BigCommerce conditions in templates
\!h IF if
== equal to
=== equal to and equal type
!= not equal
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
{{#if head.title '==' 'Page One'}}
<!-- do something -->
{{else if head.title "==" 'Random Page'}}
<!-- do something else -->
<!-- do default -->
<li class="
{{#if product.custom_fields }}
{{#each product.custom_fields as |product_field| }}
{{#if '==' 'category_preview' }}
{{#if product_field.value '==' 'wide' }}
grid__item small--one-whole medium-up--one-half half-grid
grid__item small--one-half medium-up--one-quarter
\!h if not
{{#if (not theme_settings.hide_categories_links)}}
<!-- do something else -->
\!h OR or
{{#or customer (if theme_settings.restrict_to_login '!==' true)}}
{{#if theme_settings.instagram_feed}}
<section class="instagram">
<div class="container">
{{#or theme_settings.instagram_title theme_settings.instagram_subtitle}}
<div class="instagram__title">
{{#if theme_settings.instagram_title}}<h2 class="h2">{{ theme_settings.instagram_title }}</h2>{{/if}}
{{#if theme_settings.instagram_subtitle}}<span class="instagram__sub-title">{{ theme_settings.instagram_subtitle }}</span>{{/if}}
<div class="imstagram-wrap">
<script src="" defer></script><div class="elfsight-app-08539a92-7cf7-490a-9b17-a8b811f000ce"></div>