Zeichen im Dateinamen welche im Ziel-Zeichensatz nicht zur Verfügung stehen, werden durch ähnliche Zeichen ersetzt (Transliteration). Optimiert die maximale Größe von jpeg-Bildern per GD2. Source: http://www.forum.jolichter.de/index.php?topic=228.0
* MODX Revo Plugin für den Datei Upload Manager
* (getestet mit Revo 2.2.6)
* Dateiname Transliteration und jpeg-Bildgröße Anpassung
* (jpeg-Dateiinfos werden entfernt)
* System Events: OnFileManagerUpload!
* V 13.03.005
* Gleiche Dateinamen werden wie gehabt überschrieben!
* Ein 'OnBeforeFileManagerUpload' gibt es leider (noch) nicht.
* Bei der Transliteration verhindere ich das, indem ich an der neuen Datei ein uniqid() anhänge.
* Quellen:
* http://php.net/manual/de/function.image-type-to-extension.php
* http://forums.modx.com/?action=thread&thread=73940&page=2
# Parameter
$maxWidth = 800; // maximale Pixelbreite
$maxHeight = 800; // maximale Pixelhöhe
$quality = 80; // jpeg-Qualität
// ###################################
// cleaning filename function
if (!function_exists('cleanFilename')) {
function cleanFilename($modx, $filename, $slug) {
// trim, lowercase, replace special chars, transliterate
if (function_exists('iconv')) {
setlocale(LC_ALL, strtolower($modx->getOption('cultureKey')) . '_' . strtoupper($modx->getOption('cultureKey')));
$filename = strtolower(trim(preg_replace('~[^0-9a-z-' . preg_quote(null, '~') . ']+~i', $slug, iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $filename)), $slug));
} else {
// without transliterate
$filename = strtolower(trim(preg_replace('~[^0-9a-z-' . preg_quote(null, '~') . ']+~i', $slug, $filename), $slug));
if (empty($filename)) {return 'noname';}
return $filename;
// ###################################
// resize JPEG function
if (!function_exists('imgResize')) {
function imgResize($modx, $source, $target, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $quality) {
// check if GD extension is loaded
if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2')) {return false;}
list($source_width, $source_height, $source_type) = getimagesize($source);
switch ($source_type) {
$source_gd_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
$source_gd_image = imagecreatefromgif($source);
$source_gd_image = imagecreatefrompng($source);
if ($source_gd_image === false) {return false;}
$source_aspect_ratio = $source_width / $source_height;
$aspect_ratio = $maxWidth / $maxHeight;
if ($source_width <= $maxWidth && $source_height <= $maxHeight) {
$image_width = $source_width;
$image_height = $source_height;
} elseif ($aspect_ratio > $source_aspect_ratio) {
$image_width = (int) ($maxHeight * $source_aspect_ratio);
$image_height = $maxHeight;
} else {
$image_width = $maxWidth;
$image_height = (int) ($maxWidth / $source_aspect_ratio);
// create a new temporary image
$gd_image = imagecreatetruecolor($image_width, $image_height);
// copy and resize old image into new image
imagecopyresampled($gd_image, $source_gd_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_width, $image_height, $source_width, $source_height);
// save gd_image into a file
imagejpeg($gd_image, $target, $quality);
// release the memory
// ###################################
// rename each of the uploaded Files and resize Images if necessary
foreach($files as $file) {
global $modx;
if ($file['error'] == 0) {
$slug = '_';
$fileDir = $directory.$file['name']; #directory/filename.ext
//$modx->getOption('base_path') + path Media Sources + directory File:
//modfilemediasource.class.php (function uploadObjectsToContainer)
$bases = $source->getBases($directory);
$fullPath = $bases['pathAbsolute'].ltrim($directory, '/');
$pathInfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
$fileName = $pathInfo['filename'];
$fileExt = '.'.strtolower($pathInfo['extension']);
$fullName = $fullPath.$fileName.$fileExt;
$fileNameNew = cleanFilename($modx, $fileName, $slug);
$fullNameNew = $fullPath.$fileNameNew.$fileExt;
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[cleanFilename] '.$fullNameNew);
// Transliteration necessary?
if ($fileName != $fileNameNew){
// if the file exist, add an unique-ID Number in file
if (file_exists($fullNameNew)) {
$uni = uniqid();
$fileNameNew = $fileNameNew.'_'.$uni;
$fullNameNew = $fullPath.$fileNameNew.$fileExt;
$source->renameObject($fileDir, $fileNameNew.$fileExt);
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[cleanFilename] '.$fileDir.' - '.$fileNameNew.$fileExt);
// if file is a jpeg-image
if ($fileExt == '.jpg' || $fileExt == '.jpeg') {
imgResize($modx, $fullNameNew, $fullNameNew, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $quality);
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[cleanFilename] '.$fullNameNew);