10/24/2016 - 5:10 AM

Project Proposal Part 2

Project Proposal Part 2

Project Proposal Part 2

What I Will Get Done

The site is finished. Now all I need is to do user tests. I will make tweaks here and there but it is pretty much done.

User Testing

These are the questions I will ask my users:

  1. How does the site load for you?
  2. Can you see the text or did you have to enlarge/pinch-zoom?
  3. Could you find things on the page okay?
  4. Were the things you were looking for where you expected them to be?
  5. How does the site look on your phone?
  6. On your tablet?
  7. What phone are you using?
  8. What tablet?
  9. What browser are you using on each device?


These are just some of the basic questions I need to ask some of my friends and family who aren't very tech savvy. I want to get a feel for what they are seeing and where I can improve.