3/28/2017 - 3:32 AM

Bodybuilder Nested query. If its bodybuilder keyword like path or min_doc_count, we can include it inside the main within {}. It will be add

Bodybuilder Nested query. If its bodybuilder keyword like path or min_doc_count, we can include it inside the main within {}. It will be added under it

.query('nested', { path: 'mainAuthor' }, (q) => {
  return q
    .query('query_string', 'fields' , '[mainAuthor.nameCorporatePrimary]')            
    .query('query','Art Institute of Chicago')

  var body = new $window.bodybuilder();
      var resultQuery = body
        .orFilter('terms', 'id', ids)
        .aggregation('term', 'identifier', 'identifier', { min_doc_count: 2 })