Feature: Connecting users by extra information
Once a user registers with Find a Player, we want to be able to connect him
with the people we can detect he knows - especially if they're already on our
Once people who others know of join Find a Player, we want to notify those
people to encourage engagement between them.
Once players are added to plays, we want to be able to allow users to
participate within the context of the app, and not have a degraded experience
due to the organiser inviting the user through one of their auxiluary numbers
and we already have that number.
Given the following users exist:
| id | email | name |
| 1 | current_user@dummy.com | Current User |
| 2 | other_user@dummy.com | Other User |
Scenario Outline: Connect user by alternative phone number
Given Current User has <num_devices> devices
And Current User has registered with only one device
When Other User has a ContactBookItem for Current User and ContactBookItem has all Current User's devices
Then ContactBookItem's 'contact_session_id' will equal Current Users's ID
| num_devices |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 10 |