10/26/2017 - 3:43 PM

Mautic batch delete leads

// These constants were defined according to the performance of my server.
// You can tweak them, particularily in case actions are triggered before the previous one has ended.
const waitForTableData = 3000 // how long to wait for the table data to be refreshed.
const waitForCheckboxes = 3000 // how long to wait for the checkboxes to be clicked.
const waitForModal = 3000 // how long to wait for the modal to appear
const interval = 30000 // The interval between two scripts run.

// Define a callback to delete leads
const deleteLeads = () => { 
	// Hack Mautic limit of 100 rows per page. When I set 500 rows it's buggy...
  	Mautic.limitTableData('lead',300,'list','.page-list', '/s/contacts'); 
	setTimeout(() => {
		// Click the headers checkbox to trigger checking all rows.

		setTimeout(() => {
			// Click the batchDelete button.
			setTimeout(() => {
				// Click the modal's delete button.
				jQuery('.modal[aria-hidden="false"] .btn-danger').click()
			}, waitForModal)
		}, waitForCheckboxes)
	}, waitForTableData)

// First trigger

// And run
setInterval(() => {
}, interval)