Linux.Bash.String.Functions #bash #linux #string #function #toupper #tolower #validate #validateip #validateemail
validator() {
printf "* %-48s" "$1"
echo "$1" | egrep --quiet "^([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*((\.|\-|\_)?[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*){1,})@(([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)+((\.|\-|\_)?([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)+){1,})+\.([A-Za-z]{2,})+"
[ $? -eq 0 ] && printf "\e[1;32m[pass]\e[m" || printf "\e[1;31m[fail]\e[m"
echo "a simple email validator in shell"
echo "online validator:"
echo "RFC:"
echo "### expected result: valid"
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
echo "### expected result: invalid"
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator "inv"
validator "invalid@exa"
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator "invalid@example._com"
validator ""
validator ""
validator ""
validator "invalid@example.c"
validator "invalid@example._"
validator "invalid@exampl.0e"
validator "invalid@exampl.e1"
validator "invalid@exampl.1"
validator "invalid@exampl.1a.b.c"
echo "### END"
function valid_ip()
local ip=$1
local stat=1
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
[[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \
&& ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]]
return $stat
echo $?
ipvalid() {
# Set up local variables
local ip=${1:-}
local IFS=.; local -a a=($ip)
# Start with a regex format test
[[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3}$ ]] || return 1
# Test values of quads
for quad in {0..3}; do
[[ "${a[$quad]}" -gt 255 ]] && return 1
return 0
if ipvalid "$ip"; then
echo "success ($ip)"
exit 0
echo "fail ($ip)"
exit 1
validatedate() {
if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]{4}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$ ]]
# |^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ |
# | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
# | | | | |
# | | \ | |
# | --year-- --month-- --day-- |
# | either 01...09 either 01..09 end of line
# start of line or 10,11,12 or 10..29
# or 30, 31
echo "yes"
return 0
echo "no"
return 1
# Called as:
validatedate 19820214
1. bash_strlen() : Calculates the length of string
2. toupper() : Converts string to uppercase
3. tolower() : Converts string to lowercase
4. isalpha() : Tests if entire string is alphabetic
5. char2int() : Converts char to integer (decimal)
6. last_char() : Returns last char of string
7. string2octal() : Converts a string to Octal
8. string_split() : Split a string based on delimiter
9. string_cat() : Concatenates two strings
10.string_lim_cat() : Concatenates a certain amount of characters
11.string_compare() : Compares two strings
12.string_lim_cmp() : Compares maximum of n characters
13.validatedate() : Validates a date of the yyyymmdd format
14.validateip() : Validates an ip address
15.validateemail() : Validates an email address
#:docstring strncat:
# Usage: strncat s1 s2 $n
# Line strcat, but strncat appends a maximum of n characters from the value
# of variable s2. It copies fewer if the value of variabl s2 is shorter
# than n characters. Echoes result on stdout.
# Example:
# a=foo
# b=barbaz
# strncat a b 3
# echo $a
# => foobar
#:end docstring:
function strncat ()
local s1="$1"
local s2="$2"
local -i n="$3"
local s1_val s2_val
s1_val=${!s1} # ==> indirect variable expansion
if [ ${#s2_val} -gt ${n} ]; then
s2_val=${s2_val:0:$n} # ==> substring extraction
eval "$s1"=\'"${s1_val}${s2_val}"\'
# ==> eval $1='${s1_val}${s2_val}' avoids problems,
# ==> if one of the variables contains a single quote.
#:docstring strcmp:
# Usage: strcmp $s1 $s2
# Strcmp compares its arguments and returns an integer less than, equal to,
# or greater than zero, depending on whether string s1 is lexicographically
# less than, equal to, or greater than string s2.
#:end docstring:
function strcmp ()
[ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 0
[ "${1}" '<' "${2}" ] > /dev/null && return -1
return 1
_lastchar() { #return last char of a string
[ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
for i; do :; done
printf "%s\\n" "${i#$_1stchar__substr}"
#==================================================== Example ====
#_lastchar test #print 't'
# Convert to uppercase
function toupper()
# Function: toupper()
# Description: Converts string to upper case
# Input: string or var containing string
# Output: string (uppercased)
# Usage: See below
# Converts string(s) passed as argument(s)
#+ to uppercase
if [ -z "$1" ] # If no argument(s) passed,
then #+ send error message
echo "(null)" #+ (C-style void-pointer error message)
return #+ and return from function.
