" -STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {3 active_frames l " " t "\nThis shows <b>how many frames are being used </b>in the calculation. \n\nBy default, each <b>iteration</b> will load the next two closest frames to the current frame. The further a loaded frame is from the current frame, the less effect it will have on the calculation. \n\nThe amount of iterations is doubled if the <b>x2</b> multiplier is checked. Keep in mind that each new frame added to the calculation will increase the render time.\n\nTherefore, the total amount of frames that are being used is calculated with this formula:\n\n1 + 2 * iterations * multiplier\n\n" +DISABLED}
active_frames 5
addUserKnob {26 active_frames_text l "" t "\nThis shows <b>how many frames are being used</b> in the calculation. \n\nBy default, each <b>iteration </b>will load the next two closest frames to the current frame. The further a loaded frame is from the current frame, the less effect it will have on the calculation. \n\nThe amount of iterations is doubled if the <b>x2</b> multiplier is checked. Keep in mind that each new frame added to the calculation will increase the render time. \n\nTherefore, the total amount of frames that are being used is calculated with this formula: \n\n1 + 2 * iterations * multiplier \n" -STARTLINE T "active frames"}
addUserKnob {26 active_frames_python l INVISIBLE t "w = nuke.toNode(\"X_Denoise\")\nw\['active_frames'].setEnabled(False)\n\ndef activeFrames():\n import math\n n = nuke.thisNode()\n k = nuke.thisKnob()\n i = n\['iterations'].value()\n m = n\['x2'].value()\n\n \n if == \"iterations\":\n n\['active_frames'].setValue(1+math.ceil(i)*2*(1+m))\n elif == \"x2\":\n n\['active_frames'].setValue(1+math.ceil(i)*2*(1+m))\nnuke.addKnobChanged(activeFrames, nodeClass=\"Group\")\n\nif n\['fix_artifacts'].value() == 1:\n n\['motion_threshold'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smooth_threshold'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['preview_mask'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['median'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n n\['motion_threshold'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smooth_threshold'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['preview_mask'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['median'].setEnabled(True)\n\nif n\['static'].value() == 1:\n n\['vectorDetail'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smoothness'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['flickerCompensation'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n n\['vectorDetail'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smoothness'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['flickerCompensation'].setEnabled(True)" -STARTLINE +INVISIBLE}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 filter t "<b>Impulse</b> is the fastes but will create really poor results.\n<b>Cubic</b> will work fine in most cases, but it will smooth the detail.\n<b>Lanczos</b> will sharpen the image a little bit to contrarrest the softness of the image. It will also keep borders intact.\n<b>Sinc4</b> will drastically sharpen the image, and could cause the noise to reappear." T IDistort16.filter}
addUserKnob {4 node_output l " output" t "Choose if you want to output the <b>Result</b> image without the noise or to visualize the <b>Noise</b> separately.\n\nYou can also output the <b>Mask</b> where artifacts are ocurring (but first you need to select the <b>fix artifacts</b> checkbox in the Qaulity tab." -STARTLINE M {Result Noise Mask}}
addUserKnob {20 Quality}
addUserKnob {6 fix_artifacts l "fix artifacts" t "\nThe noise reduction algorithm fails when an object is moving too fast. That will cause <b>artifacts</b> to appear.\n\nIf the <b>Fix Artifacts</b> checkbox is activated, a procedural mask will be created around moving abjects. The objects inside the mask will not be affected.\n\nYou can see how the mask looks like with the <b>preview</b> checkbox. Use the <b>motion threshold</b> and the <b>smooth</b> sliders to adjust the mask.\n\nBy default, a <b>median</b> filter is applied to the moving objects instead of the noise reduction algorithm, but you can disable that option.\n\nRemember that you can select the <b>Mask</b> as the <b>Output</b> of this node. You can use this mask to apply the Nuke Denoise to the fast moving areas and X_Distort to the rest of the image for a professional accurate noise reduction.\n" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {7 motion_threshold l "motion threshold" t "This determines the maximum velocity which a pixel can have in order to be used in the noise reduction process. The higher the value, the less object will be excluded from the algorithm.\n\nUse the <b>preview</b> checkbox in order to see the mask." +DISABLED R 0 10}
