1/29/2017 - 11:47 AM

Sets maintenance windows using a CSV file.

Sets maintenance windows using a CSV file and is triggered when the settings CSV file is saved. using file watcher.

    Sets maintenance windows using a CSV file.
    Sets maintenance windows using a CSV file and is triggered when the settings CSV file is saved. using file watcher.
    Created by Ioan Popovici
    Uses FileSystemWatcher to see when the CSV file is changed.
        Configuration Manager, Local storage for the configuration file.
        Configuration file must reside on local storage for the file watcher to work.
    Set Maintenance Window

#region VariableDeclaration

## Get script path and name
[String]$ScriptPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
[String]$ScriptName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)

## CSV and log files initialization
#  Set the CSV mail settings and configuration file name
[String]$csvDataFileName = $ScriptName + 'Configuration'
[String]$csvSettingsFileName = $ScriptName + 'MailSettings'

#  Get CSV Settings and Data file name with extension
[String]$csvDataFileNameWithExtension = $csvDataFileName+'.csv'
[String]$csvSettingsFileNameWithExtension = $csvSettingsFileName+'.csv'

#  Assemble CSV Settings and Data file path
[String]$csvDataFilePath = (Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -ChildPath $csvDataFileName)+'.csv'
[String]$csvSettingsFilePath = (Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -ChildPath $csvSettingsFileName)+'.csv'

#  Assemble log file Path
[String]$LogFilePath = (Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -ChildPath $ScriptName)+'.log'

## Initialize last write reference time with current time
[DateTime]$LastWriteTimeReference = (Get-Date)

## Global error result array list
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Global:ErrorResult = @()


#region FunctionListings

#region Function Write-Log
Function Write-Log {
    Writes data to file log, event log and console.
    Writes data to file log, event log and console.
.PARAMETER EventLogEntryMessage
    The event log entry message.
    The event log to write to.
    The file log name to write to.
.PARAMETER EventLogEntrySource
    The event log entry source.
    The event log entry ID.
.PARAMETER EventLogEntryType
    The event log entry type (Error | Warning | Information | SuccessAudit | FailureAudit).
    Skip writing to event log.
    Write-Log -EventLogEntryMessage 'Set-ClientMW was successful' -EventLogName 'Configuration Manager' -EventLogEntrySource 'Script' -EventLogEntryID '1' -EventLogEntryType 'Information'
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (
        [String]$EventLogName = 'Configuration Manager',
        [String]$EventLogEntrySource = $ScriptName,
        [int32]$EventLogEntryID = 1,
        [String]$EventLogEntryType = 'Information',

    ## Initialization
    #  Getting the date and time
    [String]$LogTime = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').ToString()

    #  Archive log file if it exists and it's larger than 50 KB
    If ((Test-Path $LogFilePath) -and (Get-Item $LogFilePath).Length -gt 50KB) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFilePath | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -Replace '.log','.lo_' } -Force

    #  Create event log and event source if they do not exist
    If (-not ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists($EventLogName)) -or (-not ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($EventLogEntrySource)))) {

        #  Create new event log and/or source
        New-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventLogEntrySource

    ## Error logging
    If ($_.Exception) {

        #  Write to log
        Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventLogEntrySource -EventId $EventLogEntryID -EntryType 'Error' -Message "$EventLogEntryMessage `n$_"

        #  Write to console
        Write-Host `n$EventLogEntryMessage -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host $_.Exception -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White

        #  Assemble log file line
        [String]$LogLine = "$LogTime : $_.Exception"

        #  Write to log file
        $LogLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -NoClobber -Force -Encoding 'UTF8' -ErrorAction 'Continue'

        #  Add to error result array

        #  Breaking Cycle so we don't get stuck in a loop :)
    Else {

        #  Skip event log if requested
        If ($SkipEventLog) {

            #  Write to console
            Write-Host $EventLogEntryMessage -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Blue
        Else {

            #  Write to event log
            Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventLogEntrySource -EventId $EventLogEntryID -EntryType $EventLogEntryType -Message $EventLogEntryMessage

            #  Write to console
            Write-Host $EventLogEntryMessage -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Blue

    ##  Assemble log file line
    [String]$LogLine = "$LogTime : $EventLogEntryMessage"

    ## Write to log file
    $LogLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -NoClobber -Force -Encoding 'UTF8' -ErrorAction 'Continue'

#region Function Get-MaintenanceWindows
Function Get-MaintenanceWindows {
    Get existing maintenance windows.
    Get the existing maintenance windows for a collection.
.PARAMETER CollectionName
    Set the collection name for which to list the maintenance Windows.
    Get-MaintenanceWindows -Collection 'Computer Collection'
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (

    ## Get CollectionID
    Try {
        $CollectionID = (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $CollectionName -ErrorAction 'Stop').CollectionID

    #  Write to log in case of failure
    Catch {
        Write-Log -Message "Getting $CollectionName ID - Failed!"

    ## Get collection maintenance windows
    Try {
        Get-CMMaintenanceWindow -CollectionId $CollectionID -ErrorAction 'Stop'

    #  Write to log in case of failure
    Catch {
        Write-Log -Message "Get maintenance windows for $CollectionName - Failed!"

