1/26/2017 - 4:09 PM

Plugin to add a "created by" field on a MODX Revolution resource form, listening on the "OnDocFormPrerender" event

Plugin to add a "created by" field on a MODX Revolution resource form, listening on the "OnDocFormPrerender" event

 * Sample plugin to add a "created by" field on a resource form
 * @var modX $modx
 * @var array $scriptProperties
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender

    // We are targeting the right column in the settings tab
    Ext.ComponentMgr.onAvailable('modx-page-settings-right', function(right) {
        right.on('beforerender', function() {
            // page is a reference to the whole form panel
            var page = Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource')
                // record is a reference to our resource fields
                ,record = page.record
            // Let's add our new field at the bottom of the column
                xtype: 'modx-combo-user'
                ,name: 'createdby'
                ,hiddenName: 'createdby'
                ,value: record.createdby
                ,anchor: '100%'
                ,layout: 'anchor'
                ,fieldLabel: _('resource_createdby')