1/25/2017 - 11:01 PM

Turn On More Buttons in the WordPress Visual Editor. These buttons (like one for adding an <hr> tag) aren't there by default in the WordPres

Turn On More Buttons in the WordPress Visual Editor. These buttons (like one for adding an

tag) aren't there by default in the WordPress visual editor, but you can turn them on pretty easily. This is code for your active theme's functions.php file, or make a functionality plugin.

function add_more_buttons($buttons) {
 $buttons[] = 'hr';
 $buttons[] = 'del';
 $buttons[] = 'sub';
 $buttons[] = 'sup';
 $buttons[] = 'fontselect';
 $buttons[] = 'fontsizeselect';
 $buttons[] = 'cleanup';
 $buttons[] = 'styleselect';
 return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons_3", "add_more_buttons");