4/13/2019 - 7:31 PM

Categorize data(an array of objects) based on a specified category (a property in the data)

Categorize data(an array of objects) based on a specified category (a property in the data)

*   Categorize data based on a specified category (a property in the data)
*   @data an array of objects
*   @category the criteria for categorizing the @data. @category must be a property in @data

module.exports = (data, category) => {
    // Get the category list with which to categorize the data
    // getCategoryList is assigned to an iife
    let getCategoryList = (() => {
        let categoryList = [];
        data.forEach(value => {
            if (!categoryList.includes(value[category])) {
        return categoryList;

    // Sort the data according to the category list
    let newObject = {};
        .forEach(categoryItem => newObject[categoryItem] = data
            .filter(Obj => Obj[category] === categoryItem)
            .map(entry => {
                delete entry[category];
                return entry;

    // Return categorized data and category list
    return {
        categoryList: getCategoryList,
        data: newObject