11/22/2016 - 7:43 AM



var viewModel = {
    firstName: ko.observable("Bert"),
    lastName: ko.observable("Smith"),
    pets: ko.observableArray(["Cat", "Dog", "Fish"]),
    type: "Customer"

var jsonData = ko.toJSON(viewModel);

// Result: jsonData is now a string equal to the following value
// '{"firstName":"Bert","lastName":"Smith","pets":["Cat","Dog","Fish"],"type":"Customer","hasALotOfPets":true}'

var plainJs = ko.toJS(viewModel);

// Result: plainJS is now a plain JavaScript object in which nothing is observable. It's just data.
// The object is equivalent to the following:
//   {
//      firstName: "Bert",
//      lastName: "Smith",
//      pets: ["Cat","Dog","Fish"],
//      type: "Customer",
//      hasALotOfPets: true
//   }