motion_threshold 2.9
addUserKnob {7 smooth_threshold l smooth t "This blurs the mask that determines which objects are used in the noise reduction algorithm.\n\nUse the <b>preview</b> checkbox in order to see the mask." +DISABLED R 0 20}
smooth_threshold 10
addUserKnob {6 preview_mask l preview t "Use the <b>preview</b> checkbox in order to see the mask that determines which objects are used in the algorithm.\n\nWhite areas will be excluded from the effect, and black areas will be denoised." +DISABLED +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {6 median t "Use this so apply a subtle <b>median</b> filter to those areas that move too fast for the algorithm. This will also apply some chromatic noise reduction." -STARTLINE +DISABLED}
median true
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 vectorDetail l "Vector Detail" T VectorGenerator2.vectorDetail}
addUserKnob {41 smoothness l Smoothness T VectorGenerator2.smoothness}
addUserKnob {41 flickerCompensation l "Flicker Compensation" T VectorGenerator2.flickerCompensation}
addUserKnob {6 static l "static shot" t "Check this if the image is static and no object is moving at all. This will drastically increase the speed but any moving objects will be blurred out." -STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {20 Tolerances n 2}
addUserKnob {41 weightRed l "Weight Red" T VectorGenerator2.weightRed}
addUserKnob {41 weightGreen l "Weight Green" T VectorGenerator2.weightGreen}
addUserKnob {41 weightBlue l "Weight Blue" T VectorGenerator2.weightBlue}
addUserKnob {20 "" n -1}
addUserKnob {20 about l About}
addUserKnob {26 about_1 l "" t "A bunny:\n(\\(\\ \n( - -)\n((') (')" +STARTLINE T "<br>\n<b>Xavier Martín © 2015</b>"}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {26 website l "" +STARTLINE T "<a href=\"\"><span style=\"color:#C8C8C8;\"></span></a>"}
addUserKnob {26 space4_1 l "" +STARTLINE T <br>}
addUserKnob {22 version l <center>version</center> T "nuke.message('X_Denoise Gizmo <i>v1.0</i><br><b>Xavier Martín © 2015</b>')" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {22 help_documentation l <center>?</center> -STARTLINE T "nuke.message('You can find more documentation<br>on <a href=\"\"><span style=\"color:#BCBCBC;\">Nukepedia</span></a> or my <a href=\"\"><span style=\"color:#BCBCBC;\">website</span></a>.')"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Source
xpos -451
ypos 109
set N2c32d130 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot53
xpos -673
ypos 112
Dot {
name Dot2
xpos -673
ypos 1214
set N2c32d810 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot54
xpos -673
ypos 1314
set N2c32db80 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot55
xpos -775
ypos 1314
set N2c32def0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot7
xpos -828
ypos 1314
set N2c32e260 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot8
xpos -828
ypos 1587
push $N2c32d130
Dot {
name Dot16
xpos -417
ypos 133
set N2c32e940 [stack 0]
VectorGenerator {
vectorDetail 1
smoothness 0.05
Advanced 1
Tolerances 1
name VectorGenerator2
xpos -265
ypos 124
cached true
set N2c32ecb0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot3
xpos -949
ypos 133
Dot {
name Dot4
xpos -949
ypos 779
set N2c32f390 [stack 0]
push $N2c32f390
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation average
Achannels forward
Bchannels backward
output forward
name Merge2
xpos -983
ypos 774
Shuffle {
in forward
blue black
alpha black
name Shuffle1
xpos -983
ypos 810
push 0
Merge2 {
inputs 2
metainput A
name Merge5
xpos -983
ypos 834
Matrix {
channels { none}
matrix {
{-1 -1 -1}
{-1 8 -1}
{-1 -1 -1}
name Matrix1
xpos -983
ypos 857
Expression {
channel0 alpha
expr0 (abs(r)+abs(g))*.5
channel1 none
