7/25/2016 - 6:09 AM

Realm, GSON and primitive JSON arrays

Realm, GSON and primitive JSON arrays

// Make a custom Gson instance, with a custom TypeAdapter for each wrapper object.
// In this instance we only have RealmList<RealmInt> as a a wrapper for RealmList<Integer>
Type token = new TypeToken<RealmList<RealmInt>>(){}.getType();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
        .setExclusionStrategies(new ExclusionStrategy() {
            public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) {
                return f.getDeclaringClass().equals(RealmObject.class);

            public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> clazz) {
                return false;
        .registerTypeAdapter(token, new TypeAdapter<RealmList<RealmInt>>() {

            public void write(JsonWriter out, RealmList<RealmInt> value) throws IOException {
                // Ignore

            public RealmList<RealmInt> read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
                RealmList<RealmInt> list = new RealmList<RealmInt>();
                while (in.hasNext()) {
                    list.add(new RealmInt(in.nextInt()));
                return list;

// Convert JSON to objects as normal
List<MainObject> objects = gson.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<List<MainObject>>(){}.getType());

// Copy objects to Realm
public class MainObject extends RealmObject {

    private String name;
    private RealmList<RealmInt> ints;

    // Getters and setters
public class RealmInt extends RealmObject {
    private int val;

    public RealmInt() {

    public RealmInt(int val) {
        this.val = val;

    // Getters and setters
    { "name"  : "Foo",
      "ints" : [1, 2, 3]
    { "name"  : "Bar",
      "ints" : []