2/6/2017 - 8:48 PM

Arrays: Properties, Methods, and Manipulation

Arrays: Properties, Methods, and Manipulation

//var myArr = ['apple', 'barries', 'bannana', 'coke'];

// var indexOf = myArr.indexOf('coke');
// console.log(indexOf);

//Push into Array
// myArr.push('bread');

//Delete last item in array takes no pram
// myArr.pop();

//Unshift adds to beginning of array

//Shift Deletes from beginning of array

//Print Array to String
//var foo = myArr.toString();

//Foreach loop
// var myArr1 = [5, 10, 15, 2];

//forEach method
//  function timeTen(element, index, array){
//      array[index] =  element * 10;
//  }

//  myArr1.forEach(timeTen);
//Array of objects 
// var family = [
//     {
//         name: 'jude',
//         age: 8
//     },
//     {
//         name: 'allison',
//         age: 32,
//     },
//     {
//         name: 'cory',
//         age: 39,
//     },
//     {
//         name: 'caroline',
//         age: 3
//     }
// ]
// Foreach method
// function printFamily(element, index, array){
//      console.log('name: '+ +' , '+ 'age: ' + element.age);    
//  }


//reverse items in a array

//Concat two arrays together
 //var foo = ['butter', 'bread', 'coke', 'chips'];
// var foo2 =['cookies', 'water'];

// saving to varible 
// var concat = foo.concat(foo2);

//Mixed pram's 
//var mixedPrem = foo.concat(1,2,3,4,5);

//join method pass in any thing to be set in between values 
//var join = foo.join(' -> ');

//Slice return only a portion of the array
//var sample = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];
//It takes two pream a beginning index and an ending index
//var slice = sample.slice(9,15);

//Splice Deletes portions of an array
//var deleted = sample.splice(5,9);

//Orginal array running splice
// console.log(sample);

 //items returned that were spliced 

//Sorting numbers method
//var num = [1,2,4,20,21,22,19,10,33,56,110];

//Compare function (Can be custmoized)
//function sortNum(a,b){
//Ascending Order 
    //return a-b;
//Descending Order
    //return b-a;

// num.sort(sortNum);
// console.log(num);

//Sorting Strings
//var myArr = ['Helena','Iowa', 'Baton Rouge', 'Raleigh', 'Nashville','alberta', 'mobile'];

//compare function  -Make sort Case Sensitive
// function sortAlph(a,b){
//     var aLower = a.toLowerCase();
//     var bLower = b.toLowerCase();
//     if(aLower < bLower) return -1;
//     if(aLower > bLower) return 1;
//     return 0;
// }

// myArr.sort(sortAlph);
// console.log(myArr);