Support embedded binaries (aka dynamic libraries) in Titanium modules and Hyperloop
* Ti.DynamicLib
* @abstract Support embedded binaries (aka dynamic libraries) in Titanium modules and Hyperloop.
* @version 1.1.0
* Install:
* 1) Search and replace '../../src/<YourFramework>.framework' with your framework location.
The path is relative to the `build/iphone` directory.
* 2a) For classic modules:
* - Add 'LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS=$(inherited) "@executable_path/Frameworks" $(FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS)'
* to your module.xcconfig
* - Place this file (ti.dynamiclib.js) in `<your-module-ios-root>/hooks`
* 2b) For Hyperloop (will be automated in future Hyperloop versions - Follow TIMOB-23853):
* - Add the above to the `hyperloop.ios.xcodebuild.flags` object of your appc.js
* - Place this file (ti.dynamiclib.js) in `<your-projecz-root>/plugins/ti.dynamiclib/hooks`
* 3) Some frameworks include Simulator architectures ("fat libraries"). Those frameworks usually provide a
* script to strip the unused frameworks for distribution, e.g. ``. If you use such a
* framework, adjust the path of the variable `scriptPath`, otherwise `null` it to skip the build script phase.
* 4) That's it! You can check an example integration in the Ti.Flic module (
* @copyright 2016-2017 Appcelerator
Array.prototype.last = Array.prototype.last || function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
}; = 'ti.dynamiclib';
exports.cliVersion = '>=3.2';
exports.init = function (logger, config, cli, appc) {
cli.on('build.ios.xcodeproject', {
pre: function (data) {
// Replace the following variables with your framework / script:
// ---
var scriptPath = '<path-to-strip-frameworks-script>/'; // Or set to null if not required
var frameworkPaths = [
// Replace with the path of your embedded framework. Make sure the path is relative to `build/iphone`
// ---
var builder = this;
var xcodeProject = data.args[0];
var xobjs = xcodeProject.hash.project.objects;
if (typeof builder.generateXcodeUuid !== 'function') {
var uuidIndex = 1;
var uuidRegExp = /^(0{18}\d{6})$/;
var lpad = appc.string.lpad;
Object.keys(xobjs).forEach(function (section) {
Object.keys(xobjs[section]).forEach(function (uuid) {
var m = uuid.match(uuidRegExp);
var n = m && parseInt(m[1]);
if (n && n > uuidIndex) {
uuidIndex = n + 1;
builder.generateXcodeUuid = function generateXcodeUuid() {
return lpad(uuidIndex++, 24, '0');
addLibrary(builder, cli, xobjs, frameworkPaths);
function addLibrary(builder, cli, xobjs, frameworkPaths) {
if (!frameworkPaths || frameworkPaths.length == 0) {
return; // Skip if no frameworks are specified
frameworkPaths.forEach(function (framework_path) {
var framework_name = framework_path.split('/').last();
// B6CE2C7E1C90C08400B37C55
var frameword_uuid = builder.generateXcodeUuid();
// B6CE2C7F1C90C08400B37C55
var embeddedFrameword_uuid = builder.generateXcodeUuid();
// B6CE2C7D1C90C08400B37C55
var fileRef_uuid = builder.generateXcodeUuid();
// B6CE2C801C90C08400B37C55
var embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid = builder.generateXcodeUuid();
createPBXBuildFile(xobjs, frameword_uuid, fileRef_uuid, embeddedFrameword_uuid, framework_name);
createPBXCopyFilesBuildPhase(xobjs, embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid, embeddedFrameword_uuid, framework_name);
createPBXFileReference(xobjs, fileRef_uuid, framework_path, framework_name);
createPBXFrameworksBuildPhase(xobjs, frameword_uuid, framework_name);
createPBXGroup(xobjs, fileRef_uuid, framework_name);
createPBXNativeTarget(xobjs, embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid);
function addScriptBuildPhase(scriptPath) {
if (!scriptPath) return;
var script_uuid = builder.generateXcodeUuid();
var shell_path = '/bin/sh';
var shell_script = 'bash \"' + scriptPath + '\"';
createPBXRunShellScriptBuildPhase(xobjs, script_uuid, shell_path, shell_script);
createPBXRunScriptNativeTarget(xobjs, script_uuid);
function createPBXBuildFile(xobjs, frameword_uuid, fileRef_uuid, embeddedFrameword_uuid, framework_name) {
