4/23/2020 - 7:19 AM

New General

### Pulls every purchase done by user and orders them by date(rn)
with data as (
  select eventTimestamp
    , eventName
    , userID 
    , chipsBalance as chipsBalanceAfter
    , lag(chipsBalance, 3) over (partition by userID order by eventTimestamp asc )as chipsBalanceBefore
    , realCurrencyAmount / 100 as realCurrencyAmount
    , productID
    , productType
    , userLevel
    , gaUserStartDate
    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY userID ORDER BY eventTimestamp ASC) AS rn 
  from events_live
  where chipsBalance is not null 
 and eventTimestamp >='2019-04-01' and gaUserStartdate >= '2019-04-01' and gaUserStartdate <= '2020-02-01'
select eventTimestamp, userID, realCurrencyAmount, productID, chipsBalanceBefore, rn, gauserstartdate, userLevel, productType
from data
where realCurrencyAmount > 0
  group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9