channel2 none
channel3 none
name Expression1
xpos -983
ypos 893
Blur {
channels alpha
size 2
name Blur3
xpos -983
ypos 917
FrameBlend {
channels alpha
numframes 3
startframe {{frame-(1+x2)}}
endframe {{frame+(1+x2)}}
userange true
name FrameBlend1
xpos -983
ypos 953
FrameBlend {
channels alpha
numframes 3
startframe {{frame-(1+x2)}}
endframe {{frame+(1+x2)}}
userange true
name FrameBlend2
xpos -983
ypos 989
disable {{"iterations < 2"}}
FrameBlend {
channels alpha
numframes 3
startframe {{frame-(1+x2)}}
endframe {{frame+(1+x2)}}
userange true
name FrameBlend3
xpos -983
ypos 1025
disable {{"iterations < 3"}}
FrameBlend {
channels alpha
numframes 3
startframe {{frame-(1+x2)}}
endframe {{frame+(1+x2)}}
userange true
name FrameBlend4
xpos -983
ypos 1061
disable {{"iterations < 4"}}
FrameBlend {
channels alpha
numframes 3
startframe {{frame-(1+x2)}}
endframe {{frame+(1+x2)}}
userange true
name FrameBlend5
xpos -983
ypos 1097
disable {{"iterations < 5"}}
Grade {
channels alpha
add {{-(motion_threshold**2)}}
name Grade1
xpos -983
ypos 1133
Blur {
channels alpha
size {{abs(smooth_threshold)+.5}}
name Blur2
xpos -983
ypos 1169
set N2c332040 [stack 0]
Clamp {
channels alpha
name Clamp2
xpos -983
ypos 1364
Shuffle {
red alpha
green alpha
blue alpha
name Shuffle2
xpos -983
ypos 1400
set N2c332720 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot6
xpos -949
ypos 1516
Dot {
name Dot5
xpos -559
ypos 1516
push $N2c332040
push $N2c32d810
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 rgba.alpha
to0 rgba.alpha
name Copy1
xpos -983
ypos 1205
Median {
size 1
ignore_top_line false
name Median1
xpos -983
ypos 1241
disable {{1-median}}
Premult {
name Premult1
xpos -983
ypos 1265
push $N2c32e940
Expression {
channel0 motion
expr0 0
channel1 none
channel2 none
channel3 none
name Expression2
xpos -451
ypos 160
push $N2c32ecb0
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{static}}
name Switch7
xpos -265
ypos 160
Blur {
channels motion
size {{1+parent.VectorGenerator2.smoothness*5}}
filter triangle
name Blur1
xpos -265
ypos 184
Dot {
name Dot12
xpos -231
ypos 262
set N2c3342a0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot18
xpos -231
ypos 336
set N2c334610 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot20
xpos -231
ypos 474
set N2c334980 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot21
xpos -231
ypos 548
set N2c334cf0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot22
xpos -231
ypos 608
Dot {
name Dot19
xpos -231
ypos 686
set N2c3353d0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot28
xpos -231
ypos 760
set N2c335740 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot29
xpos -231
ypos 820
Dot {
name Dot35
xpos -231
ypos 898
set N2c335e20 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot36
xpos -231
ypos 972
set N2c336190 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot37
xpos -231
ypos 1110
set N2c336500 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot43
xpos -231
ypos 1184
set N2c336870 [stack 0]
push $N2c336500
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset39
xpos 182
ypos 1107
push $N2c336190
push $N2c335e20
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset33
xpos 182
ypos 895
push $N2c335740
push $N2c3353d0
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset27
xpos 182
ypos 683
push $N2c334cf0
push $N2c334980
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset21
xpos 182
ypos 471
push $N2c334610
push $N2c3342a0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset18
xpos -25
ypos 259
push $N2c32e940
Dot {
name Dot11
xpos -417
ypos 205
set N2c336be0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot15
xpos -95
ypos 205
set N2c336f50 [stack 0]
TimeOffset {
time_offset 2
time ""
name TimeOffset17
xpos -129
ypos 223
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy17
xpos -129
ypos 249
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort17
xpos -129
ypos 297
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy18
xpos -129
ypos 321
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort18
xpos -129
ypos 369
push $N2c3342a0
push $N2c336be0
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset15
xpos -341
ypos 223
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy15
xpos -341
ypos 247
