12/21/2015 - 2:20 PM

Kinect v2 Coordinate System Mapping

Kinect v2 Coordinate System Mapping

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#include <Windows.h>
#include <Kinect.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <atlbase.h>

// Error Check 
#define ERROR_CHECK( ret )                                        \
    if( (ret) != S_OK ){                                          \
        std::stringstream ss;                                     \
        ss << "failed " #ret " " << std::hex << ret << std::endl; \
        throw std::runtime_error( ss.str().c_str() );             \

class Kinect

    // Sensor
    CComPtr<IKinectSensor> kinect;
    CComPtr<ICoordinateMapper> mapper;

    // Color
    CComPtr<IColorFrameReader> colorFrameReader;
    std::vector<BYTE> colorBuffer;
    int colorWidth;
    int colorHeight;
    unsigned int colorBytesPerPixel;
    cv::Mat colorMat;

    // Depth
    CComPtr<IDepthFrameReader> depthFrameReader;
    std::vector<UINT16> depthBuffer;
    int depthWidth;
    int depthHeight;
    cv::Mat depthMat;


    // Constructor
        // Initialize

        // Finalize

    // Run
    void run()
        while ( 1 ) {
            // Update

            // Draw

            // Show

            // Key Check
            const int key = cv::waitKey( 10 );
            if( key == VK_ESCAPE ){


    // Initialize
    void initialize()
        cv::setUseOptimized( true );

        // Initialize Sensor

        // Initialize Color

        // Initialize Depth

    // Initialize Sensor
    void initializeSensor()
        // Open Sensor
        ERROR_CHECK( GetDefaultKinectSensor( &kinect ) );

        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->Open() );

        // Check Open
        BOOLEAN isOpen = FALSE;
        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_IsOpen( &isOpen ) );
        if( !isOpen ){
            throw std::runtime_error( "failed IKinectSensor::get_IsOpen( &isOpen )" );

        // Retrieved Coordinate Mapper
        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_CoordinateMapper( &mapper ) );

    // Initialize Color
    void initializeColor()
        // Open Color Reader
        CComPtr<IColorFrameSource> colorFrameSource;
        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_ColorFrameSource( &colorFrameSource ) );
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->OpenReader( &colorFrameReader ) );

        // Retrieved Color Description
        CComPtr<IFrameDescription> colorFrameDescription;
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->CreateFrameDescription( ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra, &colorFrameDescription ) );
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth ) ); // 1920
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight ) ); // 1080
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_BytesPerPixel( &colorBytesPerPixel ) ); // 4

        // Allocation Color Buffer
        colorBuffer.resize( colorWidth * colorHeight * colorBytesPerPixel );

    // Initialize Depth
    void initializeDepth()
        // Open Depth Reader
        CComPtr<IDepthFrameSource> depthFrameSource;
        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_DepthFrameSource( &depthFrameSource ) );
        ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameSource->OpenReader( &depthFrameReader ) );

        // Retrieved Depth Description
        CComPtr<IFrameDescription> depthFrameDescription;
        ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameSource->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription ) );
        ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth ) ); // 512
        ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight ) ); // 424

        // Allocation Depth Buffer
        depthBuffer.resize( depthWidth * depthHeight );

    // Finalize
    void finalize()
        // Close Sensor
        ERROR_CHECK( kinect->Close() );

    // Update
    void update()
        // Update Color

        // Update Depth

    // Update Color
    void updateColor()
        // Retrieved Color Frame
        CComPtr<IColorFrame> colorFrame;
        const HRESULT ret = colorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &colorFrame );
        if( FAILED( ret ) ){

        // Copy Data and Convert Format ( YUY2 -> BGRA )
        ERROR_CHECK( colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( static_cast<UINT>( colorBuffer.size() ), &colorBuffer[0], ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra ) );


    // Update Depth
    void updateDepth()
        // Retrieved Depth Frame
        CComPtr<IDepthFrame> depthFrame;
        const HRESULT ret = depthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &depthFrame );
        if( FAILED( ret ) ){

