11/15/2014 - 9:15 PM

Sublime Text Change Code Completion Popup Size in Binary - (HARD-CODED)

Sublime Text Change Code Completion Popup Size in Binary - (HARD-CODED)

#   TOPIC:

1.  "300 pixels" is the HARDCODED WIDTH of the CODE COMPLETION POPUP.
    Look for 00 00 00 00 00 C0 72 40 in the binary
    and replace with your wanted value
    (for example 00 00 00 00 00 C0 82 40 for  600 pixels).

2.  GOTO:

3.  In "Double value: (Convert to HEX)" enter size, ex. 400  (Size in Pixels u want)

4.  (You get back HEX Value above it) = 0x4079000000000000

5.  (Drop "0x")(Space every 2 chars) = 40 79 00 00 00 00 00 00

6.  (Now Reverse every pair)         = 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 40

7.  (in HEXEditor Change Values):
       (OLD) 00 00 00 00 00 C0 72 40
       (NEW) 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 40

** (bytes have to be written in reverse in the binary though).
** As far as I've checked now, there is only one match in the 32-bit Windows binary
   but more than one in 64-bit one (first match is the lucky one though).

// My Value: (400px)
     40 79 00 00 00 00 00 00   <-- original value, now reverse
     00 00 00 00 00 00 79 40   <-- add to hex editor in binary, 400px

// ================================================================================
//  In case [] ever goes down
// ================================================================================

----    ------------------------
300     0x4072c00000000000
350     0x4075e00000000000
400     0x4079000000000000
450     0x407c200000000000
500     0x407f400000000000
550     0x4081300000000000
600     0x4082c00000000000   <--[What I use, seems perfect] - [00 00 00 00 00 C0 82 40 for  600 pixels]
650     0x4084500000000000
700     0x4085e00000000000
750     0x4087700000000000
800     0x4089000000000000
850     0x408a900000000000
900     0x408c200000000000
950     0x408db00000000000
1000    0x408f400000000000