//Get current URL
var currentURL = window.location.href;
//Retrieve session storage item
var spanish = sessionStorage.getItem("spanish");
//If the code for Spanish ("es") is found in the URL, set the session storage item to "true"
if (currentURL.indexOf("/es") > -1 ) {
if (spanish != "true") {
sessionStorage.setItem('spanish', 'true');
//Once the Shopify store redirects to third-party checkout platform, this code will retrieve the session storage item and change the language if necessary
$( document ).ready(function() {
//Get URL
var spanish = sessionStorage.getItem("spanish");
var currentURL = window.location.href;
if (spanish == "true") {
//This page should be in Spanish
if (currentURL.indexOf("&language=es") > -1) {
//Do nothing. URL already has query parameter
else {
//var newURL = window.location.href + "&language=es";
//Add query parameter and reload page
window.location.search += '&language=es';
//If its the Thank you page, clear session storage value
if (currentURL.indexOf("thank-you") > -1) {