Create a bookmark and paste the code from grab links.bookmarklet
into the url. Trigger it on a page containing links you want to save and then click the section of the page containing the links. A Markdown list of all links will be generated, and clicking the resulting list will select all for copying.
javascript:(function(){var p=document.createElement("p");p.innerHTML="<strong>Loading…</strong>";"loadingp";"20px";"#fff";"20px";;"fixed";"9999999";".85";document.body.appendChild(p);document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src=""+(Math.random());})();
// version 2.2
// Updated jQuery to stable head
// removed padding changes on hover, too messy
// avoid Tweet This, ADN and Facebook Share links
// version 2.1
// Fixed jQuery injection
// version 2.0
// no repeated urls
// handle relative links and local hashes better
// better handling of title attributes
// add origin link at top of output
// don't force selection on click, allow copying individual parts
// add a close button
// truncate long titles at 50 chars
// Do a better job of incrementing/decrementing padding
(function () {
function callback() {
(function ($) {
var jQuery = $;
$("#loadingp").fadeOut("fast", function () {
var selectLinks = function () {
var doc = document,
text = doc.getElementById("linkoutput"),
range, selection;
if (doc.body.createTextRange) {
range = doc.body.createTextRange();
} else if (window.getSelection) {
selection = window.getSelection();
range = doc.createRange();
}, collection = [];
$("div,table,article,section,aside").on("mouseover mouseout click", function (a) {
a.type === "mouseover" ? $(this).css({
outline: "1px solid rgb(194, 130, 148)"
}).addClass("mkhovered") : $("div,table,article,section,aside").css({
outline: "none"
if (a.type === "click") {
outline: "none"
var i, url, linkText, norepeat = [],
linkage = $(this).find("a"),
avoidUrls = ["twitter\\.com\\/intent","www\\.facebook\\.com\\/dialog","alpha\\.app\\.net\\/intent"];
linkage.each(function (i, link) {
var $link = $(link);
var parser = document.createElement("a");
parser.href = $link.attr("href");
for (i in avoidUrls) {
var re = new RegExp(avoidUrls[i]);
if (re.test(parser.href)) {
return false;
if ($.inArray(parser.href, norepeat) === -1) {
if ($link.attr("title") && $link.attr("title").length > 3) {
linkText = $link.attr("title");
} else {
if ($link.text() === undefined || $link.text().length < 4) {
if (document.location.hostname === parser.hostname && parser.hash !== "") {
linkText = parser.hash;
} else {
linkText = parser.href;
} else {
linkText = $link.text();
collection.push(["- [" + linkText.replace(/[\n\r\s]+/g, " ").replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "").slice(0, 50).replace(/[\[\]\|]+/g, "") + "](" + parser.href + ")"]);
position: "fixed",
top: "0",
left: "0",
right: "0",
bottom: "0",
overflow: "auto",
backgroundColor: "#efefef",
color: "#333",
zIndex: "99999",
fontFamily: "menlo, courier, monospace"
}).append($("<pre id=linkoutput>").css({
padding: "20px",
margin: "40px",
textAlign: "left"
}).text("Collected from: [" + document.title.replace(/[\r\n]+/, "") + "](" + document.location.href + ")\n\n\n" + collection.join("\n"))).append($("<a href=#>Click here to close</a>").css({
display: "block",
padding: "10px",
color: "#fff",
fontSize: "16px",
background: "rgba(194, 56, 96, 1)",
margin: "0 auto",
width: "220px",
textAlign: "center",
borderRadius: "10px",
fontFamily: "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
fontWeight: "bold",
}).click(function (ev) {
return false;
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = "";
if (s.addEventListener) {
s.addEventListener("load", callback, false)
} else if (s.readyState) {
s.onreadystatechange = callback