AMD style, testable templates fetcher
"../../template/CompiledTemplates" // required so to load the pre-compiled templates pushed there during build
], function ($, require, Handlebars, Util, CompiledTemplates) {
* Retrieve template from handlebars file.
* Useful during dev cycle so you wouldn't have to compile your templates all the time
* Hangs the result on the
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Promise} resolved with compiled template, rejected if can't load template
function getTemplateForDev(name) {
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
// require this dynamically so it won't compile the Handlebars dev into our production code
function (Handlebars) {
url: 'template/' + name + '.handlebars',
success: function (data) {
// resolve with compiled template
dfd.resolve( Handlebars.compile(data) );
fail: function() {
// failed to load template dynamically, probably not there
return dfd.promise();
* Dev aid function to allow using pre-compiled templates as well as bare .handlebars files templates during dev process
* @param {string} name of template
* @returns {Promise} resolved with compiled template, rejected if can't load template
function getTemplate(name) {
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};
if (Handlebars.templates[name] === undefined) {
// in dev mode we load template dynamically
if (Util.isDebugMode()) {
.then(function(template) {
// hang the newly dynamically loaded and compiled template where all templates usually go
// for next usages
Handlebars.templates[name] = template;
// resolve with dynamically loaded and compiled template
.fail(function () {
// failed to load the template dynamically, probably isn't there
} else {
// reject as template not found and we're in production mode, so can't load handlebar templates
} else {
// template exists, resolve with it
return dfd.promise();
return {
getTemplate: getTemplate