Revenue for Power Practice Forecasting Tool
--Returns net revenue for the time period
select SUM(paymentamount) as 'Total Dollars'
from payments
where paymenttype <> 'Write-Off'
AND (paymentdate <= '12-31-2016') --To Date
AND (paymentdate >= '01-01-2016') --From Date
--Returns net sales for the timeframe for frames, lenses, lens options, and frame parts
--Ignores quotes
SELECT isnull(SUM(case when insurance_supplied = 'N' or insurance_supplied is null then isnull(orderitems.retailprice * orderitems.quantity, 0) else isnull(patient_pays, 0) + isnull(copay, 0) - isnull(tax, 0) - isnull(tax2, 0) + isnull(insurancedue, 0) + isnull(discount, 0) + isnull(write_off_amount, 0) end), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'S' )
AND ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as spectacles_gross ,
--LENSES Gross
) +
SELECT isnull(SUM(case when insurance_supplied = 'N' or insurance_supplied is null then isnull(orderitems.retailprice * orderitems.quantity, 0) else isnull(patient_pays, 0) + isnull(copay, 0) - isnull(tax, 0) - isnull(tax2, 0) + isnull(insurancedue, 0) + isnull(discount, 0) + isnull(write_off_amount, 0) end), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'F' )
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
-- ) as frames_gross ,
--FRAMES Gross
) +
SELECT isnull(SUM(case when insurance_supplied = 'N' or insurance_supplied is null then isnull(orderitems.retailprice * orderitems.quantity, 0) else isnull(patient_pays, 0) + isnull(copay, 0) - isnull(tax, 0) - isnull(tax2, 0) + isnull(insurancedue, 0) + isnull(discount, 0) + isnull(write_off_amount, 0) end), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'P' )
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as frameparts_gross,
--Frame Parts Gross
) +
SELECT isnull(SUM(case when insurance_supplied = 'N' or insurance_supplied is null then isnull(orderitems.retailprice * orderitems.quantity, 0) else isnull(patient_pays, 0) + isnull(copay, 0) - isnull(tax, 0) - isnull(tax2, 0) + isnull(insurancedue, 0) + isnull(discount, 0) + isnull(write_off_amount, 0) end), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'O' )
and ( orderitems.lenstreatmentind = 'L' )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as miscellaneous_lenstreatment_gross --LensTreatment,
--Lens Treatment Gross
) -
SELECT isnull( sum( + sum(isnull(orderitems.write_off_amount,0)), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'S' )
AND ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as spectacles_discount,
--Lens Discounts
) -
SELECT isnull( sum( + sum(isnull(orderitems.write_off_amount,0)), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'F' )
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as frames_discount,
--Frames Discounts
) -
SELECT isnull( sum(isnull(, 0)) + sum(isnull(orderitems.write_off_amount,0)), 0)
FROM orderitems,orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'P' )
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as frameparts_discount,
--Frame Parts Discounts
) -
SELECT isnull( sum( + sum(isnull(orderitems.write_off_amount,0)), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'O' )
and ( orderitems.lenstreatmentind = 'L' )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as miscellaneous_lenstreatment_discount,
--Lens Treatment Discounts
) as 'Optical Net Sales'
--Gross Sales less Discounts, ignores quotes
--Similar to Sales & Payment Summary Report
SELECT isnull(SUM(case when insurance_supplied = 'N' or insurance_supplied is null then isnull(orderitems.retailprice * orderitems.quantity, 0) else isnull(patient_pays, 0) + isnull(copay, 0) - isnull(tax, 0) - isnull(tax2, 0) + isnull(insurancedue, 0) + isnull(discount, 0) + isnull(write_off_amount, 0) end), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'C' )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as contacts_soft_gross ,
) -
SELECT isnull(sum( + sum(isnull(orderitems.write_off_amount,0)), 0)
FROM orderitems, orders
WHERE (orders.locationid = isnull(15 , orders.locationid ))
and ( orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid )
and ( orderitems.itemtype = 'C' )
and ( isNull(orders.orderstatusid, 0) not in (select domainid from domain where isQuote = 'Yes' and domaintypeid = 86))
and ( orderitems.orderitemsdate >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
AND ( orderitems.orderitemsdate <= '2016-12-31 00:00:00.000' )
--) as contacts_soft_discount
) as 'Contact Net Sales'