echo "$@" | tr a-z A-Z
# Translate all passed arguments ($@).
# Use command substitution to set a variable to function output.
# For example:
# oldvar="A seT of miXed-caSe LEtTerS"
# newvar=`tolower "$oldvar"`
# echo "$newvar" # a set of mixed-case letters
# Convert to lowercase
function tolower()
# Function: tolower()
# Description: Converts string to lower case
# Input: string or var containing string
# Output: string (lowercased)
# Usage: See below
# Converts string(s) passed as argument(s)
#+ to uppercase
if [ -z "$1" ] # If no argument(s) passed,
then #+ send error message
echo "(null)" #+ (C-style void-pointer error message)
return #+ and return from function.
echo "$@" | tr A-Z a-z
# Translate all passed arguments ($@).
# Use command substitution to set a variable to function output.
# For example:
# oldvar="A seT of miXed-caSe LEtTerS"
# newvar=`tolower "$oldvar"`
# echo "$newvar" # a set of mixed-case letters
# Function : bash_strlen()
# Description : Calculates the length of a function
# Input : String or variable containing string
# Output : Length of string
# Usage : bash_strlen $x or bash_strlen "alalalal"
# Operation : print the length of a string, return 1 on failure
[ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
printf "%s\\n" "${#1}"
#==================================================== Example ====
#_strlen "hello world!" #returns "12"
#:docstring strlen:
# Usage: strlen s
# Strlen returns the number of characters in string literal s.
#:end docstring:
function strlen ()
eval echo "\${#${1}}"
# ==> Returns the length of the value of the variable
# ==> whose name is passed as an argument.
# Ways to calculate strlen
#$ mystring="one two three four five"
#j$ echo "string length: ${#mystring}"
#$ echo -n $SO | wc -c
isalpha2 () # Tests whether *entire string* is alphabetic.
{ # From "" example.
[ $# -eq 1 ] || return $FAILURE
case $1 in
*[!a-zA-Z]*|"") return $FAILURE;;
*) return $SUCCESS;;
esac # Thanks, S.C.
_str2octal() { #convert a string to octal
[ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
printf "%s" "${@}" | od -v -A n -t o1 | \
sed "s:^ ::" | tr -d "\n"
#==================================================== Example ====
#hello="$(_str2octal "${hello}")"
#printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "150 145 154 154 157"
_str2octal_escaped() { #convert a string to escaped octal
[ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
printf "%s" "${@}" | od -v -A n -t o1 | \
sed "s/ *\([0-9]*\) */\\\\\1/g" | tr -d "\n"
#==================================================== Example ====
#hello="$(_str2octal "${hello}")"
#printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "\150\145\154\154\157"
_char2int() {
[ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
printf '%d' "'${*}"
#==================================================== Example ====
#num="$(_char2int a)"
#printf "%s\\n" "${num}" #prints 97
num="$(_char2int c)"
printf "%s\\n" "${num}" #prints 97
#:docstring strncmp:
# Usage: strncmp $s1 $s2 $n
# Like strcmp, but makes the comparison by examining a maximum of n
# characters (n less than or equal to zero yields equality).
#:end docstring:
function strncmp ()
if [ -z "${3}" -o "${3}" -le "0" ]; then
return 0
if [ ${3} -ge ${#1} -a ${3} -ge ${#2} ]; then
strcmp "$1" "$2"
return $?
strcmp $s1 $s2
return $?
#:docstring strcat:
# Usage: strcat s1 s2
# Strcat appends the value of variable s2 to variable s1.
# Example:
# a="foo"
# b="bar"
# strcat a b
# echo $a
# => foobar
#:end docstring:
###;;;autoload ==> Autoloading of function commented out.
function strcat ()
local s1_val s2_val
s1_val=${!1} # indirect variable expansion
eval "$1"=\'"${s1_val}${s2_val}"\'
# ==> eval $1='${s1_val}${s2_val}' avoids problems,
# ==> if one of the variables contains a single quote.
function split () {
local IFS="$1"
builtin echo $(for x in $2; do builtin echo -n "$x "; done);
12 _1stchar() { #return first char of a string
13 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
14 _1stchar__substr="${1#?}"
15 printf "%s\\n" "${1%$_1stchar__substr}"
16 }
17 #==================================================== Example ====
18 #_1stchar test #print 't'
19 #=================================================================
33 _alphanum() { #check for alphanum strings
34 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
36 #remove unacceptable chars
37 _alphanum__compressed="$(printf "%s" "${1}" | sed -e 's:[^[:alnum:]]::g')"
38 [ X"${_alphanum__compressed}" = X"${1}" ]
39 }
40 #==================================================== Example ====
41 #printf "%s" "Enter input: "
42 #read input
43 #if ! _alphanum "${input}" ; then
44 #printf "%s\\n" "Your input must consist of only letters and numbers." >&2
45 #exit 1
46 #else
47 #printf "%s\\n" "Input is valid."
