11/8/2015 - 5:30 AM

Use DevDocs.io as the documentation URL for investigate.vim

Use DevDocs.io as the documentation URL for investigate.vim

" Optionally, map <leader>d to investigate
" nnoremap <leader>d :call investigate#Investigate()<CR>

" for all of the DevDocs.io languages contained in investigate's s:defaultLocations
for lang in ["c", "clojure", "coffee", "cpp", "css", "django", "go", "haskell", "html", "javascript", "lua", "php", "python", "rails", "ruby"]
  " use a url
  execute("let g:investigate_use_url_for_".lang." = 1")
  " use the DevDocs URL
  execute("let g:investigate_url_for_".lang." = \"http://devdocs.io/#q=^s\"")


  1. Install investigate.vim
  2. Append the contents of the included .vimrc to your own .vimrc file
  3. Profit!