Usage: @include breakpoint(md) { // styles goes here }
// Screen breakpoints
// ==============================
$screen-xxs: 20em;
$screen-xs: 30rem;
$screen-sm: 48rem;
$screen-md: 64rem;
$screen-lg: 75rem;
$screen-xl: 90rem;
// Screen sizes
// ==============================
@mixin screen-max($max-width) {
@media screen and (max-width: $max-width) {
@mixin screen-min($min-width) {
@media screen and (min-width: $min-width) {
@mixin screen-range($min-width, $max-width) {
@media screen and (min-width: $min-width) and (max-width: $max-width) {
@mixin device-range($min-width, $max-width) {
@media screen and (min-device-width: $min-width) and (max-device-width: $min-width) {
// Breakpoint Mixin
@mixin breakpoint($min: 0, $max: 0) {
$type: type-of($min);
@if $type == string {
@if $min == 'xxs' {
@include screen-min($screen-xxs) {
@else if $min == 'xs' {
@include screen-min($screen-xs) {
@else if $min == 'sm' {
@include screen-min($screen-sm) {
@else if $min == 'md' {
@include screen-min($screen-md) {
@else if $min == 'lg' {
@include screen-min($screen-lg) {
@else if $min == 'xl' {
@include screen-min($screen-xl) {
@else if $type == number {
@include device-range($min, $max) {