type color bool
const (
black color = true
red color = false
// StatNode of tree
type StatNode struct {
key int
color color
size int
left, right *StatNode
p *StatNode
// StatTree is black and red tree
type StatTree struct {
null *StatNode
root *StatNode
// CreateStatTree create a tree
func CreateStatTree(A []int) StatTree {
r := StatTree{
null: &StatNode{color: black, size: 0},
r.root = r.null
for _, a := range A {
r.Insert(&StatNode{key: a})
return r
// InOrder performs inorder walk
func (r *StatTree) InOrder(x *StatNode) []int {
var A []int
if x != r.null {
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.left)...)
A = append(A, x.key)
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.right)...)
return A
// PreOrder performs preorder walk
func (r *StatTree) PreOrder(x *StatNode) []int {
var A []int
if x != r.null {
A = append(A, x.key)
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.left)...)
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.right)...)
return A
// PostOrder performs postorder walk
func (r *StatTree) PostOrder(x *StatNode) []int {
var A []int
if x != r.null {
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.left)...)
A = append(A, r.InOrder(x.right)...)
A = append(A, x.key)
return A
// Search for a key
func (r *StatTree) Search(x *StatNode, k int) *StatNode {
if x == r.null || k == x.key {
return x
} else if k < x.key {
return r.Search(x.left, k)
} else {
return r.Search(x.right, k)
// QuickSearch for a key
func (r *StatTree) QuickSearch(x *StatNode, k int) *StatNode {
for x != r.null && k != x.key {
if k < x.key {
x = x.left
} else {
x = x.right
return x
// Min minimum StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Min(x *StatNode) *StatNode {
for x.left != r.null {
x = x.left
return x
// Max maximum StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Max(x *StatNode) *StatNode {
for x.right != r.null {
x = x.right
return x
// Successor previous StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Successor(x *StatNode) *StatNode {
if x.right != r.null {
return r.Min(x.right)
y := x.p
for y != r.null && x == y.right {
x, y = y, y.p
return y
// Preccessor post StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Preccessor(x *StatNode) *StatNode {
if x.left != r.null {
return r.Max(x.left)
y := x.p
for y != r.null && x == y.left {
x, y = y, y.p
return y
func (r *StatTree) leftRotate(x *StatNode) {
y := x.right
x.right = y.left
if y.left != r.null {
y.left.p = x
y.p = x.p
if x.p == r.null {
r.root = y
} else if x == x.p.left {
x.p.left = y
} else {
x.p.right = y
y.left = x
x.p = y
y.size = x.size
x.size = x.left.size + x.right.size + 1
func (r *StatTree) rightRotate(x *StatNode) {
y := x.left
x.left = y.right
if y.right != r.null {
y.left.p = x
y.p = x.p
if x.p == r.null {
r.root = y
} else if x == x.p.left {
x.p.left = y
} else {
x.p.right = y
y.right = x
x.p = y
y.size = x.size
x.size = x.left.size + x.right.size + 1
func (r *StatTree) insertFixUp(z *StatNode) {
for z.p.color == red {
if z.p == z.p.p.left {
y := z.p.p.right
if y.color == red {
z.p.color, y.color, z.p.p.color = black, black, red
z = z.p.p
} else {
if z == z.p.right {
z = z.p
z.p.color, z.p.p.color = black, red
} else {
y := z.p.p.left
if y.color == red {
z.p.color, y.color, z.p.p.color = black, black, red
z = z.p.p
} else {
if z == z.p.left {
z = z.p
z.p.color, z.p.p.color = black, red
r.root.color = black
// Insert a StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Insert(z *StatNode) {
y, x := r.null, r.root
for x != r.null {
y = x
if z.key < x.key {
x = x.left
} else {
x = x.right
z.p = y
if y == r.null {
r.root = z
} else if z.key < y.key {
y.left = z
} else {
y.right = z
z.left = r.null
z.right = r.null
z.color = red
z.size = 1
x = z.p
for x != r.null {
x = x.p
func (r *StatTree) transplant(u, v *StatNode) {
if u.p == r.null {
r.root = v
} else if u == u.p.left {
u.p.left = v
} else {
u.p.right = v
v.p = u.p
func (r *StatTree) deleteFixUp(x *StatNode) {
for x != r.root && x.color == black {
if x == x.p.left {
w := x.p.right
if w.color == red {
w.color = black
x.p.color = red
w = x.p.right
if w.left.color == black && w.right.color == black {
w.color = red
x = x.p
} else if w.right.color == black {
w.left.color = black
w.color = red
w = x.p.right
w.color = x.p.color
x.p.color = black
w.right.color = black
x = r.root
} else {
w := x.p.left
if w.color == red {
w.color = black
x.p.color = red
w = x.p.left
if w.right.color == black && w.left.color == black {
w.color = red
x = x.p
} else if w.left.color == black {
w.right.color = black
w.color = red
w = x.p.left
w.color = x.p.color
x.p.color = black
w.left.color = black
x = r.root
x.color = black
// Delete a StatNode
func (r *StatTree) Delete(z *StatNode) {
y, yColor := z, z.color
x := z
if z.left == r.null {
x = z.right
r.transplant(z, z.right)
} else if z.right == r.null {
x = z.left
r.transplant(z, z.left)
} else {
y = r.Min(z.right)
yColor = y.color
x = y.right
if y.p == z {
x.p = y
} else {
r.transplant(y, y.right)
y.right = z.right
y.right.p = y
r.transplant(z, y)
y.left = z.left
y.left.p = y
y.color = z.color
y.size = z.size
t := x.p
for t != r.null {
t = t.p
if yColor == black {
// Select the StatNode which is ith node
func (r *StatTree) Select(x *StatNode, i int) *StatNode {
s := x.left.size + 1
if i == s {
return x
} else if i < s {
return r.Select(x.left, i)
} else {
return r.Select(x.right, i-s)
// Rank the x node
func (r *StatTree) Rank(x *StatNode) int {
s := x.left.size + 1
y := x
for y != r.root {
if y == y.p.right {
s += y.p.left.size + 1
y = y.p
return s
func (r *StatTree) isSizeRight(s *StatNode) bool {
if s == r.null {
return true
if s.left.size + s.right.size + 1 != s.size {
return false
return r.isSizeRight(s.left) && r.isSizeRight(s.right)