#region Function Remove-MaintenanceWindows
Function Remove-MaintenanceWindows {
    Remove ALL existing maintenance windows.
    Remove ALL existing maintenance windows from a collection.
.PARAMETER CollectionName
    The collection name for which to remove the maintenance windows.
    Remove-MaintenanceWindows -Collection 'Computer Collection'
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (

    ## Get collection ID
    Try {
        $CollectionID = (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $CollectionName -ErrorAction 'Stop').CollectionID
    Catch {
        Write-Log -Message "Getting $CollectionName ID - Failed!"

    ## Get collection maintenance windows and delete them
    Try {
        Get-CMMaintenanceWindow -CollectionId $CollectionID | ForEach-Object {
            Remove-CMMaintenanceWindow -CollectionID $CollectionID -Name $_.Name -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop'
            Write-Log -Message ($_.Name+' - Removed!') -SkipEventLog
    Catch {

        #  Write to log in case of failure
        Write-Log -Message "$_.Name  - Removal Failed!"

#region Function Set-MaintenanceWindows
Function Set-MaintenanceWindows {
    Set maintenance windows.
    Set maintenance windows to a collection.
.PARAMETER CollectionName
    The collection name for which to set maintenance windows.
    The maintenance window date.
    The maintenance window start time.
    The maintenance window stop time.
    Maintenance window applicability (Any | SoftwareUpdates | TaskSequences).
    Set-MaintenanceWindows -CollectionName 'Computer Collection' -Date '2017-09-21' -StartTime '01:00'  -StopTime '02:00' -ApplyTo SoftwareUpdates
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (

    ## Get collection ID
    Try {
        $CollectionID = (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $CollectionName -ErrorAction 'Stop').CollectionID
    Catch {

        #  Write to log in case of failure
        Write-Log -Message "Getting $CollectionName ID - Failed!"

    ## Setting maintenance window start and stop times
    Try {
        $MWStartTime = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' -Date ($Date+' '+$StartTime) -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $MWStopTime = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' -Date ($Date+' '+$StopTime) -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {

        #  Write to log in case of failure
        Write-Log -Message "Creating Start/Stop token for $CollectionName - Failed!"

    ## Create the schedule token
    Try {
        $MWSchedule = New-CMSchedule -Start $MWStartTime -End $MWStopTime -NonRecurring -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {

        #  Write to log in case of failure
        Write-Log -Message "Creating schedule token for $CollectionName - Failed!"

    ## Set maintenance window naming convention
    If ($ApplyTo -eq 'Any') { $MWType = 'MWA' }
    ElseIf ($ApplyTo -match 'Software') { $MWType = 'MWU' }
    ElseIf ($ApplyTo -match 'Task') { $MWType = 'MWT' }

    # Set maintenance window name
    $MWName =  $MWType+'.NR.'+(Get-Date -Uformat %Y-%B-%d $MWStartTime -ErrorAction 'Continue')+'_'+$StartTime+'-'+$StopTime
    ## Set maintenance window on collection
    Try {
        $SetNewMW = New-CMMaintenanceWindow -CollectionID $CollectionID -Schedule $MWSchedule -Name $MWName -ApplyTo $ApplyTo -ErrorAction 'Stop'

        #  Write to log
        Write-Log -Message "$MWName - Set!" -SkipEventLog
    Catch {

        #  Write to log in case of failure
        Write-Log -Message "Setting $MWName on $CollectionName - Failed!"

#region  Function Send-Mail
Function Send-Mail {
    Send E-Mail to specified address.
    Send E-Mail body to specified address.
    Carbon copy.
    E-Mail body.
.PARAMETER Attachments
    E-Mail Attachments.
    E-Mail SMTPServer.
    E-Mail SMTPPort.
    Send-Mail -From '' -To "" -Subject "test" -Body 'Test' -CC '' -Attachments 'C:\Temp\test.log'
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (
        [String]$Attachments = $LogFilePath,

    ## Send mail with error handling
    Try {

        #  With CC
        If ($CC -ne [String]::Empty -and $CC -ne 'NO') {
            Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -CC $CC -Body $Body -Attachments $Attachments -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Port $SMTPPort -ErrorAction 'Stop'

        #  Without CC
        Elseif ($CC -eq [String]::Empty -or $CC -eq 'NO') {
            Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Attachments $Attachments -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Port $SMTPPort -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {
        Write-Log -Message 'Send Mail - Failed!'

#region Function Start-DataProcessing
Function Start-DataProcessing {
    Used for main data processing.
    Used for main data processing, for this script only.
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    ## Import SCCM PSH module and changing context
    Try {
        Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace('\bin\i386','\bin\configurationmanager.psd1') -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {
        Write-Log -Message 'Importing SCCM PSH module - Failed!'