48 #fi
49 #exit 0
189 _decode64() { #decode a base64 string
190 [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
191 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
192 if command -v "base64" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
193 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | base64 -d
194 elif command -v "openssl" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
195 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | openssl enc -base64 -d
196 elif command -v "awk" >/dev/null 2>&1 && (command -v "uudecode" || command -v "busybox") >/dev/null 2>&1; then
197 if command -v "uudecode" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
198 uudecode__bin="uudecode"
199 elif command -v "busybox" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
200 uudecode__bin="busybox uudecode"
201 fi
202 _decode64_awk() { [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
203 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
204 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | sed 's/=//g' | (
205 printf "begin 644 -\\n"; awk 'function _decode64_awk() {
206 inp=1; out=""; while (getline) { for(i=1; i<=length($0); i++) {
207 c=substr(uu,index(b64,substr($0,i,1)),1);
208 inp++; out=(out c); if (inp==61) {
209 print "M" out; inp=1; out=""; }}}
210 if (length(out)) { printf "%c", (32+3*length(out)/4); print out; }}
211 BEGIN { b64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
212 uu="`!\"#$%&'\''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"
213 _decode64_awk(); exit; }'
214 printf "%s\\n%s\\n" '`' 'end' #'
215 ) | $uudecode__bin
216 }
217 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | _decode64_awk
218 else
219 _decode64_sh() { [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
220 _decode64_sh__b64='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
221 _decode64_sh__n="0"; _decode64_sh__v="0"; _decode64_sh__args="$@"
222 while [ "${_decode64_sh__args}" ]; do #process char by char
223 _decode64_sh__char="${_decode64_sh__args%${_decode64_sh__args#?}}"
224 case "${_decode64_sh__char}" in
225 '\n') continue ;;
226 '=') _decode64_sh__v="$(($_decode64_sh__v << 6))" ;;
227 *) _decode64_sh__char="${_decode64_sh__b64#*$_decode64_sh__char}"
228 _decode64_sh__char="$((${#_decode64_sh__b64}-${#_decode64_sh__char}))"
229 if [ "${_decode64_sh__char}" -eq "0" ]; then
230 [ X"${_decode64_sh__args}" = X"${_decode64_sh__char}" ] &&\
231 _decode64_sh__args='' || _decode64_sh__args="${_decode64_sh__args#?}"
232 continue
233 fi
234 _decode64_sh__v="$(($_decode64_sh__v << 6 | $_decode64_sh__char-1))"
235 esac
236 _decode64_sh__n="$(($_decode64_sh__n+1))"
237 if [ "${_decode64_sh__n}" -eq "4" ]; then
238 _decode64_sh__s="16"; while [ "${_decode64_sh__s}" -gt "-1" ]; do
239 _decode64_sh__char="$(($_decode64_sh__v >> $_decode64_sh__s & 255))"
240 printf \\$(($_decode64_sh__char/64*100+$_decode64_sh__char%64/8*10+$_decode64_sh__char%8))
241 _decode64_sh__s="$(($_decode64_sh__s-8))"
242 done
243 _decode64_sh__v="0"; _decode64_sh__n="0"
244 fi
245 [ X"${_decode64_sh__args}" = X"${_decode64_sh__char}" ] &&\
246 _decode64_sh__args='' || _decode64_sh__args="${_decode64_sh__args#?}"
247 done
248 }
249 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | _decode64_sh
250 fi
251 } # too hardcore for vim syntax`"
252 #==================================================== Example ====
253 #string="$(_decode64 "${string}")"
254 #[ -z "${string}" ] && printf "%s\\n" "fail, empty string"
255 #=================================================================
374 _encode64() { #encode a base64 string
375 [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
376 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
