The main orientation types are:
You can use similar functions with other Euler Angle representations: Out euler elements are defined in radians.
void fromRotMat2PitchYawRoll(const cv::Matx33d& rotMat,
float *_pitch, float *_yaw, float *_roll) {
double q0 = sqrt(1 + rotMat(0, 0) + rotMat(1, 1) +
rotMat(2, 2)) / 2.0;
double q1 = (rotMat(2, 1) - rotMat(1, 2)) / (4.0*q0);
double q2 = (rotMat(0, 2) - rotMat(2, 0)) / (4.0*q0);
double q3 = (rotMat(1, 0) - rotMat(0, 1)) / (4.0*q0);
*_yaw = static_cast<float>(asin(2.0 * (q0*q2 + q1*q3)));
*_pitch = static_cast<float>(atan2(2.0 * (q0*q1-q2*q3),
*_roll = static_cast<float>(atan2(2.0 * (q0*q3-q1*q2),
You can use similar functions with other Euler Angle representations. All euler elements are defined in radians.
void fromPitchYawRoll2RotMat(const float _pitch, const float _yaw,
const float _roll, cv::Matx33f *_rotMat) {
double pitchD = static_cast<double>(_pitch);
double yawD = static_cast<double>(_yaw);
double rollD = static_cast<double>(_roll);
// Calculate rotation about x axis
cv::Matx33f R_x(1, 0, 0,
0, cos(pitchD), -sin(pitchD),
0, sin(pitchD), cos(pitchD));
// Calculate rotation about y axis
cv::Matx33f R_y(cos(yawD), 0, sin(yawD),
0, 1, 0,
-sin(yawD), 0, cos(yawD));
// Calculate rotation about z axis
cv::Matx33f R_z(cos(rollD), -sin(rollD), 0,
sin(rollD), cos(rollD), 0,
0, 0, 1);
// Combined rotation matrix
*_rotMat = (R_x * R_y * R_z);
void drawOrientationInImage(cv::Mat *_img, const cv::Point2f &_centroid,
const cv::Mat &_rotMat) {
double axisScale = 100.;
cv::Mat xAxis = _rotMat.col(0) * axisScale;
cv::Mat yAxis = _rotMat.col(1) * axisScale;
cv::Mat zAxis = _rotMat.col(2) * axisScale;
cv::Point2f xAxisProj = _centroid;
xAxisProj.x +=<float>(0);
xAxisProj.y +=<float>(1);
cv::Point2f yAxisProj = _centroid;
yAxisProj.x -=<float>(0);
yAxisProj.y -=<float>(1);
cv::Point2f zAxisProj = _centroid;
zAxisProj.x -=<float>(0);
zAxisProj.y -=<float>(1);
cv::line(*_img, _centroid, xAxisProj, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
cv::line(*_img, _centroid, yAxisProj, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
cv::line(*_img, _centroid, zAxisProj, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0));