AngularJS 1.X semantic-ui helpers.
* @ngdoc directive
* @name semanticToggleButton
* @restrict E
* @scope
* @description create a toggle button. The element is transluded and can possess
* an ngModel set to a boolean.
* @attr {string} toggleText the text of the button when inactive and active.
* Syntax: "inactive text:active text".
* @attr {string} toggleClass the classes to toggle when inactive and active.
* Syntax: "inactive class:active class"
* See <a href="">sticky</a>.
//.directive( 'semanticToggleButton', toggleButton );
function toggleButton(){
return {
restrict : 'E',
replace : true,
transclude: true,
template : '<button class="ui button" ' +
scope : {
toggleText : '@',
toggleClass: '@'
require : '?ngModel',
link: function( scope, element, attrs, ngModel ){ = ngModel && ngModel.$viewValue === true ? false : true;
var texts = scope.toggleText.split( ":" );
var cls = scope.toggleClass ? scope.toggleClass.split( ":" ) : ["", ""];
var toggleFunc = function(){
element.text( ? texts[0] : texts[1] );
element.removeClass( ? cls[1] : cls[0] );
element.addClass( ? cls[0] : cls[1] ); = !;
if( ngModel ){
ngModel.$setViewValue( );
element.on( 'click', toggleFunc );
* @ngdoc directive
* @name semanticPopup
* @restrict A
* @description initialise a semantic popup.
* See <a href="">popups</a>.
* @param "hover|click|focus" when the popup should be shown.
//.directive( 'semanticPopup', semanticPopup )
function semanticPopup(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link : function( scope, element, attr ){
var on = attr.semanticPopup || 'hover';
element.popup( {
on: on
} );
// miscellanous directives and helpers for applications using AngularJS 1.X with the semantic-ui framework