        // Copy Data
        ERROR_CHECK( depthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray( depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0] ) );

    // Draw
    void draw()
        // Draw Color

        // Draw Depth

    // Draw Color
    void drawColor()
        // Retrieve Mapped Coordinates
        std::vector<ColorSpacePoint> colorSpace( depthWidth * depthHeight );
        ERROR_CHECK( mapper->MapDepthFrameToColorSpace( depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0], colorSpace.size(), &colorSpace[0] ) );

        // Mapping Depth to Color Resolution
        std::vector<BYTE> buffer( depthWidth * depthHeight * colorBytesPerPixel );

        for( int depthY = 0; depthY < depthHeight; depthY++ ){
            for( int depthX = 0; depthX < depthWidth; depthX++ ){
                unsigned int depthIndex = depthY * depthWidth + depthX;
                int colorX = static_cast<int>( colorSpace[depthIndex].X + 0.5f );
                int colorY = static_cast<int>( colorSpace[depthIndex].Y + 0.5f );
                if( ( 0 <= colorX ) && ( colorX < colorWidth ) && ( 0 <= colorY ) && ( colorY < colorHeight ) ){
                    unsigned int colorIndex = colorY * colorWidth + colorX;
                    buffer[depthIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 0] = colorBuffer[colorIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 0];
                    buffer[depthIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 1] = colorBuffer[colorIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 1];
                    buffer[depthIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 2] = colorBuffer[colorIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 2];
                    buffer[depthIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 3] = colorBuffer[colorIndex * colorBytesPerPixel + 3];

        // Set Coordinate Buffer to cv::Mat
        colorMat = cv::Mat( depthHeight, depthWidth, CV_8UC4, &buffer[0] ).clone();

    // Draw Depth
    void drawDepth()
        // Retrieve Mapped Coordinates
        std::vector<DepthSpacePoint> depthSpace( colorWidth * colorHeight );
        ERROR_CHECK( mapper->MapColorFrameToDepthSpace( depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0], depthSpace.size(), &depthSpace[0] ) );

        // Mapping Depth to Color Resolution
        std::vector<UINT16> buffer( colorWidth * colorHeight );

        for ( int colorY = 0; colorY < colorHeight; colorY++ ){
            for ( int colorX = 0; colorX < colorWidth; colorX++ ){
                unsigned int colorIndex = colorY * colorWidth + colorX;
                int depthX = static_cast<int>( depthSpace[colorIndex].X + 0.5f );
                int depthY = static_cast<int>( depthSpace[colorIndex].Y + 0.5f );
                if ( ( 0 <= depthX ) && ( depthX < depthWidth ) && ( 0 <= depthY ) && ( depthY < depthHeight ) ){
                    unsigned int depthIndex = depthY * depthWidth + depthX;
                    buffer[colorIndex] = depthBuffer[depthIndex];

        // Set Coordinate Buffer to cv::Mat
        cv::Mat rawMat = cv::Mat( colorHeight, colorWidth, CV_16UC1, &buffer[0] ).clone();

        // Convert Raw(16bit) to 8bit
        rawMat.convertTo( depthMat, CV_8U, -255.0f / 8000.0f, 255.0f ); // 255(white) - 0(black)
        //rawMat.convertTo( depthMat, CV_8U, 255.0f / 8000.0f, 0.0f ); // 0(black) - 255(white)

    // Show
    void show()
        // Show Color

        // Show Depth

    // Show Color
    void showColor()
        // Show Color Data
        cv::imshow( "Color", colorMat );

    // Show Depth
    void showDepth()
        // Resize Image
        const double scale = 0.5;
        cv::Mat resizeMat;
        cv::resize( depthMat, resizeMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );

        // Show Depth Data
        cv::imshow( "Depth", resizeMat );

void main()
    try {
        Kinect kinect;
    catch ( std::exception& ex ){
        std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;