377 if command -v "base64" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
378 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | base64
379 elif command -v "openssl" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
380 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | openssl enc -base64
381 else
382 _encode64_sh() { #slow but quite portable
383 [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
384 _od() {
385 if command -v "od" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
386 od -v -t x1
387 else
388 [ ! -t 0 ] && set -- "${@}" "$(cat)"
389 _od__O="0"; _od__W="16"; _od__args="$@"
390 while [ "${_od__args}" ]; do #process char by char
391 _od__char="${_od__args%${_od__args#?}}"
392 [ "$(($_od__O%$_od__W))" -eq "0" ] && printf '%07o' "${_od__O}"
393 printf ' %02x' "'${_od__char}"
394 _od__O="$(($_od__O+1))"
395 [ "$(($_od__O%$_od__W))" -eq "0" ] && printf "\\n"
396 [ X"${_od__args}" = X"${_od__char}" ] &&\
397 _od__args='' || _od__args="${_od__args#?}"
398 done
399 printf " 0a\\n"
400 fi
401 }
402 __0='A'; __1='B'; __2='C'; __3='D'; __4='E'; __5='F'; __6='G'; __7='H'; __8='I'; __9='J';
403 __10='K'; __11='L'; __12='M'; __13='N'; __14='O'; __15='P'; __16='Q'; __17='R'; __18='S'; __19='T';
404 __20='U'; __21='V'; __22='W'; __23='X'; __24='Y'; __25='Z'; __26='a'; __27='b'; __28='c'; __29='d';
405 __30='e'; __31='f'; __32='g'; __33='h'; __34='i'; __35='j'; __36='k'; __37='l'; __38='m'; __39='n';
406 __40='o'; __41='p'; __42='q'; __43='r'; __44='s'; __45='t'; __46='u'; __47='v'; __48='w'; __49='x';
407 __50='y'; __51='z'; __52='0'; __53='1'; __54='2'; __55='3'; __56='4'; __57='5'; __58='6'; __59='7';
408 __60='8'; __61='9'; __62='+'; __63='/';
409 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | _od | {
410 _encode64_sh__v="0"; _encode64_sh__w="0"; _encode64_sh__s="16"
411 while read _encode64_sh__line; do
412 for _encode64_sh__word in ${_encode64_sh__line}; do
413 [ X"${#_encode64_sh__word}" = X"7" ] && continue
414 _encode64_sh__v="$((16#${_encode64_sh__word} << ${_encode64_sh__s} | ${_encode64_sh__v}))"
415 _encode64_sh__s="$((${_encode64_sh__s}-8))"
416 [ "${_encode64_sh__s}" -lt "0" ] || continue
417 _encode64_sh__s="18"; while [ "${_encode64_sh__s}" -ge "0" ]; do
418 case "$((${_encode64_sh__v} >> ${_encode64_sh__s} & 63))" in
419 0) printf "%s" "${__0}" ;; 1) printf "%s" "${__1}" ;; 2) printf "%s" "${__2}" ;;
420 3) printf "%s" "${__3}" ;; 4) printf "%s" "${__4}" ;; 5) printf "%s" "${__5}" ;;
421 6) printf "%s" "${__6}" ;; 7) printf "%s" "${__7}" ;; 8) printf "%s" "${__8}" ;;
422 9) printf "%s" "${__9}" ;; 10) printf "%s" "${__10}" ;; 11) printf "%s" "${__11}" ;;
423 12) printf "%s" "${__12}" ;; 13) printf "%s" "${__13}" ;; 14) printf "%s" "${__14}" ;;
424 15) printf "%s" "${__15}" ;; 16) printf "%s" "${__16}" ;; 17) printf "%s" "${__17}" ;;
425 18) printf "%s" "${__18}" ;; 19) printf "%s" "${__19}" ;; 20) printf "%s" "${__20}" ;;
426 21) printf "%s" "${__21}" ;; 22) printf "%s" "${__22}" ;; 23) printf "%s" "${__23}" ;;
427 24) printf "%s" "${__24}" ;; 25) printf "%s" "${__25}" ;; 26) printf "%s" "${__26}" ;;
428 27) printf "%s" "${__27}" ;; 28) printf "%s" "${__28}" ;; 29) printf "%s" "${__29}" ;;
429 30) printf "%s" "${__30}" ;; 31) printf "%s" "${__31}" ;; 32) printf "%s" "${__32}" ;;
430 33) printf "%s" "${__33}" ;; 34) printf "%s" "${__34}" ;; 35) printf "%s" "${__35}" ;;
431 36) printf "%s" "${__36}" ;; 37) printf "%s" "${__37}" ;; 38) printf "%s" "${__38}" ;;
432 39) printf "%s" "${__39}" ;; 40) printf "%s" "${__40}" ;; 41) printf "%s" "${__41}" ;;
433 42) printf "%s" "${__42}" ;; 43) printf "%s" "${__43}" ;; 44) printf "%s" "${__44}" ;;
