7/29/2017 - 6:13 AM

Bot - App Splash Screen (First Run)

Bot - App Splash Screen (First Run)

// Show the logo on the first request
dialog.onBegin(function (session, args, next) {
  session.userData.firstRun = session.userData.firstRun || 1.0

  // If the version number is greater than 1.0
  // we know this is not the first request
  if (session.userData.firstRun < 1.1) {
    session.userData.firstRun = 1.1

    // Build the message and attach the url to the logo
    var msg = new builder.Message(session)
                contentType: 'image/png',
                contentUrl: 'https://az158878.vo.msecnd.net/marketing/Partner_21474846645/Product_42949680257/Asset_78d2e825-853f-4601-97fc-e86951e13e93/Integrity.png'
  next() // ensure the next procedure in the chain is called.