5/1/2014 - 8:36 PM

VBA script to extract birth date + gender...from a fiscal code

VBA script to extract birth date + gender...from a fiscal code

Private Sub doExtraction()
    Cells(2, 10).Activate
    Do While ActiveCell.Offset(0, -9).Text <> ""
        Dim fiscal
        fiscal = ActiveCell.Value
        If Len(fiscal) = 16 Then
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = ExtractGender(fiscal)
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = ExtractBirthdate(fiscal)
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate

End Sub

Private Function ExtractGender(ByVal fiscalcode As String)
    Dim genderDay
    genderDay = Mid(fiscalcode, 10, 2)
    If genderDay > 40 Then
        ExtractGender = "W"
        ExtractGender = "M"
    End If

End Function

Private Function ExtractBirthdate(ByVal fiscalcode As String)
    Dim month, months, day, year As String
    months = "ABCDEHLMPRST"
    fiscalMonthIdx = Mid(fiscalcode, 9, 1)
    month = InStr(months, fiscalMonthIdx)
    day = Mid(fiscalcode, 10, 2)
    day = day Mod 40
    year = Mid(fiscalcode, 7, 2)
    ExtractBirthdate = day & "." & month & ".19" & year
End Function