    #  Get the CMSITE SiteCode and change connection context
    $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE

    #  Change the connection context
    Set-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\"

    ## Import the Settings CSV file
    Try {
        $csvSettingsData = Import-Csv -Path $csvSettingsFilePath -Encoding 'UTF8' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {

        #  write to log
        Write-Log -Message 'Importing Settings CSV Data - Failed!'

    ## Import the Collection CSV file
    Try {
        $csvCollectionData = Import-Csv -Path $csvDataFilePath -Encoding 'UTF8' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    Catch {

        #  write to log
        Write-Log -Message 'Importing Collection CSV Data - Failed!'
    ## Process imported CSV file data
    Try {

        #  Process imported CSV file data
        $csvCollectionData | ForEach-Object {

            #  Check if we need to remove existing maintenance windows
            If ($_.RemoveExisting -eq 'YES' ) {

                #  Write to log
                Write-Log -Message ('Removing maintenance windows from:  '+$_.CollectionName) -SkipEventLog

                #  Remove maintenance window
                Remove-MaintenanceWindows -CollectionName $_.CollectionName

            #  Set Maintenance Window
            Set-MaintenanceWindows -CollectionName $_.CollectionName -Date $_.Date -StartTime $_.StartTime -StopTime $_.StopTime -ApplyTo $_.ApplyTo

        #  Initialize result array
        [array]$Result =@()

        #  Parsing CSV unique collection names
        $csvCollectionData.CollectionName | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {

            #  Getting maintenance windows for collection (split to new line)
            $MaintenanceWindows = Get-MaintenanceWindows -CollectionName $_ | ForEach-Object { $_.Name+"`n" }

            #  Assemble result with descriptors
            $Result+= "`nListing all maintenance windows for: "+$_+" "+"`n`n "+$MaintenanceWindows

        #  Convert the result to String and write it to log
        [String]$ResultString = Out-String -InputObject $Result
        Write-Log -Message $ResultString

        ## Return to Script Path
        Set-Location $ScriptPath

        ## Remove SCCM PSH Module
        Remove-Module 'ConfigurationManager' -Force -ErrorAction 'Continue'
    Catch {

        #  Not needed, empty
    Finally {

        #  Send Mail Report if needed
        If ($csvSettingsData.SendMail -eq 'YES' -and -not $Global:ErrorResult) {

            #  Write to log
            Write-Log -Message "Sending Mail Report..."

            #  Sending mail
            Send-Mail -Subject 'Info: Setting Maintenance Window - Success!' -Body $ResultString -From $csvSettingsData.From -To $csvSettingsData.To -CC $csvSettingsData.CC -SMTPServer $csvSettingsData.SMTPServer -SMTPPort $csvSettingsData.SMTPPort

        If ($csvSettingsData.SendMail -eq 'YES' -and $Global:ErrorResult) {

            #  Write to log
            Write-Log 'CSV Data Processing - Failed!'

            #  Write to log
            Write-Log -Message "Sending Error Mail Report..."

            #  Sending mail
            Send-Mail -Subject 'Warning: Setting Maintenance Window - Failed!' -Body "Errors: `n $Global:ErrorResult"  -From $csvSettingsData.From -To $csvSettingsData.To -CC $csvSettingsData.CC -SMTPServer $csvSettingsData.SMTPServer -SMTPPort $csvSettingsData.SMTPPort


#region Function Test-FileChangeEvent
Function Test-FileChangeEvent {
    Workaround for FileSystemWatcher firing multiple events during a write operation.
    FileSystemWatcher may fire multiple events on a write operation.
    It's a known problem but it's not a bug in FileSystemWatcher.
    This function is discarding events fired more than once a second.
.PARAMETER $WatchFilePath
    Specify file path to be watched.
.PARAMETER $LastWriteTimeReference
    Specify file last read time for reference.
    Test-FileChangeEvent -WatchFilePath $WatchFilePath -LastWriteTimeReference $LastWriteTimeReference
    This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
    Param (

    ## Get file last write time
    Try {
        [DateTime]$FileLastWriteTime = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $WatchFilePath).LastWriteTime
    Catch {

        #   write to log
        Write-Log -Message "Reading Last Write Time from $WatchFilePath - Failed!"

    ## Test if the file change event is valid by comparing the file last write time and reference parameter specified time
    If (($FileLastWriteTime - $LastWriteTimeReference).Seconds -ge 1) {

        ## Write to log
        Write-Log -Message "`nFile change - Detected!" -SkipEventLog

        ## Start main data processing and wait for it to finish
        Start-DataProcessing | Out-Null
    Else {

        ## Do nothing, the file change event was fired more than once a second



#region ScriptBody

    ## Initialize file watcher and wait for file changes
    $FileWatcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
    $FileWatcher.Path = $ScriptPath
    $FileWatcher.Filter = $csvDataFileNameWithExtension
    $FileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $False
    $FileWatcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::'LastWrite'
    $FileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $True

    #  Register file watcher event
    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $FileWatcher -EventName 'Changed' -Action {

        # Test if we really need to start processing
        Test-FileChangeEvent -LastWriteTimeReference $LastWriteTimeReference -WatchFilePath $csvDataFilePath

        #  Reinitialize DateTime variable to be used on next file change event
        $LastWriteTimeReference = (Get-Date)

