12/27/2018 - 3:07 AM


Heaps are used to maintain a maximum or minimum value in a dataset. Heaps are commonly used to create a priority queue. Heaps tracking the maximum or minimum value are max-heaps or min-heaps.

Think of the min-heap as a binary tree with two qualities:

  • The root is the minimum value of the dataset.
  • Every child's value is greater than its parent.

These two properties are the defining characteristics of the min-heap. By maintaining these two properties, we can efficiently retrieve and update the minimum value.

We can picture min-heaps as binary trees, where each node has at most two children. As we add elements to the heap, they're added from left to right until we've filled the entire level. Conceptually, the tree representation is beneficial for understanding. Practically, we implement heaps in a sequential data structure like an array or list for efficiency.

Sometimes you will add an element to the heap that violates the heap's essential properties. Children must be larger or equal to their parent.

We need to restore the fundamental heap properties. This restoration is known as heapify or heapifying. We're adding an element to the bottom of the tree and moving upwards, so we're heapifying up.

As long as we've violated the heap properties, we'll swap the offending child with its parent until we restore the properties, or until there's no parent left. If there is no parent left, that element becomes the new root of the tree.

To heapify down and retrieve the minimum value, swap the root node with the element at the bottom right of the tree, or last element in the array. Then heapify down by swapping the new root node with the lesser of the two values to restore the heap properties: let the minimum/maximum value be at the root.

Heaps enable solutions for complex problems such as finding the shortest path (Dijkstra's Algorithm) or efficiently sorting a dataset (heapsort).

"child" and "parent" elements are determined by their relative indices within the internal list. By doing some arithmetic on an element's index, we can determine the indices for parent and child elements (if they exist).

  • Parent: index // 2
  • Left Child: index * 2
  • Right Child: (index * 2) + 1
# Example of a Min-Heap
class MinHeap:
  def __init__(self):
    self.heap_list = [None]
    self.count = 0

  def parent_idx(self, idx):
    return idx // 2

  def left_child_idx(self, idx):
    return idx * 2

  def right_child_idx(self, idx):
    return idx * 2 + 1

  def child_present(self, idx):
    return self.left_child_idx(idx) <= self.count
  def retrieve_min(self):
    if self.count == 0:
      print("No items in heap")
      return None
    min = self.heap_list[1]
    self.heap_list[1] = self.heap_list[self.count]
    self.count -= 1
    return min

  def add(self, element):
    self.count += 1

  def get_smaller_child_idx(self, idx):
    if self.right_child_idx(idx) > self.count:
      return self.left_child_idx(idx)
      left_child = self.heap_list[self.left_child_idx(idx)]
      right_child = self.heap_list[self.right_child_idx(idx)]
      if left_child < right_child:
        return self.left_child_idx(idx)
        return self.right_child_idx(idx)
  def heapify_up(self):
    idx = self.count
    swap_count = 0
    while self.parent_idx(idx) > 0:
      if self.heap_list[self.parent_idx(idx)] > self.heap_list[idx]:
        swap_count += 1
        tmp = self.heap_list[self.parent_idx(idx)]
        self.heap_list[self.parent_idx(idx)] = self.heap_list[idx]
        self.heap_list[idx] = tmp
      idx = self.parent_idx(idx)

    element_count = len(self.heap_list)
    if element_count > 10000:
      print("Heap of {0} elements restored with {1} swaps"
            .format(element_count, swap_count))
  def heapify_down(self):
    idx = 1
    # starts at 1 because we swapped first and last elements
    swap_count = 1
    while self.child_present(idx):
      smaller_child_idx = self.get_smaller_child_idx(idx)
      if self.heap_list[idx] > self.heap_list[smaller_child_idx]:
        swap_count += 1
        tmp = self.heap_list[smaller_child_idx]
        self.heap_list[smaller_child_idx] = self.heap_list[idx]
        self.heap_list[idx] = tmp
      idx = smaller_child_idx

    element_count = len(self.heap_list)
    if element_count >= 10000:
      print("Heap of {0} elements restored with {1} swaps"
            .format(element_count, swap_count))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# import random number generator
from random import randrange
# import heap class
from min_heap import MinHeap 

# make an instance of MinHeap
min_heap = MinHeap()

# populate min_heap with descending numbers
descending_nums = [n for n in range(10001, 1, -1)]
for el in descending_nums:

# remove minimum until min_heap is empty