434 45) printf "%s" "${__45}" ;; 46) printf "%s" "${__46}" ;; 47) printf "%s" "${__47}" ;;
435 48) printf "%s" "${__48}" ;; 49) printf "%s" "${__49}" ;; 50) printf "%s" "${__50}" ;;
436 51) printf "%s" "${__51}" ;; 52) printf "%s" "${__52}" ;; 53) printf "%s" "${__53}" ;;
437 54) printf "%s" "${__54}" ;; 55) printf "%s" "${__55}" ;; 56) printf "%s" "${__56}" ;;
438 57) printf "%s" "${__57}" ;; 58) printf "%s" "${__58}" ;; 59) printf "%s" "${__59}" ;;
439 60) printf "%s" "${__60}" ;; 61) printf "%s" "${__61}" ;; 62) printf "%s" "${__62}" ;;
440 63) printf "%s" "${__63}" ;; esac
441 #printf "%s" "${_encode64_sh__64:$((${_encode64_sh__v} >> ${_encode64_sh__s} & 63)):1}"
442 #printf "%s" "${_encode64_sh__64}" | cut -c$(($waa+1)) | tr -d '\n'
443 _encode64_sh__s="$((${_encode64_sh__s}-6))"; _encode64_sh__w="$((${_encode64_sh__w}+1))"
444 [ "${_encode64_sh__w}" -gt "75" ] && { printf "\\n"; _encode64_sh__w="0"; }
445 done
446 _encode64_sh__v="0"; _encode64_sh__s="16"
447 done
448 done
450 case "${_encode64_sh__s}" in
451 8) _encode64_sh__n="11" ;;
452 0) _encode64_sh__n="5" ;;
453 *) _encode64_sh__n="0" ;;
454 esac
456 [ X"${_encode64_sh__n}" = X"0" ] || {
457 _encode64_sh__s="18"; while [ "${_encode64_sh__s}" -gt "${_encode64_sh__n}" ]; do
458 case "$((${_encode64_sh__v} >> ${_encode64_sh__s} & 63))" in
459 0) printf "%s" "${__0}" ;; 1) printf "%s" "${__1}" ;; 2) printf "%s" "${__2}" ;;
460 3) printf "%s" "${__3}" ;; 4) printf "%s" "${__4}" ;; 5) printf "%s" "${__5}" ;;
461 6) printf "%s" "${__6}" ;; 7) printf "%s" "${__7}" ;; 8) printf "%s" "${__8}" ;;
462 9) printf "%s" "${__9}" ;; 10) printf "%s" "${__10}" ;; 11) printf "%s" "${__11}" ;;
463 12) printf "%s" "${__12}" ;; 13) printf "%s" "${__13}" ;; 14) printf "%s" "${__14}" ;;
464 15) printf "%s" "${__15}" ;; 16) printf "%s" "${__16}" ;; 17) printf "%s" "${__17}" ;;
465 18) printf "%s" "${__18}" ;; 19) printf "%s" "${__19}" ;; 20) printf "%s" "${__20}" ;;
466 21) printf "%s" "${__21}" ;; 22) printf "%s" "${__22}" ;; 23) printf "%s" "${__23}" ;;
467 24) printf "%s" "${__24}" ;; 25) printf "%s" "${__25}" ;; 26) printf "%s" "${__26}" ;;
468 27) printf "%s" "${__27}" ;; 28) printf "%s" "${__28}" ;; 29) printf "%s" "${__29}" ;;
469 30) printf "%s" "${__30}" ;; 31) printf "%s" "${__31}" ;; 32) printf "%s" "${__32}" ;;
470 33) printf "%s" "${__33}" ;; 34) printf "%s" "${__34}" ;; 35) printf "%s" "${__35}" ;;
471 36) printf "%s" "${__36}" ;; 37) printf "%s" "${__37}" ;; 38) printf "%s" "${__38}" ;;
472 39) printf "%s" "${__39}" ;; 40) printf "%s" "${__40}" ;; 41) printf "%s" "${__41}" ;;
473 42) printf "%s" "${__42}" ;; 43) printf "%s" "${__43}" ;; 44) printf "%s" "${__44}" ;;
474 45) printf "%s" "${__45}" ;; 46) printf "%s" "${__46}" ;; 47) printf "%s" "${__47}" ;;
475 48) printf "%s" "${__48}" ;; 49) printf "%s" "${__49}" ;; 50) printf "%s" "${__50}" ;;
476 51) printf "%s" "${__51}" ;; 52) printf "%s" "${__52}" ;; 53) printf "%s" "${__53}" ;;
477 54) printf "%s" "${__54}" ;; 55) printf "%s" "${__55}" ;; 56) printf "%s" "${__56}" ;;
478 57) printf "%s" "${__57}" ;; 58) printf "%s" "${__58}" ;; 59) printf "%s" "${__59}" ;;
479 60) printf "%s" "${__60}" ;; 61) printf "%s" "${__61}" ;; 62) printf "%s" "${__62}" ;;
480 63) printf "%s" "${__63}" ;; esac
481 #printf "%s" "${_encode64_sh__64:$((${_encode64_sh__v} >> ${_encode64_sh__s} & 63)):1}"
482 #printf "%s" "${_encode64_sh__64}" | cut -c$(($waa+1)) | tr -d '\n'
483 _encode64_sh__s="$((${_encode64_sh__s}-6))"; _encode64_sh__w="$((${_encode64_sh__w}+1))"
484 [ "${_encode64_sh__w}" -gt "75" ] && { printf "\\n"; _encode64_sh__w="0"; }
485 done
487 _encode64_sh__s="$((${_encode64_sh__n}/5))"; while [ "${_encode64_sh__s}" -gt "0" ]; do
