10/3/2015 - 2:25 PM

AWS Getting

AWS Getting Started

Step 1: Set Up the VPC and Internet Gateway

  • Open the Amazon VPC console at
  • On the VPC dashboard, choose Start VPC Wizard
  • Select the first option, VPC with a Single Public Subnet, and choose Select
  • Leave the default settings and choose Create VPC
  • When the work completes, choose OK to close the status window


Step 2: Set Up a Security Group for Your VPC

Create the WebServerSG security group

  • Open the Amazon VPC console at
  • In the navigation pane, choose Security Groups
  • Choose Create Security Group
  • In the Group name field, enter WebServerSG as the name of the security group, and provide a description.
  • Select the ID of your VPC from the VPC menu, and then choose Yes, Create

Add rules

  • Select the WebServerSG security group that you just created
  • Click Inbound Rules tab & edit
  • Add rule type HTTP with source
  • Add rule type HTTPS with source
  • Add rule type SSH with source


Step 3: Launch an Instance into Your VPC

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  • In the navigation bar, on the top-right, ensure that you select the same region in which you created your VPC and security group.
  • From the dashboard, choose Launch Instance
  • Select Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS
  • Choose t2.micro, which is the free tier eligible instance
  • Choose Next: Configure Instance Details
  • Change the Network to the VPC created in step 1
  • Tick Protect against accidental termination
  • Choose Next: Add Storage
  • Free tier storage is up to 30GB, therefore enter 15GB and select Next: Tag Instance
  • Input the instance name (eg. Ubuntu 14.04 Sydney or app v1.0)
  • Choose Next: Configure Security Group
  • Choose Select an existing security group and select the security group created in step 2
  • Choose Review and Launch then choose Launch
  • Create key pair if required, then choose Launch Instance


Step 4: Assign an Elastic IP Address to Your Instance

  • Open the Amazon VPC console at
  • In the navigation pane, choose Elastic IPs
  • Choose Allocate New Address, and then Yes, Allocate
  • Select the Elastic IP address from the list, choose Actions, and then choose Associate Address
  • In the dialog box, choose Instance from the Associate with list, and then select your instance from the Instance list. Choose Yes, Associate when you're done.


Step 5: Connecting to EC2

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  • Choose the instance and look for the Public IP
  • The default ssh user for Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS is ubuntu (AWS AMI is ec2-user)
  • Use the .pem file to SSH into the server (eg. using MobaXterm)