每隔一个小时关闭显示器5分钟,关闭显示器同时关闭鼠标与键盘。超过23:30,关闭鼠标键盘与显示器。 程序依赖xprintidle与xinput, deepin 15.3下测试通过。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
class MonitorStatus:
def __init__(self, mouseId, keyboardId,
interval=1, max_on_time=10, max_off_time=5,
sleep_time="23:30", debug = True):
mouseId: the device ID of mouse, can get using 'xinput list'
keyboardId: the device ID of keyboard
interval: change monitor status of every this time
max_on_time: the time which monitor is on
max_off_time: the time which monitor if off
the unit of time is second.
self.interval = interval
self.max_on_time = max_on_time
self.max_off_time = max_off_time
self.mouseId = mouseId
self.keyboardId = keyboardId
tmp = [int(i) for i in sleep_time.split(":")]
self.sleep_time = tmp[0] + tmp[1] / 60
self.status = self.check_status()
self.debug = debug
self.monitor_on_time = 0
self.monitor_off_time = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# if computer if idle, sleep longer and enable mouse and keyboard
if self.idle_time() > self.interval*3:
self.monitor_off_time = self.monitor_on_time = 0
return self.idle_time()
now_time = datetime.now().hour + datetime.now().minute / 60
sleep_con = now_time > self.sleep_time or now_time < 5.0
if sleep_con:
self.change_monitor_status(status=0, mouse = False, keyboard = False)
self.monitor_off_time = self.monitor_on_time = 0
return self.idle_time()
self.status = self.check_status()
interval = self.interval if self.status else self.interval * 0.1
on_condition = self.monitor_on_time < self.max_on_time
off_condition = self.monitor_off_time < self.max_off_time
if self.status: # monitor is on
if on_condition:
self.monitor_on_time += interval
self.monitor_on_time = 0
self.change_monitor_status(status = 0, mouse=self.debug, keyboard=self.debug)
else: # monitor is off
if off_condition:
self.monitor_off_time += interval
self.monitor_off_time = 0
self.change_monitor_status(status = 1, mouse=self.debug, keyboard=self.debug)
print("status: {}\n monitor_on_time: {}\n monitor_off_time: {}\n"
.format(self.status, self.monitor_on_time, self.monitor_off_time))
return self.status
def change_monitor_status(self, status, mouse = True, keyboard = True):
close monitor if status = 1
disable mouse if status = and mouse = False
disable keyboard if status = and keyboard = False
monitor_status = 'on' if status else 'off'
mouse_status = 1 if status else 0
keyboard_status = 1 if status else 0
cmd = ['xset', 'dpms', 'force', monitor_status]
if not mouse:
self.change_xinput_status(self.mouseId, mouse_status)
if not keyboard:
self.change_xinput_status(self.keyboardId, keyboard_status)
subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def check_status():
check status of monitor, return True if monitor is no else False.
cmd = ['xset', 'q']
result = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
for line in result.split("\n"):
if "Monitor" in line:
return True if "On" in line else False
def idle_time():
return user's idle time in seconds.
cmd = ['xprintidle']
result = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
return int(result) / 1000
def change_xinput_status(deviceId, status=1):
disable or enable mouse or keyboard
cmd = ['xinput', 'set-prop', str(deviceId), 'Device Enabled', str(status)]
subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def main(debug=True):
mouseId = 9
# keyboardId = mouseId
keyboardId = 10
# the unit of time is second.
# change monitor status of every this time
interval = 60*10
work_time = 60*60
relax_time = 60*5
sleep_time = "23:30"
# interval = 1
# work_time = 10
# relax_time = 5
monitor = MonitorStatus(mouseId=mouseId,
interval = interval,
max_on_time = work_time,
max_off_time = relax_time,
sleep_time = sleep_time,
for _ in monitor:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# don't disable mouse and keyboard, if debug is True
debug = False