488 _encode64_sh__s="$((${_encode64_sh__s}-1))"; printf "="
489 done
490 }
491 printf "\\n"
492 }
493 }
494 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | _encode64_sh
495 fi
496 }
497 #==================================================== Example ====
498 #string="$(_encode64 "${string}")"
499 #=================================================================
981 _shuf() { #shuffle input
982 awk 'BEGIN{srand()}{print rand()"\t"$0}' "${@}" | sort | cut -f2-
983 }
984 #==================================================== Example ====
985 #printf "%s" "1,2,3,4,5" | tr ',' '\n' | _shuf | tr '\n' ','
986 #=================================================================
988 _str2octal() { #convert a string to octal
989 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
990 printf "%s" "${@}" | od -v -A n -t o1 | \
991 sed "s:^ ::" | tr -d "\n"
992 }
993 #==================================================== Example ====
994 #hello="hello"
995 #hello="$(_str2octal "${hello}")"
996 #printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "150 145 154 154 157"
997 #=================================================================
999 _str2octal_escaped() { #convert a string to escaped octal
1000 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1001 printf "%s" "${@}" | od -v -A n -t o1 | \
1002 sed "s/ *\([0-9]*\) */\\\\\1/g" | tr -d "\n"
1003 }
1004 #==================================================== Example ====
1005 #hello="hello"
1006 #hello="$(_str2octal "${hello}")"
1007 #printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "\150\145\154\154\157"
1008 #=================================================================
1010 _str2lower() { #convert a string to lower string
1011 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1012 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | \
1013 tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
1014 # tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
1015 }
1016 #==================================================== Example ====
1017 #hello="HELLO WORLD"
1018 #hello="$(_str2lower "${hello}")"
1019 #printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "hello world"
1020 #=================================================================
1022 _str2upper() { #convert a string to lower string
1023 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1024 printf "%s\\n" "${@}" | \
1025 tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
1026 # tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
1027 }
1028 #==================================================== Example ====
1029 #hello="hello world"
1030 #hello="$(_str2upper "${hello}")"
1031 #printf "%s\\n" "${hello}" #prints "HELLO WORLD"
1032 #=================================================================
1034 _strdiff() { #prints the diff of two strings
1035 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1036 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1038 mkfifo "${$}".fifo1 && mkfifo "${$}".fifo2
1039 if [ -e "${$}".fifo1 ] && [ -e "${$}".fifo2 ]; then
1040 _strdiff__1st_string="$(printf "%s" "${1}" | sed 's: :\n:g')"
1041 _strdiff__2nd_string="$(printf "%s" "${2}" | sed 's: :\n:g')"
1042 printf "%s\\n" "${_strdiff__1st_string}" > "${$}".fifo1 &
1043 printf "%s\\n" "${_strdiff__2nd_string}" > "${$}".fifo2 &
1044 _strdiff__diff="$(awk 'NR == FNR { A[$0]=1; next } !A[$0]' "${$}".fifo1 "${$}".fifo2)"
1045 rm -rf "${$}".fifo1; rm -rf "${$}".fifo2
1046 printf "%s\\n" "${_strdiff__diff}"
1047 else
1048 return 1
1049 fi
1050 }
1051 #==================================================== Example ====
1052 #hello="hello world"
1053 #world="world"
1054 #diff="$(_strdiff "${world}" "${hello}")"
