reads all the annotations from google developers youtube channel and extracts links
// 1. load up
// 2. open console and run this code
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// After that code has run, copy paste the following code and check results in console.
// Don't forget to add your own API key there
$(function() {
var url = '';
url: url,
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain: true,
data: {
'alt': 'json',
'start-index': 1, // increase this number after each request, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and so on.
'max-results': 50 // can only get max of 50, don't change this.
success: function(res) {
$.each(res.feed.entry, function() {
var a = '';
var b = '';
var annotations =$t.replace(a, b);
url: annotations,
success: function(res, status, xhr) {
var m = xhr.responseText.match(/(goo\.gl\/[\w\W]{6})[\"\\<\s]/gim);
$.each(m || [], function() {
var link = this.toString().replace('"', '').replace('<', '').replace(/\s+/g, '');
var u = '';
url: u,
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain: true,
data: {
'projection': 'FULL',
'key': 'API_KEY_HERE', // put your own API key here, othervise this won't work
'shortUrl': 'http://' + link
success: function(res) {
if ( {
console.log(link, ' -- ',;
} else {
console.log(link, res);