ControlledChaos of Controlled Chaos Design
8/9/2016 - 6:58 PM

Move the cursor to the end of the current text within in an input or textarea, rather than the default (highlighting the text).

Move the cursor to the end of the current text within in an input or textarea, rather than the default (highlighting the text).

var searchInput = $("#search");

  .putCursorAtEnd() // should be chainable
  .on("focus", function() { // could be on any event
jQuery.fn.putCursorAtEnd = function() {

  return this.each(function() {
    // Cache references
    var $el = $(this),
        el = this;

    // Only focus if input isn't already
    if (!$":focus")) {

    // If this function exists... (IE 9+)
    if (el.setSelectionRange) {

      // Double the length because Opera is inconsistent about whether a carriage return is one character or two.
      var len = $el.val().length * 2;
      // Timeout seems to be required for Blink
      setTimeout(function() {
        el.setSelectionRange(len, len);
      }, 1);
    } else {
      // As a fallback, replace the contents with itself
      // Doesn't work in Chrome, but Chrome supports setSelectionRange

    // Scroll to the bottom, in case we're in a tall textarea
    // (Necessary for Firefox and Chrome)
    this.scrollTop = 999999;



Put Cursor at the End of Input Text

jQuery Plugin