* // <YourFramework>.framework in Frameworks
* B6CE2C7E1C90C08400B37C55 = {
* isa = PBXBuildFile;
* // <YourFramework>.framework
* fileRef = B6CE2C7D1C90C08400B37C55
* };
xobjs.PBXBuildFile[frameword_uuid] = {
isa: 'PBXBuildFile',
fileRef: fileRef_uuid,
fileRef_comment: framework_name + ' in Frameworks'
xobjs.PBXBuildFile[frameword_uuid][frameword_uuid + '_comment'] = framework_name + ' in Frameworks';
* // <YourFramework>.framework in Embed Frameworks
* B6CE2C7F1C90C08400B37C55 = {
* isa = PBXBuildFile;
* // <YourFramework>.framework
* fileRef = B6CE2C7D1C90C08400B37C55
* settings = {
* ATTRIBUTES = [CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy]
* }
* }
xobjs.PBXBuildFile[embeddedFrameword_uuid] = {
isa: 'PBXBuildFile',
fileRef: fileRef_uuid,
fileRef_comment: framework_name + ' in Embed Frameworks',
settings: {
ATTRIBUTES: ['CodeSignOnCopy', 'RemoveHeadersOnCopy']
xobjs.PBXBuildFile[embeddedFrameword_uuid][embeddedFrameword_uuid + '_comment'] = 'MyFramework in Embed Frameworks';
function createPBXCopyFilesBuildPhase(xobjs, embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid, embeddedFrameword_uuid, framework_name) {
* B6CE2C801C90C08400B37C55 = {
* isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase;
* buildActionMask = 2147483647;
* dstPath = "";
* dstSubfolderSpec = 10;
* files = (
* // <YourFramework>.framework in Embed Frameworks
* B6CE2C7F1C90C08400B37C55,
* );
* name = "Embed Frameworks";
* runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
* };
xobjs.PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase = xobjs.PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase || {};
xobjs.PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase[embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid] = {
isa: 'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase',
buildActionMask: '2147483647',
dstPath: '""',
dstSubfolderSpec: '10',
files: [{
value: embeddedFrameword_uuid + '',
comment: framework_name + ' in Embed Frameworks'
name: '"Embed Frameworks"',
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing: 0
function createPBXFileReference(xobjs, fileRef_uuid, framework_path, framework_name) {
* B6CE2C7D1C90C08400B37C55 = {
* isa = PBXFileReference;
* lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework;
* name = <YourFramework>.framework;
* path = ../../modules/iphone/com.janx.wowza/1/platform/<YourFramework>.framework;
* sourceTree = "<group>";
* };
xobjs.PBXFileReference[fileRef_uuid] = {
isa: 'PBXFileReference',
lastKnownFileType: 'wrapper.framework',
name: framework_name,
path: framework_path,
sourceTree: '"<group>"'
function createPBXFrameworksBuildPhase(xobjs, frameword_uuid, framework_name) {
* 1D60588F0D05DD3D006BFB54 = {
* isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
* buildActionMask = 2147483647;
* files = (
* // MyFramework in Frameworks
* B6CE2C7E1C90C08400B37C55,
* more stuff
* );
* };
for (var key in xobjs.PBXFrameworksBuildPhase) {
value: frameword_uuid + '',
comment: framework_name + ' in Frameworks'
function createPBXGroup(xobjs, fileRef_uuid, framework_name) {
for (var key in xobjs.PBXGroup) {
if (xobjs.PBXGroup[key].name == 'Frameworks') {
value: fileRef_uuid,
comment: framework_name
function createPBXNativeTarget(xobjs, embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid) {
for (var key in xobjs.PBXNativeTarget) {
value: embeddedFrameword_copy_uuid + '',
comment: 'Embed Frameworks'
function createPBXRunShellScriptBuildPhase(xobjs, script_uuid, shell_path, shell_script){
xobjs.PBXShellScriptBuildPhase = xobjs.PBXShellScriptBuildPhase || {};
xobjs.PBXShellScriptBuildPhase[script_uuid] = {
isa: 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase',
buildActionMask: '2147483647',
files: '(\n)',
inputPaths: '(\n)',
outputPaths: '(\n)',
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing: 0,
shellPath: shell_path,
shellScript: JSON.stringify(shell_script)
function createPBXRunScriptNativeTarget(xobjs, script_uuid) {
for (var key in xobjs.PBXNativeTarget) {
value: script_uuid + '',
comment: 'Run Script Phase'