1/21/2016 - 4:15 PM

Wordpress shortcode to show content depending on the value of a URL Paremeter. Usage examples: [url_parem parem="id" value="1"]Content here

Wordpress shortcode to show content depending on the value of a URL Paremeter.

Usage examples: [url_parem parem="id" value="1"]Content here[/url_parem] - Will show content if the url paremeter "id" equals "1". [url_parem parem="id" value="1" hide="1"]Content here[/url_parem] - Will hide content if the url paremeter "id" equals "1". [url_parem parem="id" value="1" false="1"]Content here[/url_parem] - Will show content if the url paremeter "id" does NOT equal "1". [url_parem parem="id" value="1" false="1" hide="1"]Content here[/url_parem] - Will hide content if the url paremeter "id" does NOT equal "1".

function url_parem_shortcode($atts, $content = null) {
	$a = shortcode_atts(array(
		'parem'	=> '',
		'value'	=> '',
		'hide'	=> 0,
		'false'	=> 0
	), $atts);

	if (empty($_GET[$a['parem']])) {
		$url_parem_value = '';
	} else {
		$url_parem_value = $_GET[$a['parem']];

	if ($url_parem_value == $a['value']) {
		if ($a['false'] == 0) {
			$passed = true;
		} else {
			$passed = false;
	} else {
		if ($a['false'] == 0) {
			$passed = false;
		} else {
			$passed = true;

	if ($passed == true && $a['hide'] == 0) {
		return $content;
add_shortcode('url_parem', 'url_parem_shortcode');