public ExcelPackage AddWorksheetForCarts(ExcelPackage pck, int cartId, string CartName)
// Create Headers
string[] headerList = { "Cart Name", "Parent Code", "Stock Code", "Item Desc", "RRP (Ex tax)", "RRP (Inc tax)", "Reseller Price(Ex tax)", "Quantity", "Subtotal (Ex tax)" };
// Capture Number Of Columns
// We'll Use This Later When Creating Rows
int iColCount = headerList.Length;
ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Cart Name:" + CartName);
ws.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;
ws.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
ws.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 0;
using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[ws.Cells.Start.Row, ws.Cells.Start.Column, ws.Cells.End.Row, ws.Cells.End.Column])
rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
ws.Column(1).Width = 25; // B
ws.Column(2).Width = 20; // C
ws.Column(3).Width = 90; // D
ws.Column(4).Width = 20; // E
ws.Column(5).Width = 15; // F
ws.Column(6).Width = 20; // G
ws.Column(7).Width = 10; // H
ws.Column(8).Width = 20; // I
// Loop Through The Specifications
ws.Row(1).Height = 80;
// Add Dicker Logo
AddImage(ws, 1, 1, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/DickerData_Logo_BlackRed.png", 160, 90);
// Add Contact Banner
if (Global.CompanyCode == Global.NZ)
AddImage(ws, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner-nz.png", 813, 90);
AddImage(ws, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner.png", 813, 90);
int rowCounter = 2;
// Write the Headers
ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = "Cart Name";
ws.Cells["B" + rowCounter].Value = "Stock Code";
ws.Cells["C" + rowCounter].Value = "Item Desc";
ws.Cells["D" + rowCounter].Value = "RRP (Ex tax)";
ws.Cells["E" + rowCounter].Value = "RRP (Inc tax)";
ws.Cells["F" + rowCounter].Value = "Reseller Price (Ex tax)";
ws.Cells["G" + rowCounter].Value = "Quantity";
ws.Cells["H" + rowCounter].Value = "Subtotal (Ex tax)";
// Format Column Titles
using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A2:J2"])
rng.Style.Font.Bold = true;
rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
// Get Cart Data And Print To Screen
var cartProductList = _dickerDataContext.CartItems
.Join(_dickerDataContext.CartItemStatus, x => x.Status, y => y.StatusId,
(y, x) => new
CartId = y.CartId,
ParentStockCode = y.ParentStockCode,
StockCode = y.StockCode,
Description = y.Description,
ResellerPrice = y.ResellerPrice,
RetailPrice = y.RetailPrice,
Quantity = y.Quantity,
TotalPrice = y.TotalPrice,
Status = x.StatusId,
StatusDesc = x.Description,
y => y.CartId, x => x.CartId,
(y, x) => new
CartId = y.CartId,
CartName = x.CartName,
ParentStockCode = y.ParentStockCode,
StockCode = y.StockCode,
Description = y.Description,
ResellerPrice = y.ResellerPrice,
RetailPrice = y.RetailPrice,
Quantity = y.Quantity,
TotalPrice = y.TotalPrice,
StatusDesc = y.Description
.Where(x => x.CartId == cartId)
.OrderBy(x => x.ParentStockCode)
.ThenBy(x => x.StockCode);
// Use These to Sum The Totals
decimal cumulativeQuantity = 0;
decimal cumulativeTotalPrice = 0;
decimal dRetailPrice = 0.0m;
// Write rows.
foreach (var obj in cartProductList)
string cartName = obj.CartName;
string parentCode = obj.ParentStockCode;
string stockCode = obj.StockCode;
string desc = obj.Description;
string rrpEx = obj.RetailPrice.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
decimal.TryParse(rrpEx, out dRetailPrice);
string rrpInc = Convert.ToString(dRetailPrice * Global.CountryGST());
string cost = obj.ResellerPrice.ToString();
string qty = obj.Quantity.ToString();
string total = obj.TotalPrice.ToString();
cumulativeQuantity += decimal.Parse(qty);
cumulativeTotalPrice += decimal.Parse(total);
// Create Row
string[] rowList = { cartName, parentCode, stockCode, desc, rrpEx, qty, total };
//ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = cartNumber;
ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = cartName;
ws.Cells["B" + rowCounter].Value = stockCode;
ws.Cells["C" + rowCounter].Value = desc;
ws.Cells["D" + rowCounter].Value = _dBManager.FormatCurrency(rrpEx); // string.Format("${0:#,###,###.##}", rrpEx);
ws.Cells["E" + rowCounter].Value = _dBManager.FormatCurrency(rrpInc); // string.Format("${0:#,###,###.##}", rrpInc);
ws.Cells["F" + rowCounter].Value = _dBManager.FormatCurrency(cost); // string.Format("${0:#,###,###.##}", cost);
ws.Cells["G" + rowCounter].Value = qty;
ws.Cells["H" + rowCounter].Value = _dBManager.FormatCurrency(total); // string.Format("${0:#,###,###.##}", total);
// Add Totals
using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter + ":J" + rowCounter])
rng.Style.Font.Bold = true;
rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
rng.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = "Total";
ws.Cells["G" + rowCounter].Value = cumulativeQuantity;
ws.Cells["H" + rowCounter].Value = _dBManager.FormatCurrency(cumulativeTotalPrice.ToString()); //string.Format("${0:#,###,###.##}", cumulativeTotalPrice); ;
// Clean Up
cartProductList = null;
return pck;
public void AddImage(ExcelWorksheet ws, int rowIndex, int colIndex, String imageFile = "", int iWidth = 0, int iHeight = 0)
// Exit If Image Is Empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile))
// Create Are Image Handles
ExcelPicture picture;
Image image;
// Source Image File From URL
var request = WebRequest.Create(imageFile);
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);
// If Image Exists
// Insert into Excel
if (image != null)
string uniqueId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
picture = ws.Drawings.AddPicture("pic" + uniqueId, image);
picture.SetPosition(rowIndex - 1, 5, colIndex - 1, 15);
picture.SetSize(iWidth, iHeight);
catch (Exception ex)
_dickerDataLogger.Add(LogType.Downloads, "Export", "ExportAllCartsToExcel", ex.Message, _currentUser.AccountId, _currentUser.LoginId);