Genesis Simple Share on WooCommerce Products
<?php //<~ don't add me in
//* Reposition the Genesis Simple Share buttons in WooCommerce Producrs
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'wpb_reposition_simple_share_product', 30 );//adjust priority number for output order
function wpb_reposition_simple_share_product() {
global $Genesis_Simple_Share;
echo genesis_share_icon_output( 'product', $Genesis_Simple_Share->icons ); //output the default icons as set in the plugin settings - and the first parameter 'product' forms the CSS name
<?php //<~ don't add me in
//* Reposition the Genesis Simple Share buttons
add_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'wpb_reposition_simple_share_post', 5 );
function wpb_reposition_simple_share_post() {
global $Genesis_Simple_Share;
echo genesis_share_icon_output( 'post', $Genesis_Simple_Share->icons );
<?php //<~ don't add me in
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'wpb_reposition_simple_share_archive');
function wpb_reposition_simple_share_archive() {
global $Genesis_Simple_Share;
echo genesis_share_icon_output( 'product', $Genesis_Simple_Share->icons );