# crf.py (by Graham Neubig)
# This script trains conditional random fields (CRFs)
# stdin: A corpus of WORD_POS WORD_POS WORD_POS sentences
# stdout: Feature vectors for emission and transition properties
from collections import defaultdict
from math import log, exp
import sys
import operator
# The L2 regularization coefficient and learning rate for SGD
l2_coeff = 1
rate = 10
# A dictionary to map tags to integers
tagids = defaultdict(lambda: len(tagids))
tagids["<S>"] = 0
############# Utility functions ###################
def dot(A, B):
return sum(A[k]*B[k] for k in A if k in B)
def add(A, B):
C = defaultdict(A, lambda: 0)
# for k, v in A.items(): C[k] += v
for k, v in B.items(): C[k] += v
return C
def logsumexp(A):
k = max(A)
return log(sum( exp(i-k) for i in A ))+k
############# Functions for memoized probability
def calc_feat(x, i, l, r):
return { ("T", l, r): 1, ("E", r, x[i]): 1 }
def calc_e(x, i, l, r, w, e_prob):
if (i, l, r) not in e_prob:
e_prob[i,l,r] = dot(calc_feat(x, i, l, r), w)
return e_prob[i,l,r]
def calc_f(x, i, l, w, e, f):
if (i, l) not in f:
if i == 0:
f[i,0] = 0
prev_states = (range(1, len(tagids)) if i != 1 else [0])
f[i,l] = logsumexp([
calc_f(x, i-1, k, w, e, f) + calc_e(x, i, k, l, w, e)
for k in prev_states])
return f[i,l]
def calc_b(x, i, r, w, e, b):
if (i, r) not in b:
if i == len(x)-1:
b[i,0] = 0
prev_states = (range(1, len(tagids)) if i != len(x)-2 else [0])
b[i,r] = logsumexp([
calc_b(x, i+1, k, w, e, b) + calc_e(x, i, r, k, w, e)
for k in prev_states])
return b[i,r]
############# Function to calculate gradient ######
def calc_gradient(x, y, w):
f_prob = {(0,0): 0}
b_prob = {(len(x)-1,0): 0}
e_prob = {}
grad = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# Add the features for the numerator
for i in range(1, len(x)):
for k, v in calc_feat(x, i, y[i-1], y[i]).items(): grad[k] += v
# Calculate the likelihood and normalizing constant
norm = calc_b(x, 0, 0, w, e_prob, b_prob)
lik = dot(grad, w) - norm
# Subtract the features for the denominator
for i in range(1, len(x)):
for l in (range(1, len(tagids)) if i != 1 else [0]):
for r in (range(1, len(tagids)) if i != len(x)-1 else [0]):
# Find the probability of using this path
p = exp(calc_e(x, i, l, r, w, e_prob)
+ calc_b(x, i, r, w, e_prob, b_prob)
+ calc_f(x, i-1, l, w, e_prob, f_prob)
- norm)
# Subtract the expectation of the features
for k, v in calc_feat(x, i, l, r).items(): grad[k] -= v * p
# print grad
# Return the gradient and likelihood
return (grad, lik)
############### Main training loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
# load in the corpus
corpus = []
for line in sys.stdin:
words = [ "<S>" ]
tags = [ 0 ]
line = line.strip()
for w_t in line.split(" "):
w, t = w_t.split("_")
corpus.append( (words, tags) )
# for 50 iterations
w = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for iternum in range(1, 50+1):
grad = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# Perform regularization
reg_lik = 0;
for k, v in w.items():
grad[k] -= 2*v*l2_coeff
reg_lik -= v*v*l2_coeff
# Get the gradients and likelihoods
lik = 0
for x, y in corpus:
my_grad, my_lik = calc_gradient(x, y, w)
for k, v in my_grad.items(): grad[k] += v
lik += my_lik
l1 = sum( [abs(k) for k in grad.values()] )
print >> sys.stderr, "Iter %r likelihood: lik=%r, reg=%r, reg+lik=%r gradL1=%r" % (iternum, lik, reg_lik, lik+reg_lik, l1)
# Here we are updating the weights with SGD, but a better optimization
# algorithm is necessary if you want to use this in practice.
for k, v in grad.items(): w[k] += v/l1*rate
# Reverse the tag strings
strs = range(0, len(tagids))
for k, v in tagids.items(): strs[v] = k
# Print the features
for k, v in sorted(w.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)):
if k[0] == "E": print "%s %s %s\t%r" % (k[0], strs[k[1]], k[2], v)
else: print "%s %s %s\t%r" % (k[0], strs[k[1]], strs[k[2]], v)