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort15
xpos -341
ypos 295
set N2c3383f0 [stack 0]
push 0
push $N2c334610
push $N2c3342a0
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset19
xpos 182
ypos 259
push $N2c336f50
Dot {
name Dot17
xpos 106
ypos 205
TimeOffset {
time_offset -2
time ""
name TimeOffset20
xpos 72
ypos 223
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy19
xpos 72
ypos 247
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort19
xpos 72
ypos 295
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy20
xpos 72
ypos 321
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort20
xpos 72
ypos 369
push $N2c3342a0
push $N2c336be0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset16
xpos -451
ypos 223
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy16
xpos -451
ypos 247
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter Lanczos4
name IDistort16
xpos -451
ypos 295
set N2c339c00 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 4+1
operation average
name Merge14
xpos -341
ypos 369
push $N2c3383f0
push $N2c339c00
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation average
name Merge13
xpos -451
ypos 369
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.x2}}
name Switch1
xpos -451
ypos 393
set N2c1b2420 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot23
xpos -417
ypos 417
set N2c33a650 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot24
xpos -95
ypos 417
set N2c33a9c0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot25
xpos 106
ypos 417
TimeOffset {
time_offset -2
time ""
name TimeOffset22
xpos 72
ypos 435
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy21
xpos 72
ypos 459
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort21
xpos 72
ypos 507
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy22
xpos 72
ypos 533
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort22
xpos 72
ypos 581
push $N2c334cf0
push $N2c334980
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset23
xpos -25
ypos 471
push $N2c33a9c0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 2
time ""
name TimeOffset24
xpos -129
ypos 435
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy23
xpos -129
ypos 461
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort23
xpos -129
ypos 509
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy24
xpos -129
ypos 533
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort24
xpos -129
ypos 581
push $N2c334980
push $N2c33a650
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset25
xpos -341
ypos 435
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy25
xpos -341
ypos 459
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort25
xpos -341
ypos 507
set N2c33cf90 [stack 0]
push 0
push $N2c33a650
Dot {
name Dot26
xpos -520
ypos 417
Dot {
name Dot27
xpos -520
ypos 584
set N2c33d670 [stack 0]
push $N2c334980
push $N2c33a650
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset26
xpos -451
ypos 435
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy26
xpos -451
ypos 459
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort26
xpos -451
ypos 507
set N2c33dd50 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 5+1
operation average
name Merge15
xpos -341
ypos 581
push $N2c33d670
push 0
push $N2c33cf90
push $N2c33dd50
Merge2 {
inputs 3+1
operation average
name Merge16
xpos -451
ypos 581
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.Switch1.which}}
name Switch2
xpos -451
ypos 605
set N2c1b27d0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot30
xpos -417
ypos 629
set N2c33e7a0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot31
xpos -95
ypos 629
set N2c33eb10 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot32
xpos 106
ypos 629
TimeOffset {
time_offset -2
time ""
name TimeOffset28
xpos 72
ypos 647
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy27
xpos 72
ypos 671
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort27
xpos 72
ypos 719
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy28
xpos 72
ypos 745
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort28
xpos 72
ypos 793
push $N2c335740
push $N2c3353d0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset29
xpos -25
ypos 683
push $N2c33eb10
TimeOffset {
time_offset 2
time ""
name TimeOffset30
xpos -129
ypos 647
