Prettifies the code into the Linux kernel style and runs Splint and Sparse static code analysis tools for every .c and .h file in the directory. Also, change to use astyle. NOTE: Should add file existence checking insde for loop. #sparse #splint #static-analysis #bash #todo
# Indents each code module to Linux kernel style and runs splint
# and sparse analysis on them. Reports are saved to the qreports
# directory.
if [ -e $REPFILE ] ; then
for i in *.c *.h ; do
# Intend source file
indent --linux-style --no-tabs $i
echo $i: >> $REPFILE
echo >> $REPFILE
# Run splint
echo "Splint...." >> $REPFILE
echo "----------" >> $REPFILE
splint -weak $i >> $REPFILE +trytorecover 2>&1 # trytorecover required by ALSA inc files
# Run sparse
echo " " >> $REPFILE
echo "----------" >> $REPFILE
echo "Sparse...." >> $REPFILE
echo "----------" >> $REPFILE
sparse $i >> $REPFILE 2>&1
echo >> $REPFILE
echo "==========================================================================" >> $REPFILE
echo >> $REPFILE