1055 #printf "%s\\n" "${diff}" #prints "hello"
1056 #=================================================================
1058 _strduplicates() { #print duplicated strings, return 1 on failure
1059 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1060 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1061 printf "%s\\n" $@ | awk 'x[$0]++'
1062 }
1063 #==================================================== Example ====
1064 #hello="hello world"
1065 #bye="bye world"
1066 #world=$(_strduplicates "${hello}" "${bye}")
1067 #printf "%s\\n" "${world}" #prints "world"
1068 #=================================================================
1070 _strlen() { #print the length of a string, return 1 on failure
1071 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1072 printf "%s\\n" "${#1}"
1073 }
1074 #==================================================== Example ====
1075 #_strlen "hello world!" #returns "12"
1076 #=================================================================
1078 _strreplace() { #replace param in string, return 1 on failure
1079 #
1080 _strreplace__orig="${1}"
1081 [ -n "${3}" ] || return 1 #nothing to search for: error
1082 _strreplace__srch="${2}" #pattern to replace
1083 _strreplace__rep="${3}" #replacement string
1084 case "${_strreplace__orig}" in
1085 *"${_strreplace__srch}"*) #if pattern exists in the string
1086 _strreplace__sr1="${_strreplace__orig%%$_strreplace__srch*}" #take the string preceding the first match
1087 _strreplace__sr2="${_strreplace__orig#*$_strreplace__srch}" #and the string following the first match
1088 _strreplace__orig="${_strreplace__sr1}${_strreplace__rep}${_strreplace__sr2}" #and sandwich the replacement string between them
1089 ;;
1090 esac
1091 printf "%s" "${_strreplace__orig}"
1092 }
1093 #==================================================== Example ====
1094 #hello="hello world"
1095 #bye="$(_strreplace "${hello}" "hello" "bye")"
1096 #printf "%s\\n" "${bye}" #prints "bye world"
1097 #=================================================================
1099 _strreplace2() { #replace param in string, return 1 on failure
1100 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1101 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1102 [ -z "${3}" ] && return 1
1103 _strreplace2__replace=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | sed -e "s:${2}:${3}:g")
1104 printf "%s" "${_strreplace2__replace}"
1105 }
1106 #==================================================== Example ====
1107 #hello="hello world"
1108 #bye="$(_strreplace2 "${hello}" "hello" "bye")"
1109 #printf "%s\\n" "${bye}" #prints "bye world"
1110 #=================================================================
1112 _strunique() { #print unique strings, return 1 on failure
1113 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1114 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1115 _strunique__retval="$(printf "%s\\n" $@ | \
1116 awk '!($0 in x) {x[$0];print}')" #faster
1117 #printf "%s\\n" $@ | awk '!x[$0]++'
1118 _strunique__retval="$(printf "%s" "${_strunique__retval}" | \
1119 tr '\n' ' ')"
1120 printf "%s\\n" "${_strunique__retval}"
1121 }
1122 #==================================================== Example ====
1123 #hello="hello world"
1124 #bye="bye world"
1125 #world="$(_strunique "${hello}" "${bye}")"
1126 #printf "%s\\n" "${world}" #prints "hello world bye"
1127 #=================================================================
1129 _subchar() { #print n character in string
1130 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1131 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1133 if [ "${2}" -lt "0" ]; then
1134 _subchar__pos="$((${#1} + ${2}))"
1135 else
1136 _subchar__pos="${2}"