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy29
xpos -129
ypos 673
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort29
xpos -129
ypos 721
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy30
xpos -129
ypos 745
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort30
xpos -129
ypos 793
push $N2c3353d0
push $N2c33e7a0
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset31
xpos -341
ypos 647
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy31
xpos -341
ypos 671
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort31
xpos -341
ypos 719
set N2c3410e0 [stack 0]
push 0
push $N2c33e7a0
Dot {
name Dot33
xpos -520
ypos 629
Dot {
name Dot34
xpos -520
ypos 796
set N2c3417c0 [stack 0]
push $N2c3353d0
push $N2c33e7a0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset32
xpos -451
ypos 647
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy32
xpos -451
ypos 671
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort32
xpos -451
ypos 719
set N2c341ea0 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 5+1
operation average
name Merge17
xpos -341
ypos 793
push $N2c3417c0
push 0
push $N2c3410e0
push $N2c341ea0
Merge2 {
inputs 3+1
operation average
name Merge18
xpos -451
ypos 793
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.Switch1.which}}
name Switch3
xpos -451
ypos 817
set N2c1b2b80 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot38
xpos -417
ypos 841
set N2c3428f0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot39
xpos -95
ypos 841
set N2c342c60 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot40
xpos 106
ypos 841
TimeOffset {
time_offset -2
time ""
name TimeOffset34
xpos 72
ypos 859
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy33
xpos 72
ypos 883
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort33
xpos 72
ypos 931
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy34
xpos 72
ypos 957
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort34
xpos 72
ypos 1005
push $N2c336190
push $N2c335e20
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset35
xpos -25
ypos 895
push $N2c342c60
TimeOffset {
time_offset 2
time ""
name TimeOffset36
xpos -129
ypos 859
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy35
xpos -129
ypos 885
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort35
xpos -129
ypos 933
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy36
xpos -129
ypos 957
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort36
xpos -129
ypos 1005
push $N2c335e20
push $N2c3428f0
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset37
xpos -341
ypos 859
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy37
xpos -341
ypos 883
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort37
xpos -341
ypos 931
set N2c345230 [stack 0]
push 0
push $N2c3428f0
Dot {
name Dot41
xpos -520
ypos 841
Dot {
name Dot42
xpos -520
ypos 1008
set N2c345910 [stack 0]
push $N2c335e20
push $N2c3428f0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset38
xpos -451
ypos 859
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy38
xpos -451
ypos 883
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort38
xpos -451
ypos 931
set N2c345ff0 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 5+1
operation average
name Merge19
xpos -341
ypos 1005
push $N2c345910
push 0
push $N2c345230
push $N2c345ff0
Merge2 {
inputs 3+1
operation average
name Merge20
xpos -451
ypos 1005
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.Switch1.which}}
name Switch4
xpos -451
ypos 1029
set N2c1b2f30 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot44
xpos -417
ypos 1053
set N2c346a40 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot45
xpos -95
ypos 1053
set N2c346db0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot46
xpos 106
ypos 1053
TimeOffset {
time_offset -2
time ""
name TimeOffset40
xpos 72
ypos 1071
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy39
xpos 72
ypos 1095
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort39
xpos 72
ypos 1143
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy40
xpos 72
ypos 1169
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort40
xpos 72
ypos 1217
push $N2c336870
push $N2c336500
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset41
xpos -25
ypos 1107
push $N2c346db0
TimeOffset {
time_offset 2
time ""
name TimeOffset42
