./refine -m 10G -d /Users/propertydb/Dropbox/Apps/OpenRefine/projects
./refine -p 3333 -i -m 3G -d /Users/propertydb/Dropbox/Apps/OpenRefine/projects
-h print this message and exit
-p <port> the port that OpenRefine will listen to default: 3333
-i <interface> the host interface OpenRefine should bind to default:
-w <path> path to the webapp default: main/webapp
-d <path> path to the data directory default: OS dependent
-m <memory> max memory heap size to use default: 1024M
-k <google api key> a server API key for calling Google APIs
-v <level> verbosity level [from low to high: error,warn,info,debug,trace] default: info
-x <name=value> additional configuration parameters to pass to OpenRefine default: [none]
--debug enable JVM debugging (on port 8000)
--jmx enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and jvisualvm)