1137 fi
1139 [ "${_subchar__pos}" -ge "${#1}" ] && return 1
1140 [ "${_subchar__pos}" -lt "0" ] && return 1
1142 _subchar__string="${1}"
1144 i="0"; while [ "${i}" -le "${_subchar__pos}" ]; do
1145 _subchar__char="${_subchar__string#?}"
1146 _subchar__char="${_subchar__string%$_subchar__char}"
1147 i="$(($i+1))"
1148 _subchar__string="${_subchar__string#?}"
1149 done
1150 #_subchar__retval="${_subchar__char}"
1151 printf "%s\\n" "${_subchar__char}"
1152 }
1154 _subchar2() { #print n character in string
1155 #faster but unsecure alternative
1156 _subchar__string="${1}"
1157 i="0"; while [ "${i}" -le "${2}" ]; do
1158 _subchar__char="${_subchar__string#?}"
1159 _subchar__char="${_subchar__string%$_subchar__char}"
1160 i="$(($i+1))"
1161 _subchar__string="${_subchar__string#?}"
1162 done
1163 #_subchar__retval="${_subchar__char}"
1164 printf "%s\\n" "${_subchar__char}"
1165 }
1167 _substr() { #print a substring
1168 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1169 [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
1171 if [ "${2}" -lt "0" ]; then
1172 _substr__start="$((${#1} + ${2}))"
1173 else
1174 _substr__start="${2}"
1175 fi
1177 if [ -z "${3}" ]; then
1178 _substr__len="${#1}"
1179 else
1180 if [ "${3}" -lt "0" ]; then
1181 _substr__len="$((${#1} + ${3}))"
1182 else
1183 _substr__len="$((${_substr__start} + ${3}))"
1184 fi
1185 fi
1187 _substr__start="$((${_substr__start} + 1))"
1189 [ "${_substr__start}" -lt "0" ] && return 1
1190 [ "${_substr__start}" -gt "${_substr__len}" ] && return 1
1192 printf "%s\\n" "${1}" | cut -c"${_substr__start}"-"${_substr__len}"
1193 }
1194 #==================================================== Example ====
1195 #_substr "abcdef" 0 4 #print "abcd"
1196 #=================================================================
1263 _validip4() {
1264 #return 0 if parameter is a valid ip4 address, non-zero otherwise
1265 #!original/
1266 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1268 case "${*}" in
1269 ""|*[!0-9.]*|*[!0-9]) return 1 ;;
1270 esac
1272 OLDIFS="${IFS}"
1273 IFS="."
1274 set -- $@
1275 IFS="${OLDIFS}"
1277 [ "${#}" -eq "4" ] &&
1278 [ "${1:-666}" -le "255" ] && [ "${2:-666}" -le "255" ] &&
1279 [ "${3:-666}" -le "255" ] && [ "${4:-666}" -le "254" ]
1280 }
1281 #===================================================== Example ====
1282 #if ! _validip4 "${ip}"; then
1283 #printf "%s\\n" "not valid ip: ${ip}"
1284 #fi
1285 #=================================================================
1287 _validmail() { #verify if an email is valid, return 1 on failure
1288 case "${1}" in
1289 *@*.*) return 0 ;;
1290 *|"") return 1 ;;
1291 esac
1292 }
1293 #===================================================== Example ====
1294 #if ! _validmail "${address}"; then
1295 #printf "%s\\n" "not valid email address: ${address}"
1296 #fi
1297 #=================================================================
1299 _validnetinterface() {
1300 #check if parameter is a valid network interface
1301 #return 0 if sucess, 0 otherwise
1302 [ -z "${1}" ] && return 1
1303 ip addr show | grep "${1}": >/dev/null && return 0
1304 }
1305 #===================================================== Example ====
1306 #if ! _validnetinterface "${interface}"; then
1307 #printf "%s\\n" "not valid interface ${interface}"
1308 #fi
1309 #=================================================================
981 _shuf() { #shuffle input
982 awk 'BEGIN{srand()}{print rand()"\t"$0}' "${@}" | sort | cut -f2-
983 }
984 #==================================================== Example ====
985 #printf "%s" "1,2,3,4,5" | tr ',' '\n' | _shuf | tr '\n' ','
986 #=================================================================