xpos -129
ypos 1071
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy41
xpos -129
ypos 1097
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort41
xpos -129
ypos 1145
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy42
xpos -129
ypos 1169
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort42
xpos -129
ypos 1217
push $N2c336500
push $N2c346a40
TimeOffset {
time_offset -1
time ""
name TimeOffset43
xpos -341
ypos 1071
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy43
xpos -341
ypos 1095
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort43
xpos -341
ypos 1143
set N2c349380 [stack 0]
push 0
push $N2c346a40
Dot {
name Dot47
xpos -520
ypos 1053
Dot {
name Dot48
xpos -520
ypos 1220
set N2c349a60 [stack 0]
push $N2c336500
push $N2c346a40
TimeOffset {
time_offset 1
time ""
name TimeOffset44
xpos -451
ypos 1071
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 backward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 backward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy44
xpos -451
ypos 1095
IDistort {
channels rgb
uv forward
filter {{IDistort16.filter}}
name IDistort44
xpos -451
ypos 1143
set N2c34a140 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 5+1
operation average
name Merge21
xpos -341
ypos 1217
push $N2c349a60
push 0
push $N2c349380
push $N2c34a140
Merge2 {
inputs 3+1
operation average
name Merge22
xpos -451
ypos 1217
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.Switch1.which}}
name Switch6
xpos -451
ypos 1241
push $N2c1b2f30
Dot {
name Dot49
xpos -578
ypos 1032
push $N2c1b2b80
Dot {
name Dot50
xpos -578
ypos 820
push 0
push $N2c1b27d0
Dot {
name Dot51
xpos -578
ypos 608
push $N2c1b2420
Dot {
name Dot52
xpos -578
ypos 396
Dissolve {
inputs 5+1
channels rgb
which {{parent.iterations-1}}
name Dissolve1
xpos -612
ypos 1241
Merge2 {
inputs 2
output rgb
name Merge1
xpos -612
ypos 1265
disable {{1-fix_artifacts}}
push 0
Merge2 {
inputs 2
bbox A
metainput A
Achannels rgb
Bchannels rgb
output rgb
name Merge3
xpos -612
ypos 1289
Clamp {
channels rgb
name Clamp1
xpos -612
ypos 1313
Dot {
name Dot56
xpos -578
ypos 1337
set N2cb50c30 [stack 0]
Expression {
channel0 rgb
expr0 r+g+b
channel1 none
channel2 none
channel3 none
enable_mix_luminance false
name Expression4
xpos -612
ypos 1355
push $N2c32db80
Expression {
channel0 rgb
expr0 r+g+b
channel1 none
channel2 none
channel3 none
enable_mix_luminance false
name Expression5
xpos -707
ypos 1332
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos -673
ypos 1382
Dissolve {
inputs 2
channels rgb
which {{luminance}}
name Dissolve2
xpos -612
ypos 1379
Dot {
name Dot59
xpos -578
ypos 1497
push $N2c332720
push $N2cb50c30
Dot {
name Dot57
xpos -474
ypos 1337
Expression {
temp_name0 L
temp_expr0 r+g+b
expr0 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : r/L"
expr1 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : g/L"
expr2 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : b/L"
channel3 none
enable_mix_luminance false
name Expression8
xpos -508
ypos 1355
Blur {
inputs 1+1
size 12
mix 0.5
name Blur4
xpos -508
ypos 1394
disable {{(1-fix_artifacts*median)}}
push $N2c32def0
Expression {
temp_name0 L
temp_expr0 r+g+b
expr0 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : r/L"
expr1 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : g/L"
expr2 "L == 0 ? 0.5 : b/L"
channel3 none
enable_mix_luminance false
name Expression6
xpos -809
ypos 1332
Dot {
name Dot58
xpos -775
ypos 1473
Dissolve {
inputs 2
channels rgb
which {{chrominance}}
name Dissolve3
xpos -508
ypos 1470
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation multiply
Achannels rgb
Bchannels rgb
output rgb
name Merge23
xpos -508
ypos 1494
Dot {
name Dot60
xpos -474
ypos 1542
set N2cb538e0 [stack 0]
push $N2c32e260
Dot {
name Dot61
xpos -885
ypos 1314
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
Achannels rgb
Bchannels rgb
output rgb
name Merge24
xpos -919
ypos 1539
Dot {
name Dot62
xpos -885
ypos 1563
push $N2cb538e0
Switch {
inputs 3
which {{(node_output)*(1-preview_mask)+preview_mask*2}}
name Switch5
xpos -508
ypos 1560
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation copy
Achannels rgb
Bchannels rgb
output rgb
name Merge4
xpos -508
ypos 1584
disable {{"1-(disable == 2)"}}
Output {
name Output1
xpos -508
ypos 1608